The Best Fail-Proof Online Flirting Tips

This Is How to Flirt Online Successfully

Description: Many people think that online flirting is only for a few individuals. However, everyone can perfectly pull it off with a bit of learning and effort. That is why these tips are here to help you move from being shy to flirting online like a professional.

Top 10 Tips for Online Flirting

Woman Standing In Front Of A Laptop

Online flirting is an art in itself. And no, we have nothing against being ourselves. Instead, we firmly believe that there is a strategic and keen way to online flirting that gets you and your crush from chatting on your best dating sites to dating in real life.

The good news is, learning how to flirt online becomes easier and natural with practice. Soon enough, these ten tips will help you make your way to the date of your life. Let's dive in!

Build Your Confidence

This advice is overrated. But look around you. If you are in a crowd of strangers, who seems to attract the most attention?

We bet that the most confident man or lady in the room gets the most envious yet adoring stares. Why? Confidence is a magnet. And whether you show it in real life or an online chat room, simply being confident will get you towards that real-life date faster.

Besides, confidence allows you to do the things you'd otherwise shy away from, like sending your crush an impromptu message on Snapchat. But remember, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. So, be polite and respectful in your confidence. If they say no to talking to you the first time, opt to be creative the second time you try rather than be rude and dismissive.

Be Cool

Showing desperation will send your crush running away from you faster than they showed interest. So, the number one rule of online flirting is to act as nonchalant as possible. If you have to, put the phone down and do a little dance around your room, scream, laugh, shout, or jump around. But by the time you are texting your crush back, be sure you can show interest without seeming desperate.

Create A Space of Comfort

Sleeping Cat

Once you've got their attention, focus on providing a space of comfort. If you've tried online dating and flirting before, you know how creepy many people are. Case in point, most individuals today will go from "Hi" to "Send me a sexy picture" in seconds.

Therefore, set yourself apart by providing a space where your crush feels comfortable. Here's how:

Compliment your crush on their beauty or handsome look just once after introducing yourself. Also, strategize your responses – too quickly can freak them out, and too long shows you might not be interested. Then start to build on your conversation.

Be Interesting

Your online flirting chat should never be boring. So find ways to make your online flirting lines enjoyable. For instance, once in a while, add some funny GIFs, memes, and emojis into the conversation. Suggest common interests you share and make plans to do them together. Or better yet, share your most embarrassing moments for a light-hearted experience.

Offer Some Compliments

Compliments make us feel good. That's why you should add compliments to your online flirting experience. Just avoid being vain with your compliments. Some online flirting examples include complimenting the passion for their work, their taste in music, or even their concern for the environment.

Balance The Conversation

Setting the right tone from the start will determine whether you will get that date in real life. As such, one of the best online flirting tips you can adopt is to find a way to balance your conversation. This means making the chat about you and your crush. Do this by often bringing the conversation back to your crush and answering their questions.

Pay Attention

Two Dogs Brown And Black

One of the sexiest things in a partner is their ability to listen and pay attention, especially regarding things that make us uncomfortable. But here, we are not merely talking about paying attention to your crush; we also advise that you pay attention to yourself.

That said, whenever there is discomfort, pay attention to it and find a way to make things much more comfortable. Of course, the first step is choosing the right online flirting app. If you wonder where to flirt online, you can look through different reviews and find the app that will provide you with the best online flirting mates.

Don't Make It Personal

Asking extremely personal questions during online flirting will kill the conversation.

Therefore, avoid asking questions like how much your crush earns or the number of partners they've had in their life. Instead, focus on questions that tell you more about their personality, likes and dislikes, their favorite memory or pastime.

Also, when asking questions, ensure they are open-ended. Remember, the goal is to know the other person enough and determine whether you share a connection. Open-ended questions will reveal who they are.

Be Yourself

Bricks With Letters

No matter where you are, be yourself. You can be confident and exciting without changing your entire personality. And isn't it refreshing to be liked for being yourself rather than being mistaken for someone else?

So, work on improving politeness, confidence, and table manners, among other things. But underneath it all, remain true to who you are as an individual.

Take Chances

Let's be honest; there is something significantly safe about flirting with a person you like online. Think about it. You can hide all your blemishes or problem areas behind the camera. You don't have to worry about not being picked in person either, and you still have fun during online flirting and dating.

However, if you want to build genuine connections, you must step outside your comfort zone and take chances. So, make that video call you've been dreaming about. Or take the plunge and make a real-life date.


Learning how to be flirty online is not rocket science. As you can see, it is an art that anyone can learn. All you need is the confidence to start, and with time, your efforts will prove successful. So, now that you know how to flirt online, how do you plan to initiate a conversation with your crush? Let us know in the comments below.

Authors bio

Rebecca Shinn is a freelance writer and dating and relationship expert with a psychology degree. Her field of expertise is relationship, dating, and marriage. The important part of Rebecca’s practice is to help couples with communication skills, problem-solving skills, stress management, and financial skills. 

Rebecca started writing 2 years ago to inspire and help people to have a better dating life, healthy relationships, or find a way to keep a marriage strong for long years.

With all said above, Rebecca is proud to be a mother and a wife so she doesn't only use her knowledge for helping others but keeping her family strong and happy.

When we talk about a controlling man, it doesn’t mean we are only talking about a person in a romantic relationship. A controlling man can be anyone or anywhere, like co-workers, friends, family, bosses, or even strangers. 

But who exactly is a controlling man?

When you imagine a controlling man, it may remind you of an aggressive person, who barely listens to people, bullies loved ones, and always commands people to work for him.

Remember that people who are sweet to you initially can also change and become the controlling ones in the end and can make your life hell. The best way to avoid these men is to look for the right signs that prove that the one you love is not good for you.

Sometime’s it’s ok to want things from our significant other - but how much is too much?

Do you feel scared when you do something you know this man will not like?

Do you feel like your partner values your feelings and/or opinions?-

Does your partner listen to you and respect your decisions?

Do you feel like he holds power over you or tries to control you in any way?

Is it difficult for him to express his emotions in a healthy way?

Do they try to manipulate you into doing what they want instead of talking through the issue in a respectful manner?

Have there been moments where their anger has made things worse than necessary, such as using verbal abuse or intimidating behavior?

All you have to remind yourself is that nobody has the power to make you feel unloved, and you can start distancing yourself from controlling men whenever you want to.

Everyone has the right to walk away from anything that doesn’t bring happiness or peace in their life.  

Continue reading this article to know some common signs of controlling men that you need to be aware of. 

These signs might help you understand that someone has a controlling personality. 

They make you think everything’s your fault.

Have you ever faced certain situations where people start making you feel that everything is your fault and you are the only culprit to problems?

Or start saying that it would be better if you haven’t done this?

If you're being blamed for issues you haven't created and things you haven't done, it is a clear sign you are surrounded by a controlling man.

