Brittany Murray
I am many things: a friend, aunt, sister, divorcee, now wife, want to be mother, recovering alcoholic. My voice and writing comes from my pain and joy, and is deeply influenced by my experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I currently reside and am a Seattle native.
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Brittany’s Latest Articles

Poetry & Art

The Mind Speaks

by Brittany Murray
Poetry & Art

I really miss

by Brittany Murray
Poetry & Art

What Do You See?

by Brittany Murray
Mental Wellness

The Lies We Create

by Brittany Murray
Real Stories


by Brittany Murray
Real Stories

The Story of a Recovering Alcoholic

by Brittany Murray

A Letter to You, The Divorcee.

by Brittany Murray

A Letter to You, The Divorcee.

by Brittany Murray
Poetry & Art

Forever Gone

by Brittany Murray
Poetry & Art

Simple Blessings of Quarantine

by Brittany Murray