Poetry & Art

Leaf on the Vines

I am so patient with the new leaf on the vine
I encourage each one to grow
To unravel at its own pace
I sing to them as they unfurl
Welcome to the World Little One
I admire the beauty of such a creation
But when the leaf shrivels, browns, and falls heavy to the ground I
cannot help but rush myself
What if I don’t do all the things I said I would do?
What if I never perform great?
What if I never live up to the expectations?
What if I never remain perfect?
What if I never become who I’m supposed to?
I want to be the leaf on the vine

by Madalyn Orozco

Hi : ) my name is Madalyn. I'm 26 years old, a civil engineer, and a cat mom to 4 cutie pies : Stella, Opal, Butters, and Kris.

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