
Amanda Marie’s Path from Trauma Survivor to Holistic Coach and Retreat Founder

Meet Amanda Marie, a passionate advocate for women’s healing and empowerment, whose journey from a physical therapist assistant to a holistic lifestyle coach and founder of Goddess Serenity Retreats is nothing short of inspiring. Amanda’s career began with earning her Associate of Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant in 2017, followed by her bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from Simmons University in 2019. However, it was a near-death experience in the same year that reshaped her path and ignited a deeper calling to help survivors heal from trauma. Moving to Connecticut, Amanda started working full-time in Orthopaedics while soul-searching for her true purpose. In 2020, she embarked on a transformative journey, researching certifications to become a coach and volunteering at the Center for Family Justice, aiding domestic violence survivors. By 2023, Amanda had earned her Holistic Lifestyle Certification and became a speaker at virtual workshops for survivors. Attending a women’s day retreat in Utah sparked the idea for Goddess Serenity Retreats. Despite facing challenges, Amanda’s dedication has led to the upcoming inaugural retreat on October 4-6th, 2024, at a picturesque Airbnb on Candlewood Lake, CT. Her story is a testament to resilience, growth, and the transformative power of healing journeys.

1. Can you share a bit about your personal journey and how it has shaped your mission with Goddess Serenity Retreats?

My journey has been one of profound transformation and resilience. After experiencing domestic violence and a near-death experience in my early 20s, I embarked on a path of healing and self-discovery. Through my own journey, I realized the importance of creating safe spaces for women to heal from their traumas and reclaim their sense of self-worth.

Goddess Serenity & Retreats emerged from my vision to provide women with a sanctuary where they can nurture their bodies, minds, and spirits. My mission is to empower women to heal themselves, feel whole, and embrace their inherent worthiness. Through a combination of holistic practices, including yoga, breathwork, and self-care rituals, we cultivate an environment of love, acceptance, and transformation.

I believe that every woman deserves to feel empowered and cherished, and it’s my passion to support them on their journey to reclaiming their inner goddess and living a life of serenity and joy.

2. What were some of the biggest challenges or struggles you faced in starting your business, and how did you overcome them?

Starting Goddess Serenity Retreats presented several challenges, especially considering my limited background in business and marketing. One of the biggest hurdles was navigating the intricacies of entrepreneurship without prior experience. To overcome this, I devoted myself to extensive research, studying successful business models, and seeking guidance from mentors in the industry. Developing a comprehensive business plan helped me establish a clear roadmap and set achievable goals.

Marketing proved to be another significant challenge. I had to determine the most effective strategies to reach my target audience and convey the unique value of my retreats. Through trial and error, I experimented with various marketing channels, including social media, email campaigns, and networking with like-minded organizations. By closely monitoring the results and adapting my approach accordingly, I gradually honed in on the most impactful marketing tactics for my business. 

Ultimately, perseverance, adaptability, and a willingness to learn were key in overcoming these challenges and laying the foundation for Goddess Serenity Retreats to thrive.

3. How do you think your experience as a survivor has influenced the way you approach helping other women heal from trauma?

My experience as a domestic violence survivor has profoundly shaped my approach to helping other women heal from trauma. Having traversed the depths of darkness myself, I intimately understand the pain, fear, and isolation that accompany such experiences. This empathy informs every aspect of my work, from creating a safe and nurturing environment to providing compassionate support and guidance.

I recognize that healing is a nonlinear journey, often fraught with setbacks and challenges. Through my own transformation from a place of darkness to one of joy and passion, I aim to inspire hope and resilience in others. By sharing my story and leading by example, I strive to empower women to reclaim their agency, rebuild their lives, and rediscover their inherent worthiness.

My experience has taught me the importance of holistic healing approaches that address the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. At Goddess Serenity Retreats, we provide women with the tools and support they need to cultivate self-love, resilience, and inner peace. It is my greatest honor to walk alongside them on their journey toward healing and wholeness.

