Poetry & Art


For all the times in

wakefulness, I think of you

my deepest desire is that

you meet me in my dreams.

Then, at least, I would know

how it feels to touch your skin or kiss

your lips.

Yet even in sleep, you elude me.

Every night, I take flight in search of

you only to find an empty sky.

In the morning, you ignite my

thoughts again, I view a sea of faces

in my daily life, but yours is

never there to find.

Like a ghost or illusion that

I cannot grasp or hold.

And so I must content myself with

the image I have of you inside my mind.







For all the times in

wakefulness, I think of you

my deepest desire is that

you meet me in my dreams.

Then, at least, I would know

how it feels to touch your skin or kiss

your lips.

Yet even in sleep, you elude me.

Every night, I take flight in search of

you only to find an empty sky.

In the morning, you ignite my

thoughts again, I view a sea of faces

in my daily life, but yours is

never there to find.

Like a ghost or illusion that

I cannot grasp or hold.

And so I must content myself with

the image I have of you inside my mind.

For all the times in

wakefulness, I think of you

my deepest desire is that

you meet me in my dreams.

Then, at least, I would know

how it feels to touch your skin or kiss

your lips.

Yet even in sleep, you elude me.

Every night, I take flight in search of

you only to find an empty sky.

In the morning, you ignite my

thoughts again, I view a sea of faces

in my daily life, but yours is

never there to find.

Like a ghost or illusion that

I cannot grasp or hold.

And so I must content myself with

the image I have of you inside my mind.

For all the times in

wakefulness, I think of you

my deepest desire is that

you meet me in my dreams.

Then, at least, I would know

how it feels to touch your skin or kiss

your lips.

Yet even in sleep, you elude me.

Every night, I take flight in search of

you only to find an empty sky.

In the morning, you ignite my

thoughts again, I view a sea of faces

in my daily life, but yours is

never there to find.

Like a ghost or illusion that

I cannot grasp or hold.

And so I must content myself with

the image I have of you inside my mind.







by Maggie56

I was born in Cape Town, South Africa.
I now live in Scotland.
I have CFS which is a very debilitating/unpredictable illness.
I began writing in 2020 at the start of the Pandemic.
At that point, I had no idea it would play such a huge part in my life as it does now!
In 2021 I self-published my first collection of poetry and have since self-published three others.
My writing is now much more diverse than when I began.
I draw a lot on her life experiences when writing, so my poems can be raw.
But I feel that makes my work more relatable to the reader.
I am also a volunteer at Barnardos.uk
I enjoy walks in nature and solo travel.
For more examples of her writing visit her blog.


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