Mental Wellness


It’s time. It’s no secret that our world, particularly our country, is literally on fire. Everything is upside down and feels wrong. Life is happening to us and around us all at once.
I don’t know about ya’ll, but the past two years have felt hard, overwhelming, sometimes scary, and hopeless. Yet, to survive- No, thrive we MUST commit to finding joy. Finding joy in everything.
Because if we don’t we will be weak. We won’t have the strength, the resilience, the energy to fight back. Fight back literally, socially, culturally, politically, and spiritually.
I’m committed to finding joy because I deserve it. My ancestors earned it. And dammit, my children, your children, our children will have it.
So how do we so this? This is what I know now.
Finding joy is deep and sometimes its right in our faces.
  • Laughter: when I have deep, hearty, loud laughs, my heart warms and my body lights up
  • Gratitude: focusing on everything that I am grateful for. Nothing is too small. Anything. Everything. Something. Be grateful. Daily.
  • Hobbies: when I am enjoying things I truly like- reading, painting, eating, I feel connected and at peace.
  • Community : consistently connect with those that encourage you , challenge you, and loves you unconditionally.
These are a few ways I am finding my joy. Start here. Add more. And share with me. Joy belongs to us. It is deep inside. Always have. Always will. We just gotta commit to finding it.
by Tineciaa Harris

I am a Black woman who loves healing , wellness, and cooking. I am learning to paint and choosing joy daily! As a mom, sister, daughter, and girlfriend, I have wanted to share my learnings from life, therapy, and love.

My daughter is 8 years old and I have been blessed with a bonus son, who's 7.

Currently, I am a director in the public health space as a full time job, living in Memphis, TN.

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