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My mind and I

January 9, 2023
girl staying true to herself

I can never live freely.

These voices in my end

won’t stop speaking.

I’m trying my best daily.

Yet, they never fail to criticise and question me.

You keep getting rejected.

Am I good enough?

Your hair is a mess.

Am I pretty?

You should have given it more than your all.

Am I not smart enough?

You talk to yourself.

Don’t you have anybody to care?

No dreams and goals.

Why is your life such a mess?

I guess I can never be free.

I don’t have switches like these power sockets & I can’t remove my mind like an unused battery.

I guess, this story is mine to share.

Don’t we all have some type of experience we have?

If you ever feel alone, know that 8 billion of us are with you- not physically but emotionally.

Remember to reach out if you wish to, it’s okay to not always be okay.

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