Poetry & Art

The Taste of a Memory

The Taste of a Memory

Spearmint gum
reminds me of my grandmother who always kept a pack in her small jewelry box.
She had Elvis decor and a fuzzy red couch
and made me strawberry milk in coffee mugs.

Creamsicle ice cream
reminds me of her living room.
The walls were a rich brown wood
and I can still hear the tingling static coming from the TV.

Fruit Chews
remind me of my other grandmother
and her never-empty candy jar.
Flowers and gardens polka-dotted her yard.

Strawberry preserves
remind me of her warm kitchen.
She made hers from scratch
and Brutus, the lucky dog, got all the breakfast scraps.

by Megan Holt

Megan Holt recently graduated from UNC Charlotte with a BFA in Illustration and an English minor. She values the connection between the literary and visual arts; paintings create stories, and stories create pictures in our imagination. The main goal of her work is to inspire others while creating content they enjoy and want to be immersed in.


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