These signs don’t only appear in relationships; they can show up even among co-workers, family, or friends. After noticing the signs, it's the perfect time to distance yourself from these kinds of people.    

1. They criticize you all the time.

A controlling man always finds ways to criticize you and let your confidence down, whether in public or private places. Mentioned below are some examples of the kind of criticism you have to go through around controlling men:

2. They create drama

Sad couple having the serious argument

Some people always have fun creating unnecessary drama in front of people or in private.

Even if you talk to them about something in which you have achieved great success, they will change the topic and demotivate or blame you for what you have not done well.

An example of unnecessary dramatic behavior can be taking screenshots of your personal texts and sharing them with others to create more drama in your life. Such people have no motive but to do wrong to you and create nuisance in your life.

3. They’re moody

There are several types of moody people that you meet in your life. Some cranky fellows can even change their mood in seconds. At one moment, they appreciate you for something good, and the very next second, they start degrading you for being you.

And when a person doesn’t even say sorry for their actions or mistakes, they are definitely the controlling ones. They would never take responsibility for your happiness or your efforts to stay in such a relationship.

All you should care about is you and your happiness, and if you are not getting it from that one person, just walk away from that relationship.

4. They don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

Boundaries are essential in all kinds of relationships, and both partners should feel free to make their own decisions.

A controlling man may not understand your boundaries and always try to persuade you to do uncomfortable things. 

When a person starts putting pressure on you or doesn’t take ‘no’ as an answer, they are not suitable for you.

The men who start telling you what to do, when to do, what to wear, or who to meet are the ones you should altogether avoid.

5. They don’t want you to see the people you love

Controlling men show up with high authority over your life and continue to control you in every possible way.

They start staring at you aggressively when you are on a phone call with your loved ones or start groaning when you spend time with them or come home late.

They even start talking about how bad your friends or family are and ask you to stop hanging out with them. When they feel like you are under control, they won’t let you go out with other people, whether they are your family members or any friends.

6. They’re unreasonably jealous.

Being jealous when your partner hangs out with others can sometimes be cute in a relationship, but always getting angry or jealous is a toxic trait.

After getting continuously unreasonably jealous, they might start interrogating you about where you are going or whom you are seeing.

They might begin to talk rudely to you or shout every time you plan to go out with any of your friends or any family members. They might even make negative comments about you and your friends.

If they stop every time you hang out with others or have fun, it is a clear sign you are with a controlling man.

7. They try to change you.

Have you ever heard the line ‘The person who loves you will always accept you the way you are?'

Love never asks you to change, nor does the person who loves you. 

So whenever a man asks you to change your beliefs or things that make you, you’re definitely in the wrong relationship with the wrong person.

If a person starts telling you to change your behavior, talking style, dressing sense or doesn’t take you out until you dress according to them, they are controlling people. All they want to do is control and change everything about you. However, you have the right to choose what you find best for yourself, do what you love, and listen to nobody in any relationship.

8. They keep score

Any relationship works well when there are equal efforts invested from both partners. But, when the efforts start coming from one side, it’s no longer a relationship. It’s just a deal—a deal where a person doesn’t invest or show efforts but keeps expecting things in return.

They can even leave you guilty if you don’t give what they demand and always keep talking about how much they do for you.  

For example, if they paid for lunch once, they’ll keep telling you until it’s you paying for the dinner and always keep an eye on the number of favors they did to you.

9. They gaslight you

Young couple arguing in their living room

Gaslighting is when someone manipulates you into questioning your own reality. It is an insidious type of emotional abuse where the abuser (also called a gaslighter) manipulates you into questioning your own judgments and existence. These people start pointing you out and accuse you if you have an emotional personality, are a little more sensitive, and cry more often. Gaslighters convince their victims that they are mentally unfit, when they are just being a little sensitive. 

Even when you are still upset about something that happened last week, gaslighters will start denying your thoughts and will blame you for being over-sensitive. Expressing your emotions is your right, and nobody should be allowed to gaslight you. It is your own life, no matter how sensitive you are.

10. They intimidate you

Controlling people can also start intimidating you to get control over you in any kind of relationship. For example, in the office, they can begin to let down your reputation by interrupting your talks, meetings and putting their own suggestions forward by acting superior in front of everyone.

Intimidation is also an act of controlling people that can show up in any relationship, but none of this matters when you are fierce and know your self-worth.

11. They may show abusive behavior.

When a person starts abusing you mentally or physically, whether in a relationship, friendship, or any other relation is said to be under domestic violence. Nobody has the right to feel this unloved or pressured by anyone.

Always remember that you deserve none of this and should walk right away from any physically and mentally abusive relationships. You have the power to walk away and know better! You should not do so much for the wrong person and still feel like you do not deserve love.

12.They do ultimatums

When someone starts giving ultimatums, it is a sign that they are trying to control the situation. Ultimatums can range from threats of breaking up if their demands are not met or going so far as to manipulate the other person into making decisions that may not be in their best interest. This type of behavior is unhealthy.

13.They guilt trip you:

Guilt tripping is a tactic used by some people to manipulate or control others. It involves using guilt and pressure to make someone do something they would otherwise not choose to do. Guilt trips often involve invoking feelings of shame, obligation, and responsibility in order to influence the behavior of another person. Unfortunately, this type of manipulation can be damaging both emotionally and psychologically, leaving victims feeling overwhelmed and powerless.

Someone is trying to guilt trip you, it's important that you recognize their intentions for what they are: an attempt at controlling your decisions without actually asking for consent or considering your wants or needs.

14. They make you feel like your opinion is irrelevant

When someone makes you feel like your opinion is irrelevant, it can be one of the most damaging forms of manipulation. It communicates that what you have to say does not matter and that your perspective is not worth considering. This type of manipulation can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

15. They think they’re doing you a favor

Another common form of manipulation is when someone tries to convince you that they are doing you a favor. This type of manipulation occurs when the manipulator makes it seem like their actions or decisions are in your best interest, even though they’re really only looking out for themselves.

The goal of this kind of manipulation is to make you feel obligated to do something or behave in a certain way because the manipulator has done something “nice” for you.

It can be difficult to recognize this kind of manipulation as it often appears subtle and well-intentioned on the surface. However, if someone consistently uses guilt trips, ultimatums, intimidation, or other forms of psychological coercion to get what they want from you, then chances are that they’re not doing it out of genuine kindness or concern for your wellbeing.

16. They don’t think anything is wrong. 

People who engage in manipulative behavior often don't think there's anything wrong with what they're doing. They may even feel justified in their actions, believing that they are helping or protecting the other person by pushing them to do something that is beneficial for them. However, this kind of manipulation is actually incredibly damaging and can have long-term effects on a person’s self-esteem and wellbeing.

