Poetry & Art

There are no goodbyes for us

There are no goodbyes for us
Since the rain already washed
Our tears caught in fears’ clash.
Soul to soul, and heart to heart
Talking softly through blue’s path,
Voicing pain and long at last,
In a sacred, inner space,
Echoing the happiness,
Tightly hugged by holy grace.

We are life, breaking the dark,
Through the mirrors of the light,
Holding tenderness in eyes.
Smile to smile, embracing faith,
Pouring feelings in days’ cups,
Crafting noble endurance,
Through compassion and love’s arts,
Mirroring each other’s heart,
There are no goodbyes for us.

© Simona Prilogan

Image: Pixabay

by simonaprilogan

A radiographer by day, and a storyteller by night.


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