
Every Woman Deserves A Soul Sister

We walk around the bookstore, discussing cover art and book titles.



We head to the bathroom and she’s trying not to cough. We open the bathroom door and she says, “If I cough, I’m going to wet my pants.”

We enter side by side stalls and I hear her cough. We both erupt in a fit of laughter.

She is my soul sister.

We aren’t related by blood but had an instant connection when we met. A soul sister is too busy loving you to judge you. They only see the good and they love you dearly, flaws and all.

A soul sister is protective and celebrates each and every one of your accomplishments. They pick you up off the floor when life beats you down. They know you on such a deep level that you know they’re not going anywhere.

You’re completely and totally safe with them.

They can tell by your voice whether you’re happy or upset. They can decipher your mood just by reading emails or texts from you. They also have a super power that allows them to cheer you up immensely!

They’re not family, but someone who chose you. Out of everyone else on the planet, they chose you.

You have inside jokes, which include laughing in bathroom stalls. You have heart to hearts and give each other advice. She’s always there. Always!

You have a friend for life; a sister!

Every woman deserves a soul sister!



by Sastley78

I live in a small town in Oklahoma with my husband, our 3 children, and an array of dogs and cats we’ve rescued over the years. I love coffee, books, and Audrey Hepburn. I love music, but am not a fan of country, which is ironic considering where I live. My eldest child has cerebral palsy; raising him has forced me to view the world through a different lens. I’m actively involved in fundraising, oh, and I love to write!

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