Poetry & Art

Second Page: Acknowledgement

This is your dedication.

Before the revelation

On uninspiring days with draining schedules

Envisioning the pink sunrise

Envisioning the orange sunset

Envisioning life and eternity after

This will be written,

Before the first movie and the first kiss

Before countless laughter

Before “I love you.”

Life without you has felt *insert any unfulfilled meaning word*

Endless notebooks of corroded lines and converging headlines

Running out of pages with free spaces

This is your dedication.

I can only hope this reaches you in time,

By the time you read this,

Know that you are the coauthor of the best days.

The confidante for the worst days

And when the first page says dedicated to

It says you.


Second Page: Acknowledgement






by Kristina Hopper

Self published author;
Dream Seeker;
Art Curator;


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