17. People view him as a great person

An attempt to make the other person believe that this person is above reproach and can do no wrong. He knows how to play the part in situations that will be benefitial to him. aying things like “everyone loves me” or “you don’t understand how much everyone looks up to me" are all tactics used by this type of controlling man to appear more powerful in the relationship.

In reality, these statements reflect his own insecurity and fear of being exposed as a controlling man.

18. Sex is weird with them.

Sex is a form of manipulation when someone uses it as a tool to control their partner or gain the upper hand in any situation. It can be subtle, such as using seduction or withholding sex, or it can be overt, like blackmailing for sexual favors. This kind of manipulation is damaging and should not be tolerated. If you

19. They diminish your goals and dreams

When someone is trying to control you, they may try to make you feel like your goals and dreams are not worth pursuing. They may do this by belittling the importance of your goals or dreams, making them seem unreasonable or impossible to achieve. It can be difficult to stay motivated and reach your goals.

It’s important that you recognize this kind of behavior for what it is, and that you don’t allow anyone to undermine your ambition. You deserve to pursue your dreams without judgement or criticism from others.

20. Need for constant contant:

A controlling man needs to be in constant contact with their partner in order to maintain control. He may check in with his partner multiple times a day, monitor their texts and calls, or even track their whereabouts without them knowing.

He may force you to have your location on at all times and say it's for "security."

This is a clear example of controlling behavior as it creates an environment of fear and mistrust. It's important to recognize this type of behavior for what it is and that you don't accept it in any relationship.

21. Pressure & move the relationship faster

You may feel constant pressure to move the relationship faster by making decisions on your behalf and expecting you to follow them. For example, he may decide when and where you should spend time together or make plans for the two of you without consulting you.

He may also push for a more committed relationship before either of you are emotionally ready in order to gain more control.

22. Blame you for things that you had no control over

A controlling man may attempt to blame you for things that are completely out of your control. He may be frustrated with problems as a way of deflecting responsibility away from himself and onto you. They will often do this by finding fault with decisions you make or things that are out of your control, such as work or family issues.

23. You catch him lying to you

Listen to your gut feeling. He may lie about any number of things, such as where he's been, who he's with, or what he's doing. He may even go so far as to create elaborate stories and lies to cover up his tracks or to make himself seem more desirable.

If you suspect he's lying or manipulating the truth, confront him about it. If he continues to lie and manipulate, it’s best to remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.

How to get help?

If you find these controlling signs in your partner, are tired of their behavior already, and want someone to help you, you should talk to a professional that can help you get out of an abusive relationship.

Mentioned below are some resources that might help you for the following:

How Having a Controlling Man in Your Life Can Affect You:

You may start to feel isolated and alone because of the lack of trust in your relationship.

- It can affect your emotional well being, as the constant pressure and put downs take away from your self worth.

- You might begin to lose interest in activities you used to enjoy due to a controlling partner's need for constant attention and control

Other effects include:

- Loss of independence and autonomy

- Constant pressure to conform

- Lack of communication or trust

- Feelings of worthlessness and guilt

- Unhappiness or depression

- Fear, anxiety, stress and fatigue

- Difficulty in making decisions for yourself

- Low self esteem

- Isolation from friends and family

- Physical abuse

How to get rid of a controlling man ?

Sometimes dealing with people’s toxicity can be so annoying, whether they are your partner, a friend, any annoying family member, or a co-worker at the office, or any person.

We all have at least one toxic person in our lives that is so difficult to deal with. You must remember dealing with controlling or toxic men is not your concern, and instead, you must start distancing yourself from them. So, here are some tips about how you can get rid of such toxic people and their toxicity.

Talk to them about their behavior.

When someone starts unnecessarily gossiping about you to make you feel bad, you must take some action to stop them or make them realize how bad it’s affecting you again and again.

You can talk to them and declare that you no longer want to be in the relationship or friendship if they ever comment on you again. You can say that it isn’t appropriate to make people feel uncomfortable in front of their known people.

Offer compassion, but don’t try to fix them.

When you love someone, you will definitely try to put some effort into changing them. But it can only be possible if they are willing to change for you. If not, then you will keep drowning in their toxicity until you walk away from that relationship.

It’s good to be kind and show care to people you love, but your kindness can never be enough to make them change for you. If you want, you can try and wait for them to become a good person. But if they are not putting any effort back for you, then you should stop the idea of trying to fix them and should start focusing more on yourself and your happiness.

Say no and walk away.

There comes a time in your life when you are just done with peoples' arrogance, behaviour, and your mind starts shouting that it’s enough!

Now that’s the time when you should stop allowing their stupid behaviour and start thinking about yourself.

It may be tough to say no to the people you love, but believe me, this is going to be so satisfying for you and put you to rest. It’s okay to walk away when you aren’t comfortable with the person, but it’s not okay to stay at a place where you are not valued or loved enough.  

Remember, you aren’t at fault.

Toxic relationships can make you feel like it’s all your fault; it’s you who did it all wrong and will make you doubt your self-worth.

You need to remember that controlling people or their toxic behavior has nothing to do with you. It is challenging to deal with things like this, so take a deep breath, calm yourself, and let go of anything that can affect you.

They might start getting personal or can even say that it’s you who changed them and made them like this. But do not fall for such type of manipulation.

Instead of listening to them, just get up and leave.

Make yourself unavailable

The best way to deal with people’s toxic behaviour is to disappear completely so that they will no longer have the right to manipulate you or use you.

When you are never available for them, then their arrogance might also stop trying to contact you, and when they stop, it’s so better for you.

But until they don’t stop and k

eep putting aggressive accusations on you, you need to stay calm and remind yourself that it’s enough. Even if you feel guilty, but enough is enough.

Boundaries are essential when you can no longer deal with these controlling people or can tolerate them.

Limit your time together

Distance becomes so important when things start falling apart. Distance is the solution for literally everything. If you feel unloved, distance yourself. If you feel sad, distance yourself from those, who make you unhappy.

If you ever feel that the person is no longer responsible for your happiness and is causing you stress, simply start making distance.

When you deal with a person who thinks you are responsible for all problems on Earth, always pick a fight with you, show no interest in your feelings, then it’s time you spent the least time with them. If your presence doesn’t affect them in any way, your absence will never will.

Seek Therapy

Battling with people’s toxic behaviour can cause so much mental burden and depression, which is why it is important to seek therapeutic help. Sometimes we don’t understand the situation or even our own feelings, but a therapist will help you find clarity in everything.Sometimes talking to a professional therapist can also give you strength and courage to move forward with your life.

Make a Plan

Dealing with controlling people can be difficult and overwhelming, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. One of the most important things you can do is make a plan for how you will handle the situation.