4. What are some valuable lessons you’ve learned along the way while building Goddess Serenity & Retreats?

Building Goddess Serenity Retreats has been a journey filled with profound lessons and insights. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is that healing is indeed a journey, and it’s not always a linear or easy path. Throughout the process of building this sanctuary for women, I’ve encountered unexpected emotions and challenges that have tested my resolve and resilience. However, I’ve also experienced moments of deep gratitude and connection that have reaffirmed my purpose and passion.

Another lesson I’ve learned is the transformative power of gratitude. Despite the hardships and setbacks, cultivating a mindset of gratitude has allowed me to find beauty and meaning in every step of the journey. It has helped me stay grounded, present, and alive, even in the face of adversity.

Additionally, I’ve learned the importance of embracing vulnerability and authenticity in both business and personal growth. By sharing my own struggles and triumphs openly, I’ve fostered genuine connections with others and created a supportive community where women feel seen, heard, and valued.

Ultimately, building Goddess Serenity Retreats has taught me that the greatest gifts often emerge from the most challenging experiences. Each obstacle has been an opportunity for growth, and I am continually inspired by the resilience and strength of the women who walk this path alongside me.

5. Can you share a specific moment or experience that has been particularly inspiring or impactful in your journey?

One profoundly inspiring and impactful moment in my journey was when I found myself surrounded in a room of courageous women in Bountiful, Utah in February of 2023 at the Let’s Talk Event with The Relationship Recovery and She Leads organizations. Each woman shared their stories of resilience and growth. We delved into somatic breathwork, which brought me back to the exact moment of my near-death experience. In that moment, I realized the profound beauty of human connection and the transformative power of vulnerability. 

After the breathwork, we re-grouped and shared our experiences. Listening to the struggles and triumphs of those around me, I couldn’t help, but see reflections of my own journey. Witnessing their courage and authenticity ignited a spark within me, reminding me of the resilience that resides within us all.

Through these shared experiences, I’ve come to understand that life’s challenges are not meant to break us, but to shape us into who we are meant to be. Each obstacle we overcome, each moment of vulnerability we embrace, brings us closer to our true selves and to one another.

This experience has taught me that true healing is found in the connections we forge and the love we share. It’s a journey of self-discovery, compassion, and growth, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to share life’s journey with such incredible souls.

6. What advice would you give to other survivors or individuals looking to start their own projects focused on healing and empowerment?

My advice to other survivors or individuals looking to start their own projects focused on healing and empowerment is to first and foremost trust your intuition. Your inner guidance is a powerful compass that can lead you towards your true purpose and passion. Listen closely to the whispers of your heart and have faith in the calling that stirs within you.

Additionally, seek out support and guidance from mentors or coaches who can provide valuable insights and guidance along your journey. Surround yourself with a community of like-minded individuals who share your vision and values, and who can offer encouragement and support when times get tough.

Remember that healing and empowerment are not linear journeys, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Be gentle with yourself, practice self-care, and celebrate your progress along the way. Your unique experiences and perspective have the power to create positive change in the world, so embrace your journey with courage, compassion, and resilience.

7. How do you incorporate the concept of self-love and empowerment into your retreats and workshops?

Incorporating the concepts of self-love and empowerment into Goddess Serenity Retreats is at the core of our mission. We utilize various practices and activities to nurture a sense of self-worth and confidence among our participants.

Journaling and workshops play a central role in our retreats, providing a space for participants to explore and release negative thought patterns while cultivating a positive mindset. Through guided exercises and discussions, we help individuals identify limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering affirmations. By encouraging self-reflection and introspection, we guide participants towards a deeper understanding and acceptance of themselves.

In every aspect of our retreats and workshops, we strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment where participants feel seen, heard, and valued. Through guided practices, transformative experiences, and genuine connection, we empower individuals to embrace their inherent worthiness and live their lives with confidence, passion, and purpose.

