Poetry & Art

Love: The Greatest Healer

I’ve grown used to it,

In a world that didn’t know what to do with my pain.

The managing,




The assumptions,


And fear.

The fear of what I was holding.

What a breath of fresh air it would be when someone gave space for it all.

Who could hold space for it unconditionally.

That space grew within me to not have to contain it anymore.

To let it out,

To let it breathe,

To let it be transformed by love.

The containing comes again.

From others,

The judgments.

Oh, but I no longer hold space for that energy any longer.

For LOVE is only welcome now.

LOVE for it all.

by Alison Binns

Alison is a healer, weaver of magic, writer, speaker, and mental health and prevent childhood abuse activist.


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