Poetry & Art

Whisper Scream Whisper

When the whisper becomes a scream
Heart broken
Heart awakened
Cover my ears
But I still hear it

When the whisper becomes a scream
Excuses sound petty
Truth is holy
Close my eyes
But I still see it

When the whisper becomes a scream
Memories I thought were dreams
Rise up to taunt me; haunt me
Breathe deep
But I still feel it

When the whisper becomes a scream
Passive aggression is childish
I grew 20 years in one night
A bitter pill to swallow
But I still taste it

When the scream becomes comfort
Tough love from the Infinite
I surrender to its call
Scariest thing in the world
The most glorious

When the scream becomes liberation
I’ll be a slave only to my highest truth
I’m addicted to my power
Love triumphing over fear
A radiant breakthrough

When the scream becomes a song
Beautiful music on my soul’s skin
Caressing me with newfound freedom
Hardest thing before
Now the gentlest

When the scream becomes a whisper
I am not afraid to lose it again
One breath and I’m there
Compassion for every page turn
Peace even in disaster

by Katie Garibaldi

Katie Garibaldi is an award-winning singer/songwriter/guitarist whose characteristic dreamy-Americana and gospel blend has blurred genre walls, breaking boundaries in the music industry. Also a lover of expression through poetry and storytelling, Katie has contributed articles to various blogs and magazines. She’s currently working on her new album.


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