Poetry & Art

Pedestal to Shelf

You make me want to apologize for how deeply I feel

How purely and openly I loved as if this was real

I wish you gave us more time before you called it quits

I really thought we had what we we were dreaming of and that was it

How easily I gave you my heart with full trust

In order to experience bliss, that part is a must

Going through this change has my heart ready to combust

The entire future that I imagined to be true

Was shattered when you told me he wasn’t you

But I know how to put the pieces back together once more

Because you won’t be the only one walking through my door

For the side of you that loved me too, I will remember it to always be true.

But the person you have come to be is far from what I expected from thee.

That person isn’t even who you described I’d see.

One day I’ll stop judging others from their highest self

I will try to remember to take them off the pedestal and add them to the shelf

by Katelyn Kay

I am Katelyn, a writer and teacher who is holding space for the collective shift. I am an Intuitive Yoga Coach, Entrepreneur, Wellness Event Coordinator, Cannabis Content Creator, Facilitator of Healing and Artist. I am owner of Yogi Magick since 2017 where I have led yoga retreats, classes and workshops for awakening. We now strictly focus on being a support system as an Awakening Coach through the Yogi Magick Network. In 2020, MoonPhase Events was born being based out of both the Denver and Cleveland areas. We are Wellness Event Coordinators who are holding space for the shift for Cannabis Reform and Plant Education as well as forgotten healing arts. Our intention is to courageously hold space for events to
shift the public’s awareness to acceptance through education. We understand the importance of connecting with your higher self and utilizing plants medicinal benefits for healing. We will hold space for the collective shift. Follow us at @moonphasedenver @moonphasecleveland


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