Poetry & Art

This is what you made me

I’m so empty, I could burst / and hunger is just skin / craving gentler hands / tell me, how many calories in someone else’s sin / how much does a secret weigh / my love reaches for me in the dark / and I forget how to breathe / he says it’s just me / and my chest is a red balloon / but I can’t let go / a man made a monster and called it science / tell me, what do we call it when a monster makes a ghost / I’ve run out of pillows to haunt / they just don’t hold the screaming like they used to / look at me / look at me do you see what you’ve done?

by Paula K Lewis-Gamble

I’m a 38 year old writer from South Wales, UK. I find writing to be the cheapest alternative to therapy - and I get to wear pyjamas.

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