Poetry & Art


My body of water
is the Pacific,
a fluid flow expanding,
a tide of discomfort
too small,
too big for one pair of jeans.

by Molly Murray

Molly Murray is the author of Today, She Is (Wipf & Stock, 2014) and the Outdoor Editor of Panorama: the Journal of Intelligent Travel. Her poetry, stories and essays are published widely in places including Litro, Ruminate, Panorama, Third Wednesday, The Wayfarer, The Windhover, Fearsome Critters and The Curlew, and one of her poems was nominated for a 2019 Pushcart prize. She earned her MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow and a certificate in YA Fiction and Poetry at the University of Oxford Summer School. Molly has a passion for building bridges and creating empathy.


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