This plan should include both short-term strategies for managing your interactions with the controlling person as well as long-term goals that help create space between you and the other person. By taking steps to set boundaries, assert yourself, and build self-confidence, you can gain more control over your life while still maintaining a respectful relationship with the other person.

Put Yourself First

When dealing with a controlling person, it is important to remember that you have the right to put yourself first. This means setting boundaries, asserting yourself and your needs, and building self-confidence so that you can take control of your own life.

It may be difficult to do this in the face of someone who is trying to dominate or manipulate you, but by making a plan and taking small steps toward independence, you can break free from their influence while still maintaining respect for them as an individual.

Bottom line

Most of the time, cutting toxic people out of your life can be the most challenging decision in your life, especially when it comes to the ones you’re in love with. But it can make your life so easy and calm when you don’t have to deal with any of their toxicity in your life. Instead, you get the time and space to focus on many other things that give you happiness.

Always remember that nobody has any right to make anyone feel so bad about themselves. These controlling men or their toxic behaviour is none of your responsibility to deal with. So if you ever come across such people, take your time and move right away from that person and that relationship too.


Over the last year, there has been an uptick in the prevalence of cottagecore style. The cottagecore movement is more than an aesthetic and has become a lifestyle for many. With Its popularity on TikTok it has become its own community — #cottagecore on TikTok has 7.4 billion views, sub-hashtags such as #cottagecoreaesthetic with 223.1 million and #cottagecorecheck has 9.3 million views. This style is characterized by long floral print gowns, cable-knit and crocheted sweaters, neutral colors and organic textiles. This style often draws reference from early agricultural life, fairytales, romance novels, nostalgic life, and scenery from the forest and countryside.  Often seen with accessories like bandanas, butterfly clips, flower-crowns, baskets, and bohemian or handmade jewelry and accessories. 

Though this style often falls in the ‘alternative’ category, it is much softer than this would suggest, and when paired with a darker side leans more into the dark cottagecore, dark academia, and woodland goth aesthetics. While cottagecore might have grown thanks to social media platforms, it has a more rooted identity in homesteading, a lifestyle based on self-sufficiency and subsistence agriculture. This concept saw a resurgence in the 1960s and 70s (during the height of civil unrest) but died out only to see a rebirth in recent years (dating to early 2017) brought about by the ‘hipster’ culture. Cottagecore is exactly what the name implies; a lifestyle/aesthetic that at its heart is centered around a romanticized interpretation of simple living, using cottages as a vessel for escapism, to enjoy nature and a romanticized version of an eco-harmonious ecophilosophy on life. 

The hot take I bring today is that, the return to the cottage aesthetic and the prevalence of the cottagecore lifestyle today stems from a larger systematic issue of societal failings. We are essentially returning to the forest and romanticizing the experience of off-grid, sustainable living and the return to purchasing handmade goods and the artisan lifestyle because our economy and current infrastructure around us is failing. The resurrection of this antiquated style can be used as a form of escapism, which allows us to travel to an idealistic world with no responsibility and trauma. This is specifically centered on the idea of a cottage since it symbolizes safety, comfort and warmth and lies juxtaposed to technology and the city or developed infrastructure that provides immediate unfaltering access to the real big and scary world.  

Millennials have experienced so much loss and generational trauma that this could easily be seen as an ubiquitous response.  This style is most common amongst millennials and gen-z and this is important to point out as these two age groups have been affected the most by these failings.  With tragedy after tragedy, millennials have lived through 20 years of war, mass shootings, school shootings, terrorist attacks, the Great Recession, and now a global pandemic. Cottagecore culture idealizes foraging, knitting /crocheting, baking, gardening and more traditionally feminine roles. This also seems to align with our return to home life with the global pandemic. As we have been quarantined to our homes the last year and a half we have reintroduced archaic ways to pass the time. Even with our non-stop technology usage, we have embraced the need for ways to spend time beyond a screen.  

After living through the pandemic and years of preaching "a return to the good ‘ole days", a generation of young adults took that into their own hands and began to craft their own narrative. Wearing your grandfather's clothes is now a ‘trend’ and thrift-shopping is popular. There is a strong correlation with the ideal of a return to a better time or more simple time.  We are in a depression era yet again and romanticizing the life of our ancestors can help us accept that fact just a little bit easier. I am not going to compare apples and oranges but it is apparent that somehow we have to accept history, make it easier to digest, and then just hope we can do better. 

This community has turned an era of fashion and social exclusively to a new one of inclusivity. At first glance this trend has little to do with the long history of traditional values, anti-Blackness, and anti-Indigeneity, but with its historical origins, it is inherently idealized propaganda for colonialism. The wave of followers try to use this as a reclamation of the ugly past and now present a new face to include the rejection of gender roles, the patriarchal society and twenty-first century life. This has become very popular in queer and anti-capitalist coterie. Cottagecore presents a way for people, including women /non-binary/ femmes, to stand out from the industry standard of hypersexualization they face everyday. Also, the rural countryside or prairie landscapes that are the most idealized tend to be politically conservative landscaps, so the cottagecore life is a way to be queer or different in those environments without the constant threat of violence or oppression. 

The aesthetic of cottagecore is still way over romanticized and based in a fictional care-free life, but there’s potential to use it as a way to bolster environmentalism and make way for systematic change in the world.

"It’s the magic within you— untamed, unbothered, fearsome, and yielding. Divine Feminine Energy is the true nature of your essence and existence—physically and spiritually."

Through time, human-made societies have tried to outlaw nature and tame the very core of our being. We have become submissive to rules, boundations, norms, societal agendas in order to exist in a safe and, dare I say, cowardly community. 

In their true essence, humans are the exact opposite of what society has made us today. We are fierce, nurturing, powerful, untamable, creative, animalistic (at times), creators, curious wanderers, witnessers— we are limitless, infinite, and forever existing. 

"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff, and we are a way for the universe to know itself,"— Says Carl Sagon, A famous astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, scientist, author, and so much more! 

At rare times, you may have come across wild energy within you wanting to unleash itself towards the wrongdoings of the society— that sacred and unknown energy within you recalls itself as divine feminine energy. 

Agelessly, this energy exists within all of us— it remains alive throughout the course of time. It questions the law, dictates freedom, showers love, synchronizes with the body, aligns itself with stars, yields growth, procures harmony, and breaks limits forced by society. 

When individuals hear 'feminine,' they connect Divine Feminine energy's significance with motherhood, womanly duties, and life-birth. However, that's very far away from the truth. Divine feminine energy is genderless and exists with the soul and body, not the appointed gender. 

Is There A True Definition Of Divine Feminine Energy? 

Every single person who has experienced this intense energy will have a different experience, but at the same time, completely alike. In more actual words, it's the sixth sense of our body (intuition) and the third eye of Lord Siva (enlightenment). 

