Poetry & Art


What the camera captures is
the pure joy on my face
as I watch you grow

-clothes discarded-
-will commanded-
-interests peaked-

You are:

all the best parts of me I haven’t seen in awhile
the celebration of survival
in hands made of all good things from ours to the ancestors

You are:

granted, not taken of it-the protection from all that loves you
toes half my own, stomping through a mud puddles, invisible rhythms,
we, fall into other worlds at your request

You are:
the river pushes the crevices of mama’s smile wider
fire in the hearts of all us before and after you

You are grace like:
lessons learned

Love like:
sharing what little is left

You are joy like:
laughing at a memory

eternal like everything before was leading us to you,
anything after won’t matter
even when we are done over
all that you touch will echo forever:


-your socks-

the way you throw things like you mean it
how you say “night night” like your excited
like you already know
how good it is
to dream in the bleakness

by Kaitlyn Cox

Kaitlyn is a 24 year old death-obsessed, life enthusiast, and college student with a nagging compulsion to write.


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