Poetry & Art

Imagine a dim-lit beauty

I have conceived a passion for the uttering of words.

Because I can bring you into my mind; to understand what I want you to experience.

If you just watch the world with scrupulous attention to detail…you will certainly rid yourself of the truth.

Do you think there is still beauty in this world?

Maybe if we could see with blind eyes— we might be incandescent.

Have you ever [seriously] thought about rain?

Those shiny drops that come crashing down to find a home on our streets. Isn’t that magic?

Imagine a candle. The way it simply

burns and glows…with its own aura. The wax slowly melts and creates a new form.

Or picture that touching feeling you get when you hear a child consumed in laughter.

Remember how fascinating it was to blow bubbles and watch them deteriorate in thin air?

How only running with your friends or singing a group song was enough.

Think about just staring at the sky. It’s all natural beauty that always leaves us marveling.

The human race has become so caught up in their rituals, that I’m sure, they’ve forgotten the beauty of the simple things.

If you ever get the chance…don’t think at all!

Just embrace the peace in your heart and imagine a finer life.

Because, in this horrid world, you can still find light.



by Evelize Soto

Storyteller, Prime Mover Journalism award winner and Freelancer.


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