Rae Chesny
Rae Chesny is an award-winning social education expert, author, Johns Hopkins University Literary Consultant, and Zora Neale Hurston Scholar. Each year, she splits her time between researching, writing, and presenting on the literary great Zora Neale Hurston and writing her own titles. In January 2022, Rae served as the featured speaker for the 3-day Zora Neale Hurston: The Storyteller and Her Town hosted by the Eatonville Library and funded by the Florida Humanities Council during the annual Zora! Fest. Rae is a 2021 Baldwin House Urban Writer in Residence. She has been featured on American Black Journal, in Michigan Chronicle, and in Black Enterprise. In Summer 2022, she released a children’s book entitled Zora’s Garden and a memoir Dear Zora. For more on Rae, visit raechesny.com.
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