8. What are some of the key elements or practices you believe are essential for personal healing and growth?

Personal healing and growth involve a holistic approach that integrates various practices and elements. Here are some of the key elements that I believe are essential:

  • Finding a mentor or coach: Seeking guidance from someone who has walked a similar path or has expertise in areas of personal development can offer insights, accountability, and encouragement.
  • Positive self-talk: Cultivating a mindset of self-compassion and positivity can profoundly impact one’s outlook and overall well-being.
  • Self-help workbooks/journals: Engaging in self-reflection and introspection through writing can aid in processing emotions, gaining clarity, and setting intentions for personal growth.
  • Spending time in nature: Connecting with the natural world can be incredibly grounding and rejuvenating, providing opportunities for reflection, relaxation, and inner peace.
  • Exercising in accordance with your hormonal cycle: Tailoring your exercise routine to align with your body’s natural rhythms can optimize physical and mental well-being throughout the month.
  • Cold exposure & saunas: These practices can have numerous health benefits, including improved circulation, immune function, and stress resilience.
  • Having a supportive circle around you: Surrounding yourself with loving, understanding, and supportive individuals can provide invaluable encouragement, validation, and perspective.
  • Seeking a therapist when needed: Professional support from a therapist or counselor can be instrumental in navigating challenging emotions, trauma, and personal growth goals.

I believe that by integrating these key elements into one’s life through a holistic approach can lead to profound personal healing and growth- fostering resilience, self-awareness, and empowerment.

9. How do you balance the emotional intensity of working with trauma survivors while maintaining your own well-being and self-care?

Balancing the emotional intensity of working with trauma survivors while maintaining my own well-being and self-care is essential for both myself and the individuals I support. Here are some of the strategies I employ to achieve this balance:

  • Setting boundaries: establishing clear boundaries around my time, energy, and emotional availability is crucial for protecting my own well-being. This includes setting specific work hours and limiting the number of clients or sessions I take on to ensure I can provide the highest quality of care without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Self-care practices: prioritizing self-care activities such as meditation, exercise, spending time in nature, and engaging in hobbies that bring me joy helps replenish my energy and resilience. By carving out dedicated time for self-care, I ensure that I am better equipped to handle the emotional demands of my work.
  • Staying grounded: incorporating grounding techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and connecting with my senses helps anchor me in the present moment and prevent emotional burnout. Maintaining a connection to my own sense of purpose and values also helps me stay centered amidst challenging situations.
  • Seeking support: seeking support from peers, friends and family allows me to process my own emotions and experiences in a healthy way.
  • Honoring my emotions: is something that has taken me a long time to learn, but I can’t stress how important it is for me to acknowledge and validate my own emotional responses to working with trauma survivors, without judgment or self-criticism. By allowing myself to feel and express my emotions in a safe and healthy manner, I can prevent them from accumulating and impacting my well-being.

By implementing these strategies, I can effectively navigate the emotional intensity of my work with trauma survivors while prioritizing my own well-being and self-care. This enables me to continue providing compassionate and effective support to those in need while maintaining a healthy balance in my own life.

10. Can you tell us more about The Butterfly Initiative and how it ties into your overall mission with Goddess Serenity Retreats?

The Butterfly Initiative is my holistic lifestyle coaching business, which serves as an extension of my overall mission with Goddess Serenity Retreats. Through The Butterfly Initiative, I offer personalized coaching and support to individuals seeking personal growth, healing, and empowerment. I provide participants with tools and strategies to cultivate self-awareness, overcome limiting beliefs, and step into their fullest potential. Whether it’s through one-on-one coaching sessions, group workshops, or online resources, I tailor my approach to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual.

The expertise and experience I’ve gained through The Butterfly Initiative directly inform and enrich the retreats I lead through Goddess Serenity Retreats. By integrating my coaching principles, therapeutic techniques, and transformative practices, I am able to create a holistic and empowering experience for participants. I am also able to enhance the transformative impact of Goddess Serenity Retreats by empowering participants to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment that extends far beyond the retreat experience.

More Information on the retreat

by Harness Editor

Harness believes that freedom of expression equals female empowerment. The truth? We’re a badass authentic community of fierce women, and we exist to help your voice be heard. Harness is here to be your safe haven. A place to shed the competition, the insecurities. This is a place to rise by lifting others. This is who we are.


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