Unleash Your Full Potential!

Wisdom Evolved

May 6, 2024

Hot & bothered but intimate pleasure with the love of your life may be the LAST thing on your mental. Sweating, irritability & moodiness oh my! 😔 No worries though, with over 3 million cases reported each year, you my love, are not alone. Below I have incorporated self-care tips that can help you ease through "The Change" in your life.

"Although her menopausal journey does signify an ending, it also bestows the expansive freedom of new beginnings. If she believes modern society’s misinterpretation that menopause is the end of her life as a real woman, she will suffer." ~Roslynn Breillat



Over analyzing EVERY.SINGLE.THING. is a hindrance for many of us wombmen today, instead of being patience & letting the answers be given unto us divinely, we fret. Now it is completely natural to have a thought of curiosity but it's staying in those thoughts is what causes us toxicity to the point of stress...soon comes physical dis~ease. Cultivating great emotional health is imperative on this new journey of wombmanhood & keeping your sanity is a definite must. Reaching out to other(s) via online groups/forums, local classes, or taking the time out to jot down daily thoughts may bring a sense of relief. Remember whatever activity (healthy please) that promotes stress & help you defeat anxiety, go for it! You are transitioning, be easy on yourself. 



Age is not of requirement to stay fit, I have witnessed women in the gym who are what people may consider elders! 🙌 #goals Prime example of you being able to manifest what you set your mind to. When you are menopausal, your body is also releasing toxins. Canned foods, the microwave & environmental toxins (among others) are causing wombmen to experience "the change" earlier than expected. If you're not sweating when you are exercising, why not!? Lol Exercising is one of the top ways to help you release excess toxins, so why not help yourself make this new journey a bit more easier? At least 30 minutes a day of walking, running or mild strength training 3-4 times a week to start off should be fine. Alternative exercises such as Yoga & Tai Chi will be beneficial also. (Please consult your physician prior.) 



Nourish- healthy self...heal thyself. Whole foods in essence, makes one whole. While processed in itself does a process on our bodies in the long-run. With all the preservatives, additives, mystery chemicals & dyes, ain't nobody safe! (I'm exaggerating a bit lol) Whole fresh foods incorporated within balanced meals including nutrients such as Vitamin E, B Complex,Vitamin A & C are great for combating symptoms. Foods & seeds like Sweet Potatoes, Avocado, Flaxseeds & Sunflower seeds are great. You could never go wrong with healthy fats & proteins too!



Herbs are known as the ancient healing of nation. After taking classes and years of research, I've put together a list of herbs that should also generate relief. (Be sure to consult with your physician before you self diagnose or self heal.) Most of these can be found at your local alternative medicine shop, grown or at a sites such as Mountain Rose Herbs. Choosing from organic or respected sellers will provide the best benefits. Encapsulated form or made as a tea, I personally feel teas promote more of a relaxing experience. Here we go...


❇Black Cohosh Root

❇Dandelion Root/Leaf

❇Dong Quai Root

❇Ginseng Root


❇Red Clover

❇St.Johns Wart

❇Hawthorn Berry

❇Licorice Root

❇Motherwort Herb


❇Oat Seed

Signs of menopause

❇Unpredictable moodiness

❇Hot Flashes

❇Natural decline in reproductive hormones

 ❇Loss of hair


❇Irregular or loss of Menses 

 ❇Dryness of skin & Yoni 

Some signs you're experiencing symptoms of menopause. 


While the herbs listed can help with the symptoms listed, natural oils such as coconut (antibacterial/antiviral) should help with vaginal dryness during lovemaking as well as staying hydrated. As I stated in the beginning it's imperative that you change your perspective( if negatively perceived) love on yourself & take time for yourself. Though I've yet to experience this beautiful journey, I have wombmen in my family that have & these are definite go to's. Take care, injoy your self-care evolution & Divinely given wisdom.

"Menopause is enlightenment, letting go." -unknown source

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