Real Stories

Things I wish someone told me

Unfortunately there is no standard life manual. We are not born with a specific guideline of what key essentials like love, truth and forgiveness are. Nor what they look like. So how do we, as a community figure it out? My answer? By making mistakes.

Mistakes are the bumpers that push us back into our lane. When it comes to relationships, I believe the ultimate key to success is never giving up – no matter how many mistakes are made.

Now please do not take it to the extreme and ask, “do you mean just let someone make the mistake of cheating over and over?” Because we both know the answer is no.

Like with everything else in life, you have the authority and responsibility to set your own boundaries and abide by them. My point is, if your partner makes mistakes (within your boundaries) are you willing to stick it out with them? Ask yourself the hard question: is this the person I want to spend my life with? If the answer is no, then why aren’t making a shift?

Relationships are complex, intricate and no two are exactly the same. Take the time to get to know yourself first, so you can get to know your partner. Look at situations and analyze how you feel during them. Ask the hard questions and use your relationship as a direct mirror of yourself, because it is.

A true authentic relationship is built off trust, loyalty, understanding and most importantly acceptance.

by Melody Duarte

I am an enthusiastic human being asking hard questions and seeking truth. I love to love, to serve and to give to others. I express myself best through writing. I always have so much going on in my head, that by having to write it down it helps me focus on thought by thought.

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