Mental Wellness


Sorry, tomorrow my joy and hope from today is something you can not borrow.

Sorry, yesterday you can keep all of your sorrows.

Today, I chose to embrace the day!

I am grateful for today, I hope it is great in every way, if not then that’s ok.

Repeat after me and say,

I am grateful for today!

I am ready to embrace my day!


by Anna Cambridge

Hello to everyone and to everyone a big,warm welcome to my profile.It is with a great pleasure that I am sharing with you a piece of my heart. I am so grateful that Harness Magazine created this platform for us to connect and as an avenue to enhance our gifts. I truly hope that one, some,or all of my words can help inspire you in some way in your life. I hope that my words can help you feel like you are not alone. I hope that I can help you reclaim and reignite the love and beauty that is you! I am excited to start a new phase of life with the Harness family!<3

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