Real Stories

A Letter to My Son

Since when did it become a punishment to be a mother?

You didn’t realize, but I  watched you go into school yesterday morning. I watched your large backpack bounce as you skipped into school. I smiled watching your innocent little body happily go into what is supposed to be a safe haven. 

My smiling slowly turned downward because images of an active shooter in your school crossed my mind. That happens ever so often when I feel happy. My mind turns to the worst when I feel content and safe.

These thoughts came to me not realizing what was going to happen later that day.

19 children were murdered in Texas while at school.

Elementary school.

Wide open doors.

You didn’t realize, but I hugged and kissed you so hard when you came home. I even served your favorite dinner, Taco Bell.

You didn’t realize, but when you fought me to clean up your room, I didn’t fight back. 

Nothing was worth getting upset over knowing there are parents coming home to messy rooms that will never get cleaned up. 

You didn’t realize but I stared at your face until you fell asleep next to me in my bed.

The gentleness of your closed eyelids and your plump lips and cheeks made my heart swell of pain and love and fear.

by Nicole Desantis

Nicole is a full time working mother who runs Nicole arose a blog (http://thenicolerose.com), a platform to educate, support and raise awareness around modern day motherhood.
She helps inspire creative expression without standards.


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