It's a variable of our consciousness that connects to the cosmos and believes in intuitions, manifestation, awakening, boundless love, curiosity, ageless wisdom, receptivity, and connection with nature. 

With an inward journey, you may touch it, reach it, and feel it. Instead of looking outside for answers, peek inside— acknowledge its existence within you. 

Society Against Divine Feminine Energy

"People don't spend their lives trying to get a look at what's behind the curtain. They like the curtain because it provides them stability, comfort, definition."—Murray Bauman In The Fiction Series' Stranger Things.

Society feeds on sugar-coated lies, temporary stability, and beautiful curtains. It draws boundaries to feel safe from the devils this society itself creates. Toxic community kills curiosity, limits human's strength, lives in a well-fabricated lie, and perceives what pleases its putty mentality. 

It believes in Physical Gods but denies the divinity within you! Society gives you shelter as leverage— to snatch it back again when you question its fundamentals and when you rebuke the norms. It thrives on acceptance, ill-taught religion, control, power, and superiority. 

Over time, society has reduced femininity to procreation, reproduction, and life-birth. Society forgets that before being a woman, it was a human, an animal, an extra celestial being, stars, the universe, and the cosmos. It's utterly atrocious to consider women to be weak! 

Society forgets there's power in delicacy— tender touch yields love and heals wounds (physical and mental). Love, my friends, is the most potent weapon to exist, and it's the language of the universe. 

In a nutshell, society reciprocates the outer world's existence without acknowledging what's inside. On the contrary, Divine Feminine will make you question those beliefs; it awakens and guides you through the inward journey and helps you search your soul. 

History Evidencing Divine Feminine Energy 

For as long as humankind has known, Divine Feminine energy has been worshiped and acknowledged. Every religion that takes you inward speaks about femininity profoundly. 

Although in different contexts, its essence remains the same. Anyone born in religion must have come across various practices and texts that tell the importance of divine feminine energy. 

Hindu Mythology embodies and worships divine feminine energy through many goddesses. The goddess of Destruction, Kali, signifies the fierceness of a woman. That, when unleashed, will destroy every wrongdoer. 

In Judaism, Shekinah signifies the presence of God or Divinity with us. In Sentara, Yemaya is the mother earth. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite represents sexual love and worldy beauty. 

In Hindu mythology, Divine Feminine Energy is represented through Maa Durga and her nine forms— each holding divine significance. Maa Durga is known as Shakti, and Shakti translates to power. 

  1. The first form represents the utmost level of consciousness— The energy peak. You can experience it by embracing your genuine emotions, whether it's anger, love, empathy, sadness, etc. The highest peak of your emotions introduces you to something divine within you— that's feminine energy. 
  1. The second form signifies Infinity goddess— that who exists forever and everywhere without limits— She defines the expansive cosmos; neverending. You are not just a human; you are everything and everywhere. You are the moon, the sun, stars, mountains, river, oceans, planets, animals— you are everything that exists with or without form, and with or without life. 
  1. The mind and its true power to change the world. 
  2. The creator of the cosmos. 
  3. Wisdom
  4. Fight against injustice. She emerges from divinity. 
  5. Maa Kali— the goddess of destruction, one who savages wrongdoers, 
  6. Maa Gauri signifies the warmth and beauty of nature within us.
  7. A giver.

You are all this and beyond!

Unlike What's Thought, Divine Feminine Energy Is Genderless

Divine feminine energy is genderless, and it connects with the soul— the soul exists in humans, regardless of gender identified by birth. 

Through time, we have concluded and adapted a false gender binary. What is soft, loving, and gentle is feminine, and that what's strong, dominant, and protective is masculine. 

However, there's no truth in the statement. We all have witnessed women who are as fierce and men who are as gentle. Every human possesses both feminine and masculine traits together— It's a balance, and anything otherwise would be unstable. 

The Coexistence of Femininity & Masculinity

Hindu Mythology beautifully defines this balance with Shakti (feminine energy) and Shiva (masculine energy). Shakti and Shiva don't exist separately— they live together in the form of a transgender person (Ardhnaariardhshiva)— half man and half woman. It's a story signifying two essential aspects:

So, irrespective of their gender, humans have had a balance of Shiva and Shakti since birth (whether they come to acknowledge it or not). Only in the embrace of both can humans truly attain their truest form and energy. 

What is Divine Masculine Energy? 

Again, divine masculine energy doesn't only exist in men— it's genderless and equally as pure as feminine energy. When divine feminine energy flows, divine masculine energy holds ground. 

Femininity dances and masculinity stabilizes. They complete each other. Divine masculine energy is vital, awakened, still, and consuming. It's focused and centered. The masculine energy is strong yet full of compassion. If feminine energy is a river, the masculine energy is earth. If feminine energy is movement, divine masculine energy is resistance. 

Divine masculine energy is awareness, courage, mindfulness, direction, and acceptance. 

It accepts reality and forgives. Divine Masculine energy is both destruction and creation. Together, Femininity and masculinity create the rhythm and dance of the universe. 

With the misuse of power and strength in society, masculinity has become toxic, controlling, suffocating, abusive, and egotistical. Men take pride in their physical strength and overpower women. It's time you look beyond societal fragments and learn what's inside you— masculinity is equally tender, soft, compassionate, and giving. 

How To Evoke Divine Feminine Energy Within You?

"You don't develop or give birth to divine feminine energy; you can only seek it, for it has existed since the very start."

There's no shortcut to attaining divine feminine energy. Some find it earlier, others take their own time— either way, every individual has their own pace. You should never compare your journey to that of others because growth is determined by personal experiences and happenings— it's going to be different for everyone. 

However, everything starts with acknowledging yourself, the stigmas you have been fed, the wrong practices you accept, and what you impose on others. More than often, we become the society we hate so dearly. It's human psychology to direct your pain by hurting others, and it's an ill-fed coping mechanism. 

Feminine divine energy accepts your pain and heals your wounds. People might believe feminine divine energy is something you achieve after a long, righteous journey. But, no. Feminine divine energy itself is a journey of healing, love, and prosperity, and it grows as you grow as a human being. 

Activating Divine Feminine Energy Through These Steps

The journey to accepting ourselves in the truest form is not difficult. However, flipping around the societal stigma imposed on us is very difficult. Our minds have been tamed to act like puppets 

1. Wounded femininity— Here's how to heal it. 

If your mother is orthodox and not in touch with her femininity, chances are that you will become like her or the women around you— oppressed, stressed, submissive, and controlled. 

It's a journey of undoing yourself as a whole. We have seen a society where women are considered weak, and men use their physical strength to oppress them. It's not just men; wounded women themselves criticize women of power out of envy and jealousy. 

In regular households, women are told to be lady-like, pretty like an expensive ornament, and submissive. Those who oppose the inflicted ideas suffer from abusive families and harsh judgment. 

