Poetry & Art

Identity Crisis

Ever since I was a child I knew that my career path was not destined for your everyday trade. I would come home from school with a new extreme idea of what I wanted to be; I can still see the look on my dad’s face when I radically decided I wanted to be a DJ. Obviously, that dream didn’t take flight so I chose something even more fit for a parent’s nightmare: an artist. And this time I actually stuck with it. I’m now in my final year of doing a Visual Art degree with no regrets thus far. My art is inspired by the concept of identity; we all have our own stories, backgrounds, and individual quirks. I try to capture this in subtle ways that can be depicted by the viewer through their own understanding of what it means to be them.

Author: Sharn Hodgson
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Sharn Ann. 20 year old artist from New Zealand.
Link to social media or website: https://www.instagram.com/sharn_ann/


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