Real Stories

If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Words Of Encouragement To My 14 Year Old Self

One day you will wake up and seriously question who you are. You will then realize that life has been a series of choices, and your actions and the people who have walked in and out of your life have moulded you into the person you have become. You will think about every moment that has passed, good or bad. You will think about every missed opportunity, and every gained experience. You will contemplate every fear that manifested itself to become part of your reality, and every failure that broke you down just a little bit further away from the person you someday thought you would become. You will also be reminded of all the barriers you overcame, the ways in which you surprised yourself by experiencing things you never dreamed you ever would, and you will smile over the realization that you are a highly functioning, fully-grown human being.

Life will be both heartbreakingly beautiful and incredibly difficult, but remember that everyone is going through something, so always exercise compassion, even when you are too selfish to do so. Life is not a race so stop comparing yourself to others because it’s futile… take your time, be patient with yourself. It’s okay that you’re not great at everything you try, because by learning what you don’t like, you are one step closer to figuring out what you are great at.

People won’t communicate as well as they used to, so work hard at strengthening the relationships that are important to you, and cherish those who love you. Just as quickly as people enter your life, they may leave, it’s all a part of growing up.

Some things will seem like they never change, but other things can shift so quickly, so be good to what you have when you have it, and if things are rough, they will pass. People will disappoint you… especially those who are closest to you. It’s important that you learn to be your own hero, and to take responsibility for your own happiness.

When bad things happen to you – and they will – this doesn’t mean that life is bad; it just means that something bad happened. Eventually the pain will subside and you’ll be stronger for having gone through it. Some things that you go through will make sense some day, and others never will. That’s just the beauty of life, really. Don’t be afraid to take a few risks.. the greatest stories go to those who don’t give in to their fears. People will surprise you in immensely amazing ways. They will challenge you, they will bring you joy, they will make you see the world in colours that you could only begin to imagine. It’s in these moments when you realize why we live life: to connect, to experience and above of all, to love.

Keep going. Hope will always be your anchor. Life really is wonderful, and at the end of the day, it’s just you. It’s always been you. Enjoy that, you are doing great.

Author: Danai Mush
Biography: Danai Mush is a communications pro and freelance writer who still feels 17 at heart. While she has no formal dance training whatsoever, she hopes to be part of a professional hip hop troupe someday. You can follow her escapades on Instagram and Twitter, or visit her website mushlove.ca

by Danai Mush

Danai Mush is a social strategist and creative writer who still feels 17 at heart. While she has no formal dance training whatsoever, she hopes to be part of a professional hip hop troupe someday. You can follow her social escapades @dnizzler.


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