But we see things changing; more women are heading together with men, equally powerful and equally strong. It's a victory for divine feminine energy that has evolved amongst women. It has struggled for ages— from suffrage to dealing with objectifying comments, low wages, violence, etc.

Men's wounded Ego— a demon inflicted by the society

Similarly, men will take over their father or oppressive men surrounding them. Men are told not to cry, show emotions, show love— that these traits make them look weak. 

But, please know, crying, showing emotions, and loving will only make you stronger— it will strengthen you emotionally and physically. 

Men are spoiled by their parents, especially mothers. 

Men are treated like they are better than women, and this manipulation does make men believe that they are indeed better than women. 

However, men and women are equal; they hold each other and strengthen each other. Without the other half, you will remain empty. 

It's time to choose what's best for you rather than what's better for society. Easier said than done, right? Don't worry, we'll get through this together. 

Relax with nature and look upon what's wrong with you and around you. Don't accept them. It's time we challenge society for our freedom. That's not all; look where you are wrong as a human, as well. 

Question Yourself And Question The Society

Ask yourself:

Now, TELL the society: 

2. The Journey Of Love Starts With Self-Love And Self-Care

Love can heal the biggest and scariest wounds. You cannot love others until you love yourself, truly and completely. The universe, including all its elements (human, oceans, moon, the sun, stars, galaxies, rivers, mountains, etc.), converse and grow with the language of love, empathy, and freedom. 

To love the universe and for the universe to reciprocate that love, one must love themselves first. 

Don't limit your love simply with words; go beyond and love with actions. There's no easy book to magically start loving yourself in a short period. 

It takes effort and a long healing period to go beyond those horrible childhood traumas, self-destruction, and self-judgment— to love despite years of self-harm both physically and mentally. 

We are in the constant need to do better and be better— whatever we do simply isn't enough. Honey, you are more than enough! You don't have to prove yourself; you don't need to struggle so much. You don't have to be so hard on yourself. 

How To Love Yourself?

With verbal love, treat yourself with actions.

3. Acknowledge Your Raw Emotions

Men are in a constant struggle with their emotions. Their inner feelings, demons, and emotions oppose the concept of societal parameters. 

Men are told to limit their emotions, sadness, and insecurities, and they are asked to stand firm despite the creeping anxiety and pain. This disorderly mental war will eventually affect your whole being and put you far away from your natural energies and Chakras— you will not only be deprived of feminine power but also masculine energy. 

It's time you accept your emotions and cry for the love of God. You can never get rid of the pain until you accept it and let it consume you. Pretending that you don't feel pain will only worsen the situation. So, let it consume you, and you will witness that pain vanish. The realization and acceptance will make you strong naturally. 

"Your pain defines who you are, but it no longer holds power on you."

—Noah to Helge in the German series 'Dark.'

So, instead of escaping your pain, face it. Ask yourself about your feelings every day: 

If you cannot explain your thoughts, try expressing them with a single word: "I'm happy," "Sad." "Angry," "excited," etc. 

Try a therapist if you cannot confide your emotions with family or friends. Sometimes, our mind doesn't allow us to feel things, and a therapist will help us open up with questions and answers we didn't know we needed. 

When we understand ourselves and our pain— we become empathetic, loving, and compassionate. Accepting pain will blossom you with love; love will channel your divine feminine energy. 

"Be true to yourself if you cannot be true to the world." When confronting yourself, speak the truth. 

4. Demand And Approach What You Deserve Rightfully

Has society snatched your freedom and instilled you with fear? Without freedom, we are mere pawns of the community. We are not ours, and we'll always be bound to rules, regulations, and norms. 

It's a fight against your own people, people who have snatched that freedom away from you. Sometimes, individuals aren't even aware of their hostile life. 

For a long time, as a woman, I was held captive in the house at night because the outer world was scary. Should I accept my fate and spend my whole life never getting out to see the beauty of the night, the stars, the moon, the streets? 

No, fear shouldn't stop you from living. 

Take notes of what you aren't allowed to do even if you dearly enjoy it— going out, eating delicious food, dancing, wearing revealing clothes, doing makeup? Even if society presents you with justifiable answers to all those boundaries, I would still urge you to break them all! 

So, how exactly does one fight for that freedom? 

5. Get in Touch With Your Soul

We often accept the roles given to us by society— a people pleaser, someone who wants to fit in and be accepted.

To be accepted in society, we enslave ourselves. 

With years and years of manipulation, programming, and inherited beliefs — it's difficult to separate what you really are and what society made you. So, ask yourself— was this action/speech truly my doing or a reflex response for what I'm always asked for? 

Our reflexes are trained; we have no free will because our brains have been tamed to behave in a certain manner. Undoing the damage inflicted on us will take time, but a start will always be the most significant step you take for yourself and your soul. 

Women have been told to serve; as a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. We are never considered our own, and we are asked to be the giver without having anything. Throughout our lives, we serve others and ensure their happiness. 

However, we often forget to love ourselves, make our own life happy first, and live for ourselves. NO, it's not selfish, for you can only love others when you love yourself truly. 

6. Embrace your sexuality

Sex is quite liberating. In orgasm, you get one with the universe. Orgasm nullifies pain, sorrow, and negativity, making you reach the highest level of pleasure. Orgasm is a state of ecstasy; its vibrations are in rhythm with the universe.

Someone who denies sex is considered pure and celestial. Someone who accepts and enjoys sex is regarded as an filtiy creature. It's far from the truth— sex is just as pure and as divine. If verbal love connects souls, sex connects the bodies.

Sex and pleasure is not just for men; it's for all the breathing creatures. It's not only pleasurable for men but for women, too. So, explore your sexuality— it's an expression of self-love. 

Activate Your Divine Feminine Energy With These Steps: 

By meditating, you get closer to your sixth sense. Meditation allows us solitude hours, and this time spent with ourselves will help us get to know ourselves better. This constant relaxed mind will help you separate society from your being and existence. 

Wrapping Up Divine Feminine Energy

If you'd like to have an open discussion about divine feminine energy and masculine energy, let us know.

I think most people want to be loving & supportive of their friends. Whenever I discuss body positivity (online or in person) most decent straight sized people are mostly in favour of the theory. I’m often congratulated & told it is important to spread the message. I suspect these people would consider themselves supportive of their fat friends.

Whilst I agree that they are well intentioned & aim to be supportive I still hear the same complaints from the fat friends over & over. It can be really hard to address these face to face. So, here is a handy to guide to help thin folk support the fat people in their life. I’m starting with the basics; 5 easy steps that anyone can manage.

Don’t tell me you feel fat.

Fat is not a feeling. When you describe your feelings of inadequacy or unattractiveness as ‘feeling fat’, your opinions on fat are very clear. In addition please don’t complain about how fat you are when you are half my size. What I hear is that you think I am repulsive.

