Katelyn Lodell
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My name is Katelyn Lodell. I'm 33, a mother of 2, an Intuitive Health Coach, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Pilates Instructor, and Ballet Teacher. As a young dancer, I developed a disordered relationship with food which I'm proud to say I have fully overcome. Now I help others do the same and guide them toward food freedom. I heal people's compulsions to control by showing them how to tap into the deeper wisdom of the body. I teach the power of intuition, emotional awareness, and intention by reconnecting them to their Inner Guidance System. I dream of a world where diet culture no longer exists because we have learned that their body's wisdom is by far more intelligent than the latest diet craze. I want to help others end the battle with food and their bodies so they can live the fulfilled, purposeful life they are meant to live!
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Do you have a disordered relationship with food?

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