Real Stories

4 Surefire Ways to Reinvent Yourself

It’s fair to say that reinvention can happen at any time; but let’s face it, changing careers, cities, mindsets and or adapting to new lifestyle habits is no easy feat. Those who have made the shift have admitted time and time again that the process was not only a mental vortex of doubts and setbacks, but also a calculated and intentional shift propagated by action, resiliency and consistency.

These are 4 surefire ways to jumpstart reinventing yourself: 

  1. Getting Started 
  2. Researching 
  3. Setting Goals 
  4. Committing to a Tangible plan

Getting Started 

The hardest part is actually getting started! You may have doubts, but the best way to mitigate doubt and ill-intent toward yourself or from others is to get going and dive face first. It starts mentally by believing you can be what you aspire to be. Visualizing where you want to be, preparing yourself mentally for success, and living in a state of achievement.

Starting means moving past the “intent phase” and gathering everything you’ve learned in order to put your best effort forward. Finding a community of like-minded people, whether it be in person or virtually, attending conferences, and learning the nomenclatures of your intended new endeavor are second to believing you can achieve your goals; as cliché as that may sound, it’s the absolute truth.

Brainstorm how you want to make an impact in your own life. And having faith that with action, resiliency and consistency, you’re bound to make a forward step in the right direction. The fear of STARTING is the mental barricade we all have to overcome, so you’re not alone in the pursuit. Keep Going. 


Now that the idea of wanting to make the change has been sparked, research is your next step! Don’t know where to start? Begin researching like you would any other arbitrary information you were seeking. Channel your best Joe Goldberg stalker persona and GOOGLE sis! Bookstores and libraries are also key places.

Chances are you aren’t the only person who’s sought after this new skill, habit, circumstance, job or task, so look for those that have done it before you. And believe that you are and can become just as good if not better than the next person, but stay HUMBLE and take the time to give respect where it’s due. 

Fine-tune your new-found skills and or interests by practicing patience towards yourself. Patience, in the same way you would for someone you cared deeply about and wanted to support and see succeed. YOU are that person now, so be your own cheerleader and approach yourself with peace, patience and love.

You won’t get everything right at first, so take the time to find comfort in that idea and set time towards your new goal on a regular basis.

Setting Goals

Many of us have heard this saying time and time again: “Set Goals, Write them Down and Envision the life you want for yourself.” Well it’s true! Manifestation and working towards a goal are remarkably helpful and essentially one in the same.

Consistently seeing a goal by either creating a vision board or writing them down is a constant reminder that you have something to work toward. You have an obligation to yourself to improve or develop a skill if it’s IN YOUR FACE constantly. By seeing pictures of those abs you want to achieve or that new language you want to learn, you’re more likely to stay motivated — especially when you may be having an off day.

Setting a goal with actionable steps and guidelines means you’re serious and committing to a real turnaround. 

Committing To A Tangible Plan

Developing an actionable plan means first setting dates and secondly, exploring a system(s) to keep yourself accountable. Giving yourself a timeline to complete tasks and sticking to them as best you can is, without a doubt, an achievement in itself.

It takes 21 days to form a habit, so believe wholeheartedly that practicing consistency for even a month can make a world of a difference. Whether it be working out on a regular basis, eating clean, studying a new skill/language or building a new business or brand; when you understand that preparedness and opportunity are bound to breed success, you’ve already won.

by Azeezat Lawal

As a health and wellness enthusiast, aspiring content writer, and avid traveler -Ahzizah enjoys traveling to see and experience new parts of the country and world as a source of inspiration and creativity. She's still a big work in progress but she loves being a part of a large community where she can learn from others, share, and showcase positive ideas in an uplifting and creative way.

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