Real Stories

Echo Chambers

Until very recently, if you had used the term “echo chamber” I would have thought you were talking about some vast, dark space that nightmares are made of, or that constant, repetitive voice in my head that nightmares are also made of. But after the recent political events, it became very clear to me that I was living in an actual echo chamber. One that is a truly vast and dark space filled with me and all my liberal friends panicking at the same pitch.

A tiny light has been lit in the middle now, so I can almost see where I am. But, that doesn’t change the fact that I have not found a way out. In all gospel truth, I may be digging myself deeper into the hole. The more I try to justify the voices it seems the further away I am from the light. And if I try to drown out the voices, I go nowhere.

So what is the light? I am not sure.

In the brief and quiet moments I can find peace, I imagine that the light is filled with all kinds of folks of all kinds of opinions, fears, and lifestyles. A place where people merely listen to one another. They don’t rebut. They just ask more questions.

However, fundamentally, is that even possible? Or right? I am not sure.

There’s justice and equality to consider. There’s also diversity and principles to mull over about as well. I know that a lot of people in my leftist echo chamber believe they are right. Because of where I am, I tend to agree with them. But then I also know that there’s some other gal in her own conservative echo chamber feeling the exact same way as me. That’s why this light is so important.

So where do we go from here? I am not sure.

But here’s my guess:

  1. The first step is admitting where you are.
  2. And then the next step is to encourage others around you to see that tiny light too.
  3. The third step will most definitely be the hardest part, because it requires waiting. You’ll have to wait until that wave of encouragement reaches everyone in your chamber. And that might take a very long time. And you won’t be able to get that wave going alone.
  4. Then, and only then, you can take the fourth step which is when you work with those people and to find your way out.

Obviously, I have no idea what I am talking about for certain. But I do know that it’s going to take a lot of hard work getting out of the darkness, no matter what chamber you’re in. And it will take some time in an environment of division. But I have audacious hopes for the light. I do believe that there’s a place full of questions and careful understanding. There is a place where echo chambers crumble and “Saturday Night Live” isn’t funny anymore… again.

Do you see it?

Author: Karen Kirsch
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Karen is an educator by day and a creative entrepreneur by night. She thinks writing bios about herself are really hard and is always impressed with how other people can talk about themselves. A PNW native, you’ll find her outside a lot or making her way through the awesome food scene in downtown Seattle. She thinks life is better with friends and collaboration … and chocolate.
Link to social media or website: http://www.karenleannkirsch.com


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