
Three P’s Of Life: Peace, Patience And Persistence

What are the three P’s of life? To me they are constituted as: peace, patience, and persistence. As I transition through the different stages of life, I continue asking for peace in my heart. When in fact I need to learn patience. How often in life do we want instant gratification? Social media provides validation that our posts are good enough with likes and comments. Everything we could want is at the touch of a fingertip. It is hard to know peace when we lack the patience for the next day, next hour, or even next minute.

Since January, my partner and I have relocated for his work. This current location is only a temporary stay until they bid the next project. After being so excited to have this traveling opportunity to explore the world with my best friend, the excitement turned to fear. As I crave permeance in an impermanent situation I have multiple fears; fear of losing my identity, fear of not living a life true to myself. Luckily, my passion can travel with me anywhere: yoga. Through many mornings of meditating and journaling, I’ve come to peace that this is a decision to better our future and it’s nothing like living in California. Yes, I told myself that before we moved but living that truth and saying it are completely different. After less than two weeks of interviewing, I was distraught that not one company had given me a job. Yup, only after two weeks. It’s a smaller town with an unemployment rate under two percent, I have a degree and work experience, so my chances of getting a job should be pretty good, right? Key word: should. There are some other factors that I wasn’t considering; maybe just maybe I had not applied for that perfect job yet and it was waiting for me. So then came one of my greatest teachers: patience. I needed to sit in the discomfort of the unknown and accept the present moment for what it had to offer; currently, that’s a nice cup of peppermint tea as I watch the snow flurry out my window.

I’m not going to transition and say that because I had peace and patience, everything came together. It didn’t come together like a Disney movie or magic. Let’s say you are at peace and have patience as you flow down the river of life. That’s great but how is your persistence? Are you merely letting life happen around you or are you taking a paddle to steer your boat? I decided to stop gripping my paddle so tightly and let the river take the scenic route (aka the more fun, exciting one!). I decided that since the corporate world of finance, marketing, or management didn’t need someone now; I might as well pursue my passion: yoga. After contacting multiple studio owners things slowly fell into place. At one studio the owner happened to be checking students in when I came to practice, she recognized my name and thanked me for my continuing to efforts to reach out to her. At the second studio, the owner offered a short time slot she would be at the studio if I wanted to come by. In the first ten minutes she shared that I was the first of five instructors she has actually met with and it was because of my persistence and professionalism (WOO!).

During one of my mornings of reflection I had this realization that by having peace in my heart, patience with life, and persistence in my passions everything will fall perfectly. The way I think life should be may be different than the way that would best serve me. A takeaway from this is once guided to a path of passion follow that with a fiery love and do not let go. That is where our persistence comes in. Regardless if you know your life path, take risks and get out of the comfort zone where nothing ever grows. Actually live the life you want. Without hardship there is no growth, so keep paddling towards your destination when the waters get rough or maybe you need to let the river of life guide you. I’m working on having patience in trusting that there is a plan out in the Universe for me, the persistence to continue on this life journey and the ability to steer my own course when needed, and the peace in my heart to know everything will be okay.

Author: Samantha Rains
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: An old soul with youthful cravings of travel and love ~ yoga enthusiast ~ Instagram: @sunshinesamrains ~ “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” Maya Angelou
Link to social media or website: http://www.yemacalif.com/

by Harness Editor

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