Poetry & Art

Stars Shining Through The Break In Clouds

There are moments when we all feel a little lost, a little alone, a little in dark. We have this feeling that someone will come and rescue us, that someone will be that star shining through the break in clouds and guide us home. What we don’t realise it that no one but ourselves can rescue us and be that star shining through the break in clouds. 


July night

Staring at skies

Clouds o’er my head

Clouds under my feet

Cold air caressing me as I breathe

Maybe I’m not standing in dark

Darkness seems to begin at my toes

And continue as far as infinity

As the I start to become darkness

And darkness starts to become me,

I spot a star shining through the break in clouds

Something like music tickles my ears

As I realise that it’s singing its out aloud

I wonder if it’s someone who will save me

I wonder if it’s as lonely as I

I wonder if it’s shedding tears

I wonder if I should go closer and ask

I wonder if it’s shy

Maybe all I that I am wondering is true

But it’s sparkling and singing in its glory

It is standing alone and could be blue

But it’s writing the best story,

The best song that will ever be written

It stood under skies covered in darkness one day

It could have chosen to stay

But it chose to be covered in stardust

It became a star and took another way

It became something people will look up to

So maybe the star shining through isn’t someone who’ll save me

Maybe that star is me

Now I know what I didn’t before

Now I know I am not darkness

The darkness isn’t me

I have to be the light that shines through the dark

I have to be the one who doesn’t give up

I have to be the one who ignites the spark

I have to be the one who lights up the world in the darkest night.

Author: Shiwangee Chandrakar
Email:  [email protected]
Author Bio: I’m seventeen. I’m that crazy person who can quote books, movies and song lyrics in any situation. I love to read and write. I’m gonna go to law school next year. Link to your social media or website: Twitter @shiwangeec


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