Poetry & Art

Don’t be scared to be vulnerable, we are all connected.


Imagine yourself, free as a butterfly.

Nothing is blocking or in the way.

Imagine yourself, colorful as a butterfly

brightening up everyone’s day.


That’s the energy, you bring when you walk into a room.

That’s the person you are naturally, in the most authentic way.

Free. Beautiful. All filled with Light!

Be who you are, sweet little butterfly.


In reality, we are always changing, that’s the human in us.

From one phase to the next as we adapt to the change within us & around us.

Please be so in tune with the nature that resides in you that everything around adds to the adventure, but doesn’t become THE adventure.








by Brianna Ramsey

Hello Friends! My name is Brianna ~
My dream has always been, to become a writer! After some time, I realized I am a writer, not published but a love that's a part of me. I wear many hats, I'm a mom, partner, yoga instructor, healer, and a change seeker. I choose to be a positive butterfly that attracts light to light, and even the dark to light. We are constantly evolving into the authentic versions of ourselves that will amplify the world around us. My story is special, just like everyone else. My choice is to share my story with hopes to inspire someone on their journey. We can learn from everyone we meet, either something about us or something about the world. I currently reside in Philadelphia, PA, but have lived all over the world between The Netherlands, D.C, Miami, and more. Welcome to my experience! I hope to expose you to all of the wonders and more!

With grace + gratitude,
Brianna Joy <3

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