Don’t include me in your diet talk

Diets don’t work. That is scientific fact. Studies show time & again that almost every diet actually results in long term weight gain. I believe that diet talk is toxic. I can’t tell you what to do with your body, but please don’t involve me in it. I don’t want to know how many calories are in my or your meal. Keep your weight goals to yourself. Food has no moral value, you’re not being good when you order a salad. You can follow whatever regime you please without telling me about it.

Don’t expect me to always be ok with trawling around shops that don’t carry my size.

I can’t tell you how many shopping trips I have been on where there was no chance of me buying anything. I’m not even sure that most straight sized people are even aware of this. I’m not saying I’ll never help you pick out a new frock, but please try to be aware that it isn’t all that much fun for me. There are limits to how much time I want to spend sitting in waiting rooms holding your coat.

Don’t laugh at/make fat jokes

Whether it’s a character in a film or a disparaging comment about that bitch you hate at work when you include their weight it stings. When you find Thor in a fat suit hilarious you’re laughing at my actual body. If you can’t criticise Trump without mentioning his weight you are telling me that him being fat is part of what you dislike about him.

Don’t comment on weight loss/gain

The aim of my body positivity is reach a point where body size is neutral. I would dearly love for my bulk or lack there of to just not matter. With that in mind, please don’t comment on my weight fluctuations. Weight loss is not inherently good. Any changes may be unintentional. They may not even be benign. The size of my person requires no discussion. In the same vein don’t expect me to congratulate or castigate anyone else’s weight change.

I know some readers will be thinking this is all very demanding. No doubt the, we can’t say anything anymore mob, will have lots to say about my suggestions. Remember, though, they are only suggestions. No one can stop you from saying anything you feel you must. I’m simply letting you know that when you do, it hurts. It comes down to respect. The choice is yours.



The most important and amazing part of life? Love. 

With love comes happiness, excitement, attention, thoughtful gifts, sweet time, and cute surprises together. 

However, it doesn't mean you have to wait for love to come along with a particular person. Sharing a bond full of love can be special with your mom or dad or friends, too. 

Although today, we will talk about boyfriend love, so let's stick to that. What are some of the best romantic surprises you can give your boyfriend? How can you make your boyfriend happy on his birthday? What can you gift your boyfriend? 

In this article, we're listing the 20 best romantic surprises for your boyfriend's birthday! You can choose one, surprise him and put a big fat smile on their face. Let's go. 

20+ Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday!

We are all aware that women are the most excitement-filled creatures on earth when planning something for their loved ones. They get too excited and eventually confused about what to do when to do it, and what surprise to prepare for their better half's birthday. They focus on the right idea for that perfect gift.

Planning something for your loved one's birthday can quickly get from exciting to stressful in a small span of time. One second you're the leading party planner in the room, and the second minute you're overthinking your decisions. 

Not having a proper surprise idea for your boyfriend's birthday can become problematic, and you may end up feeling bad for not nicely surprising your boyfriend. 

Don't worry. We are here with the cutest birthday surprises for your boyfriend. You just have to select one, and make your boyfriend happy on his special day!

1. Birthday party 

birthday party romantic Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday

Some of the most cherishable moments come with numerous good friends at a surprise birthday party. Everyone takes a day off and meets up to share quality time and reminisce about beautiful old stories. A birthday party is a great way to surprise your boyfriend and give him quality time to spend. 

Who should you invite to his birthday celebration? 

It depends on your partner's nature. If he's always cool with the family members, invite them all over without a doubt. However, if he seems to be a non-family person and is closer to his friends, invite all the tight, good friends. 

If he's comfortable with both of them, it's going to be a blast surprise birthday party that he'll ever have in his life.  

Here are some supplies that you may get:

Lastly, if he does not prefer loud parties and a vast crowd. In that case, you can plan a party for just the two of you, taking him to his favorite place and showering him with a romantic dance, delighting dinner, cute gifts, and a never-ending soothing conversation. 

2. Gifts to remember 

As a symbol of your love for him, you can choose to give him a surprise gift that he will never forget, like some uniquely designed personalized jewelry—a ringa bracelet, or a sweet pendant. 

You can have a personal message in the jewelry as you like by using your names, birth dates, or anything special that you both personally share. If you are thinking of a bracelet, you can add in loving words for him. 

Moreover, you can append a secret message for him inside the ring as rings are the most precious jewelry gift to give to the person you love. Such unique gift would let him know how important he is for you and how much you care. If you go for rings, various personalized rings are available for couples. 

3. Favorite dish

favorite dish Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday

The way to your husband's heart goes from his stomach. 

Just like that, all men love to eat their favorite tasty dishes on special occasions. How about you prepare his favorite dish on his birthday? 

I've never been a materialistic person when it comes to dating. Therefore, whenever I had to give a gift to my significant other I always focused on something more thoughtful than any material thing I could think of. It's a better way to show you care and meaningful.

How touched he may feel while eating his favorite dish from the hands of his love? If you don't know about his favorite meal, you can call & ask his mom or close friends and start preparing. You can add a bottle of wine and play his favorite movie for as a perfect way to end the night.

4. Trip with your love 

trip with your love in the mountains Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday

Another great birthday surprise is a pre-booked couple trip. You can book a trip with your partner and take him somewhere magical for an exciting week. It could be anywhere like beaches, mountains or whatever his taste is, and spend the whole time talking, walking, and spending lovely time together as best friends.

If you have a budget problem here, you can book a fancy hotel room for a single day. Decorate it with heart balloonspictures of you together, and bring over a tasty cake, something to eat, and champagne to celebrate this lovely day!

Another good idea to surprise your boyfriend is to take him on a date at the location from where you guys first met or maybe where you guys had your first kiss. It would make the day even more of a special gift for him! 

5. Gadgets 

photo of different gadgets that you can gift Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday

Undoubtedly, everyone knows how precious gadgets are for all men. Surprising them with a gadget they have been drooling for, can be a romantic gift on his birthday. 

A gadget can be anything like smartphones, laptops, or video games. You are fortunate if your partner is more into video games stuff. Gifting him the new Playstation or Xbox will make him jump on the bed like a kid. 

Gadgets can be so precious and unique for guys because the playful little kid stays inside them no matter how much they grow up. Gift a gadget to your lovely partner and stay with him all the time—this would remind him of you every day. 

One of the best gifts I've given my boyfriend is a this beautiful charging station where you can customize it and have all of his devices charge at once. 

6. Romantic collage of pictures 

photo collages of memories Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday

Handmade surprises will also work like black magic on boys, especially if it's a montage of your happy pictures together. You can add photos of the precious moments you have spent together to date and many more to come. 

All you have to do is stack all the beautiful moments in pictures and start making a collage. Don't forget to paste cute stickers all around. If you would like it into a shape of a heart, you can order this beautiful frame for your pictures. PERFECT for any gift. 

