Poetry & Art


It’s the middle of the night,
a mere two hours before dawn…
and all I want to do is tell you
how much I love you.
Alas, I cannot…
for you asked me not to.

You gave my heart back to me,
even though I know you love me too…
such the chivalrous thing to do,
but you see, there’s a problem;
my heart hasn’t been beating right
since you returned it,
and there’s this horrible pain in my chest
that causes my eyes to leak.
I can’t sleep,
and it seems to have affected
the smile on my face.

Yes, I know we’re still friends…
the best,
and I know you aren’t leaving me
in that capacity…
but when I gave you my heart
for safe keeping,
I think you might have,
broken it.

All of a sudden,
my dreams are gone,
and my poems have no rhyme.

There’s no magic
or fairy dust
in my world,
it’s just….

I missed you before
I knew you even existed,
and I miss you more now
that you’re here.

I am not going to pretend
that I understand
why God allows
these things to happen,
I’d still rather
have this ache in my chest
than the nothing
that was there before.

by blooming.rose.poet

About the Author

Brandy Lane has lived most of her life in Indiana and Colorado, where she resides with her husband and four children. She loves music and nature, and recently started to develop her love for writing. Always looking for a silver lining, writing became her way of painting one on even the gloomiest of thoughts. She refers to these excursions as “painting with words,” and is her way of taking the reader on a journey with her to the fantastical places that are in her mind. She loves to find hope in the melancholy, and the sunshine in the storm. Her heavy use of metaphors and analogies make her writings easy to relate to, and shows a reflection of her love of music, art, literature, and fantasy.
Brandy published her first book, Where Beautiful Loves, in December 2020 under her own imprint of Where Beautiful Inks. This book was a labor of love, as it was a collection of love letters and poems written to her muse and mentor who remains nameless at this point, but did write a response which is included in the end of the book. The book is available world-wide wherever books are sold.
Just after the release of her first book, she discovered anthologies as an option for publishing, and has since had poetry pieces included in over two dozen publications. Publications include: Poetry 365 by RDW (both abridged and unabridged editions) for November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June and special editions of Creator and Self Portrait. Red Penguin Books has published her pieces in 'Tis the Season's, The Flower Shop on the Corner, The Ocean Waves, and Bloom Magazine. Clarendon House Publications published her poems in their Poetica 2 and Poetica 3 anthologies, and her work was also included in Ink Gladiator's Press anthologies of The Rise and Fall of Chimera's and Gray, We Hide our Colors Within. Indie Blu(e) Publishing just published a mental health piece in Through the Looking Glass: Reflecting on Madness and Chaos Within, and their newest anthology But You Don’t Look Sick: The Real Life Adventures of Fibro Bitches, Lupus Warriors, and other Superheroes Battling Invisible Illness. 300 South Media Group has published her in As Darkness Falls, and features her first flash fiction piece in Sunset Rain. Train River Poetry has published her in Poetry 7. She also appears in the Who’s Who of Emerging Writers by Sweetycat Press and has several others on the horizon.
Brandy can be found online on Instagram and Facebook @wherebeautifullives and @wherebeautifulloves

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