Unleash Your Full Potential!

The personality of a company and the Top of Mind

January 15, 2024

The human brain is one of the most docile things that exist in this world, however, we are not yet fully aware that you cannot reach a target audience without first understanding how their brain works.

In universities or higher education programs—where they teach us any career in sales, marketing or advertising—most of the time they focus on learning how to handle statistics, reports, and how to correctly execute campaigns. However, very rarely is enough attention paid to the psychology of the target audience or the user alone.

Understanding the psychology of a consumer makes us go one step further than many companies, we have to try to understand from their subconscious to their most common interests. Although I have managed to pay enough attention to all those successful companies, they all have something in common: they are characterized by a unique color, logo or name.

This causes the brain to suffer from something called top of mind. This term refers to the first product or brand that arises in the consumer's mind. For example, when we think of hamburgers, we all think of the Burger King restaurant chain, or when we talk about pumas, we think of the tennis and shoe brand, and so on.

For our company to be top of mind, we must first give it its own personality, yes, treat it like a person.

Imagining that the company has its own personality may be a little complicated at first, but when this objective is achieved it will be easier for the client to feel comfortable and comfortable with the company or brand. Some of the characteristics that we can give you are tastes, interests, economic situation (not of the company, but of the brand as such, according to the value of its products), etc.

Now, according to the personality that we gave to our brand, we have to start organizing everything to correctly reach the user.

For example, my brand can sell beauty products or be a beauty salon, normally this type of business has the personality of an upper-middle class woman, she loves taking care of herself, has a stable job, does not have children or her children are already large, so she enjoys buying her products without worrying about spending too much because she doesn't know if she will have to go to the emergency pediatrician.

Furthermore, it can be said that said woman can be between 35 and 50 years old, therefore, she is already beginning to worry about her skin and tries not to have premature aging. Her interests may be that she loves going out with her friends to have coffee or some other drink, she likes to read or watch television programs, she has a very wide vocabulary and she likes to make sure that all the products that pass through her skin are of excellent quality. .

When we manage to understand that our brand or company has a unique personality, in turn we are able to describe the customer.

And why does this happen?

When we describe the company, we are describing the target audience to which we must address. Nike, for example, is a sports clothing brand, therefore it can give the personality of a sporty person and its target audience, certainly, are athletes or exercise lovers.

When we give a personality to our company or brand, we can better understand the market we want to address.

Now, to continue with our goal of becoming top of mind, we must focus on the customer that emerged when we described the company. We must investigate their psychology in depth, see their consumer behaviors, their search patterns, understand which social networks they spend the most time on, and which social networks they use most of the time. It is also very important to talk to them, to learn more about everything about them, be it their tastes, needs, interests, etc.

This can be done through surveys, either in a format, on a website or through social networks such as Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).

After investigating this, with all the data collected, we must make a report in which we specify which social networks are used the most by users of a certain age, their favorite colors and what they feel towards them, what makes them buy products of a certain color. or specific smell (in the case of the cosmetics, skincare and perfume industry), the consumer behavior of the user and everything you consider necessary to make an excellent impression of your brand.

Now, although we know, we have to be creative when persuading the client, strategies are extremely important, we cannot detract from that. However, it is also important to know what light intensity is best to have in photographs, fonts, colors, types of designs, etc.

I always recommend using minimalist designs, especially for stores that sell household items, since this type of technique causes a certain tranquility in the user, which is why you will also want that tranquility in your home. In addition, it is extremely important to experiment with certain types of designs, colors and typography, sometimes we believe that they cannot persuade the user and therefore we do not use it.

We also have to take into account that many times the user gets tired of the same type of content, so it is very important and attractive to innovate the content from time to time.

My recommendation, in general, is that you try to know what your client wants, fall in love with the brand, take a lead from the users who participate in the surveys, try to do different things and always keep an analysis of all the content created.

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