Poetry & Art

Painting With Fibers

I studied fashion design, so I’ve been obsessed with textiles and textures for a long time, touching everything wherever I go. As a fashion designer, I always felt limited in my designs and not free enough to try different forms. With fiber art, I have the best of both worlds because the fiber enables me to explore with multiple textures and movements.

I usually get inspired and start imagining concepts at night. Strangely enough, I tend to be more creative in the evening when I’m tired. I feel night time is when my mind is more relaxed, flexible and open for innovation. The next morning is really when I start the creative process. I get my inspiration from all things natural and organic, often influenced by the movement and shapes nature creates. I use mostly natural fibers as they have a raw natural look, but I love finishing my pieces with various shiny embroidery threads that add an additional component of texture.





Author: Mariana Baertl
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Hi! My name is Mariana Baertl and I’m the creator and artist behind Living Fibers. I was born and raised in Lima, Peru’s capital, surrounded by the country’s traditional handmade trades, especially textile work. I studied Fashion Design in Peru and later moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina to focus on Coolhunting, the study of “trends” and how it relates specifically to the fashion industry. I then moved to Barcelona, Spain to begin my work in Haute Couture and pattern making. My Haute Couture education taught me the level of patience and precision needed in creating handmade designs. Thereafter I got a post graduate degree in Fashion Business management from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. As soon as I graduated, I moved back to Lima, Peru to work as a fashion designer for a large retailer in Lima. It was at this company where I started experimenting with textures and textiles. I was soon in love with the art and began making fiber art pieces whenever I could find the time. After several years as a fashion designer, I decided to make a change and immerse myself into the fiber world.

Every Living Fibers piece is unique, created with love and a special attention to detail. They are all meticulously hand embroidered and handwoven with fibers and yarns from around the world, particularly with Peruvian natural fibers. I get my aesthetic from all things natural and organic, often inspired by the movement and shapes water and wind create. I favor a pastel and warm color palette with a clear focus on textures and composition, and finish the pieces with intricate embroidery details that add an additional texture to the composition. My preferred fiber is natural cotton, which I hand dye myself.
Link to social media or website: http://www.livingfibersart.com




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