Real Stories

Changing With The Season

A new season is here in many parts of the “Northern Hemisphere.” Leaves upon trees have changed from green to yellow, to shades of orange – and as the season deepens and winter nears – shades of brown. With each changing hue accompanies a shift in our energy field. Some individuals are aware of their energy changes, others are not or appear unaffected; it is all based on perception and belief.

With the coming of Autumn, for me, came a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness, yet a decrease of my anxiety. I can look at this state of being symbolical in this way: as the temperature begins to drop, and the Earth’s colors change, green grass begins to yellow and progressively deceases, as does the leaves upon the trees, and animals prepare for hibernation, I too begin to change. I feel, so-to-speak, a part of me is “dying” with the Earth. A shift/change is happening inside me that I feel is reflecting my view of fall. In a way it is bitter, in another way it is sweet. It is a bitter feeling because of the mixed emotions running through me, and the spontaneous highs and lows of energy, but it is sweet because I have gained more insight of who I am, where I am going, and who I want to be. With each day, I learn more and more, and I have embraced this change.

In all honesty, the feeling of change is not a new feeling. I have felt periods of “change” and periods of stability very often these past 10 years. Correction: I have become more aware of the feeling of change these past 10 years, since I began my own “spirit path,” and grew into a young adult. It is all part of the developmental periods of life.

At the beginning of the path I had feelings of fear, anxiety, confusion, bitterness, anger, envy. It has taken me many years and many mental obstacles to jump through to reach this awareness. Through awareness of change came the awareness of emotion. I am now aware of my mood shifts, and learning to control my mood changes to stay on the positive side of life, versus dwelling on the negative, which I so often have done in the past, and still do in periods of doubt and confusion.

Awareness is only a step toward clarity. But it is a big step, and I feel I have finally reached some inner accomplishment. What that is, I have yet to fully understand. But I see the sunshine and feel its warmth, even through the decaying of the leaves, shorter days and longer nights, and chill in the air.

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~ Swish, swish, goes the broom, dusting away the dirt of yesterday~

Author: val.180
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.

Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @val.180

by Valerie Turpin

~When a quiet individual speaks, their voice is loud ~

The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.
Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.


My articles contain information I have received on my spiritual path, which I call, my path of life, sprinkled in with creative expressions.

Random teed-bits of information about ME: I am from Southwestern Arizona; I was born in 1990 and I am the second to the youngest of 5 children; I have a Bachelor degree in Social Work and I am currently pursing a Master’s in Social Work.

My interests: Poetry; creating art in multiple forms; history of civilization, diversity of cultures, history of art in multiple forms through the ages, world religions, and world power; Psychology and Sociology; Mysticism; Law & Order; writing (academically and creatively).

Enjoy! and Happy reading. <3

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