Poetry & Art

Rip it Up

Rip it up and start again.

Set fire to that chapter, and watch as it burns.

Nothing is worth the pain.

It was a lesson you needed to learn.

Watch as the ashes fly off into the sky.

Wipe those tears from your eyes.

They did not win.

You survived.

Now you are stronger than you were before they arrived.

So thank them for the lesson, then let that chapter die.

by Maggie56

I was born in Cape Town, South Africa.
I now live in Scotland.
I have CFS which is a very debilitating/unpredictable illness.
I began writing in 2020 at the start of the Pandemic.
At that point, I had no idea it would play such a huge part in my life as it does now!
In 2021 I self-published my first collection of poetry and have since self-published three others.
My writing is now much more diverse than when I began.
I draw a lot on her life experiences when writing, so my poems can be raw.
But I feel that makes my work more relatable to the reader.
I am also a volunteer at Barnardos.uk
I enjoy walks in nature and solo travel.
For more examples of her writing visit her blog.


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