Poetry & Art

Yellow Face

Stone-cold faces keep me company

Yellow faces left me astray

I see my face on your face 

But it’s not the same

Taped eyes, buck teeth, and yellow skin

Just say you hate us

that We’re not like you

I understand

You mock us, laugh at us

Claim to love us

But when you don’t see a use for us anymore

You throw us away 

Like you do 

 Your cigarette butts 

We’re sorry that we don’t fit 

The narrow-minded standard 

Of who you think we should be

 Your eyes call me a foreigner 

While Mine call you a liar

My face is not a mask

Not a disguise

A guise 

For your selfish troubles

Being yellow 

In the red, white, and the blue

A whitewashed shade of yellow

No longer familiar with our own 

Hues and undertones

This is what you wanted 

But now 

We’re no longer “Asian enough” for you

What do you want from us?

Will we ever be enough for you?


Don’t put us on the backburner

You were just wearing our skin to play

You’ve got us all wrong

We couldn’t care 

Any less

about fitting in

We just want to be understood

We want to be celebrated 

Not caricatured 



Take all that

Isn’t meant to be given

Stolen identity

Stolen time

No more, no less 

by Eye Ree

I write poems that are a direct representation of the way that I see the world, serving as a reflection of the good and the bad. I hope you will enjoy them as much I have enjoyed writing them.

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