Next, you can frame it so that he can hang it on the wall of his room. The collage will remind him of you, and every lovely moment you guys have spent together whenever he looks at it, which is unique and romantic.  

7. Magical basket 

How about you surprise him with all of your emotions wrapped up in a magical basket? Well, quite a good idea. 

Take a big basket and decorate it with ribbons and love stickers. Next, start adding all the stuff that he likes in the basket—

Anything he adores will be appreciable if you put it in the basket and give it to him. Magical basket can really be a magical surprise on his special day!

8. Make his day 

Romantic Surprises for Boyfriend's Birthday woman making his day and do something romantic

You can make his day even more special by planning something unique. Prepare small gifts connected to special memories, and take him around the city, asking to open presents at different locations. It'd be like a 24-hour surprise hamper, with multiple surprises in a single day. 

You can keep all the gifts in one basket and write different things on each to remind you when to open them. In these gifts, you can wrap small details that you share in this relationship, like: 

9. Video of him waking up to you

Before waking your boyfriend up, start recording a video of you wishing him a birthday full of cheers. Talk about all your loving memories together and how grateful you are to be with him in this world. 

When your boyfriend wakes up and sees all the love, he'd be so happy, and that's what's called the perfect start of his special day. 

To make it super special, you can secretly ask some of his family members and close friends to record a small clip wishing him and giving him a lovely message on his day. 

Ask them to describe how important he is to all of us. Then you can add all the clips together and make a special video to show him when he wakes up!

10. Surprise in the trunk 

This is one of the most customary birthday surprises that you can plan for your special one. All you have to do is secretly decorate your car trunk with flowers, balloons, gifts, cake, and pretty pictures of you together. Fill up the trunk with beautiful moments that you have spent together. 

Then ask your partner to go on a long drive with you and wait for the perfect moment. When you think it's time, ask him to park at a particular place (like the spot where you guys met for the first time) or anywhere that feels romantic. 

Now, get him out and ask him to open the trunk and surprise! He'd be so happy, especially when he wasn't expecting that kind of a surprise. 

11. Paintball with all the buddies 

paintball with your friends

Why not organize a paintball session if your partner is more into games and sports with his buddies? Invite all his friends to make his day super duper special with colors and lots of fun together. 

12. Tickets to a game 

picture of a baseball game as a date night

Buy him tickets to a public screening of his favorite sport or a live game, and watch it together.

This would be enough to tell him he's so lucky to get a girl like you, who understands his passion. Watching the game from so close will really warm his heart on his exceptional day. 

This is an excellent way to make him feel important and help him understand that you treat his priority the same way he does and care about him the most. You can even invite a few friends over to go along if you wish to have fun together. 

13. Write him a card

woman writing a love card

This is probably my favorite romantic surprise you can give your boyfriend on his birthday. Giving someone a handmade written card is one of the purest love forms to show how much you care for them and appreciate their existence and love. 

It can also work immensely well for couples staying in long-distance relationships, making happy memories. All you have to do is make your partner an extraordinary card all by yourself with your creativity and love. 

You can start by describing happy memories you have made together, paste a few memorable pictures, do some cute paint, paste love stickers, and finish it with all the creativity you want. 

14. A midnight surprise 

Midnight surprise ideas are always successful and the perfect start to anybody’s special day. You can plan to decorate a room with some close friends and get a personalized cake (use the flavor he loves), along with a few drinks to celebrate his surprise party. 

Prepare everything before midnight, and take him to the spot blindfolded. Wish him "Happy Birthday!" together, when it touches 12 in the clock, turn the music on and start celebrating to make him feel special. Using only a little help from his friends will make this birthday the most memorable one for him. 

Maybe after the party, you can go on a late-night long drive and see the sunrise together, which is so romantic and special to do with your partner.  

15. Candlelight dinner 

candlelight dinner as a Romantic Surprise for Boyfriend's Birthday

Candlelight dinner is a pristine idea, but it never goes out of style. The best way to treat your loved ones is by asking them out for a candlelight dinner together. Make it way better than your typical date nights. It'll be such a sweet surprise.

You can send him a rose bouquet and a happy birthday card, along with new clothes for a date night. Add information in the card about when they should get ready, and then pick them by yourself. You can make it even more special by wearing a similar color as his attire. 

Moreover, you can even plan a surprise cake for your boyfriend or spend the birthday night romantically, with love talks while eating, dancing, walking, and having purely fun. 

Candlelight dinners are romantically classic and could make the person feel really special on his birthday. It could probably make him fall for you all over again! 

16. Birthday countdown mails

Everyone has a significant level of excitement on their birthdays. To make this even more precious, you can start sending them birthday countdown mails seven days before his birthday. 

Each day, you can send him large detailed paragraphs about how important he is for you, reminding him of beautiful memories that you have lived in the past together. 

This way, you can make him feel special every day before his birthday, which is so romantic and the best thing one can do to show him how much you love and care. 

17. Memories in a jar

a jar with special memories

Happy Jar is one of the best handmade gift surprises you can give to your partner. 

All you have to do is take a big glass jar and start making small, colorful sheets with special memories written on them. You can add his favorite candies or chocolates in the jar too. Now decorate it with colorful ribbons and heart-shaped stickers to make it more special. 

Trust me, this is one of the purest love forms you can show someone and the best surprise to give your loving partner on his special day. 

You can also get this AMAZING Jar. This gift consists of a glass jar decorated with ribbon, containing 365 different romantic love note.

18. Seven gifts as seven promises 

Sweet promises can be the most thoughtful gestures in any relationship. How about you give him seven promises right on his birthday week? All you need to do is prepare seven different and lovely promises, write them down on colorful paper, wrap them beautifully, and give one each day until his birthday. 

Just like that, seven different promises for seven days will be so romantic and memorable for him. 

19. A short film

A romantic couple film can be really precious because it takes time to create, and you can add years of moments and memories in a short video. 

Start creating a video using short dreamy voice notes with romantic songs running in the background. It can be heart whelming for your boyfriend and emotional for both of you, and it is something that will always remain so personal and special. 

20. Be the surprise 

woman getting ready to surprise her boyfriend

If it's comfortable and not uncanny for you, get up and have some adventure. Get all dressed up in a pretty gown, do your hair and put on a sweet perfume. 

Bring a cake, a bouquet, a fancy gift, and some chocolates for your partner and show up at his workplace or at his house unannounced to give him the best surprise. 

Bottom line

Giving surprises to the ones you love and seeing their smiles stretch wider is one of the best things in the world. Each moment you spend with your partner is special, and when you surprise them on their big day, it can be a memorable time for both of you. 

These 20+ romantic surprises for your boyfriend's birthday are really sweet and can work amazingly well. Do try them and let us know how his special day turned out!