
It’s Simple, Yet A Blessing

Never take the simple things for granted.

Breathe in, breathe out. You have air in your lungs. You can breathe without pain in your lungs. It is simple, yet a blessing.

You are a blessing.

Life is a blessing.

Waking up in the morning without pain is a blessing. Some people don’t know what that feels like due to chronic illness . Never take it for granted.  Being able to wear clothes is simple yet a blessing, until your skin is burning and it hurts to wear clothes. Being able to read is simple until your vision goes blurry.

Using your voice to speak is simple until you become hoarse and can’t.  Enjoying foods to eat is simple yet a blessing. There are some who can’t eat the foods they once enjoyed, some have developed food allergies. Being able to smell food is simple until you loose your smell. Being able to taste is simple until you are no longer able to do so.

Cherish the blessings and don’t take the simple things for granted.  Hold dear the relationships that God have placed in your path, some have been angels in disguise.

It is simple, yet a blessing!

God’s love is unconditional.

by TaylorCan

Candace Taylor was born and raised in a small town in Ohio. She attended Georgia State University and received her B.S. in Exercise Science.
In 2016, she was diagnosed with CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Through the journey of living with chronic debilitating pain and applying her faith in God, she encouraged herself to change the acronym to Conqueror Rising Past Storms.

Candace is a servant leader, and she has ministered to many in her administrative and volunteer work for conferences, events, the Healthy Explosion program and singing on the worship team.

While becoming ill with covid-19, she was unable to speak beyond a whisper for 5 months and learned the value of honoring (or celebrating) the simple things in life.

Candace is a Health Advocate, and her story has been featured on CBS, the New York Times and the Make Good Together platform among others.

She is passionate about helping others through the intersection of music and health.

She has created her own apparel line to bring awareness about CRPS, and continues to be a voice of encouragement to people across the globe battling chronic illness.

Her motto is to be a Courageous, Resilient, Powerful, Solider, no matter what life may bring, and to always remember that you are more than a conqueror.

Contact: [email protected]
Story on Make Good Together Platform:

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