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Meet Victoria Pendragon - Author of Scorpio x 10

February 29, 2024

In an interview with Victoria Pendragon, the author of a compelling trilogy including "Scorpio x 10," an autobiographical journey through the depths of trauma and healing, "Sleep Magic," a guide to navigating the unconscious realms of healing, and "Being in a Body," a profound exploration of self-restoration and resilience, we delve into the profound intersections of personal adversity and triumph. Victoria's life story is a testament to the human spirit's capacity to endure and transcend even the most harrowing of circumstances. From surviving childhood sexual abuse and trafficking to confronting a fatal and disfiguring disease in her late 40s, her journey is one of unfathomable resilience and profound transformation. Through vast amounts of therapy and introspection, she has emerged not only as a survivor but as a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless others facing their own battles. Join us as we explore the profound wisdom and insights that Victoria Pendragon has gleaned from her extraordinary life experiences.

Can you tell us about your journey from experiencing childhood trauma to becoming an author? How did those early experiences shape your writing and perspective on life?

I could… but it’s a long damn story, hence the autobiography. Probably the most vital aspect of the journey had to do with the fact that I had totally repressed all memory of the trauma until one day - rather specifically, the day that I had been sent home from what was to be the last of the monthly treatments I had been receiving for the “fatal, incurable,” disease my body had manifest (diffuse progressive systemic sclerosis) – it all came back to me.

It was expected that I would die, so my daughter and one of my sisters (a doctor), had met me when I’d returned home, thinking that I would need emotional support. We spoke for a while, outside, and once they were convinced that I was convinced that I was not about to die, they left and I went inside. Emotionally exhausted, I took a moment to sort of prop myself up by leaning against the kitchen table. The next thing I knew I was watching a sort of movie reel in my head of the horrific events in my childhood that had been suppressing for decades. They involved the serial rape of myself and my closest sister – sort of ceremonial – as well as sacrifice.

I knew instinctively then that I had to “see someone” – a psychiatrist, psychologist, someone! – and process the sudden return of the memories. I knew also why it most likely had been that my younger sister – who had been trafficked with me – had been diagnosed as a “delusional, paranoid schizophrenic” at the age of 17. Her delusion was that men were after her everywhere she went.

My journey, from that point on, took me to numerous healers of all sorts, from psychotherapists to alternative healing practitioners. I spent perhaps three or four years focused on processing what I had come to know. Along the way, I determined that I’d like to be able to assist others who had trauma and went into training as a Reiki practitioner. I functioned as a hands-on healer for several years. I heard a lot of stories from those I worked with. I learned that my sister and I were not alone in what had happened to us.

Eventually, when, later in life, I’d acquired a broader sense of what some other folks had to deal with, I determined that a book of some sort was in order. I submitted my first book to Ozark Mountain Publishing. It was accepted and they went on to publish my next two books on healing as well. Those books were very much focused on ways to help oneself heal via sleep and dreams.

Your autobiography, "Scorpio x 10," delves into deeply personal experiences What compelled you to share your story with the world, and what message do you hope readers take away from it?

Frankly, I was pissed. What happened to my sister and I, I was pretty sure, was happening to other kids as well. I knew we’d been threatened about speaking up. I knew, too, that after we were ‘too old’ to be carried about some other poor kids would probably be taking our place… probably black or brown kids as my sister and I had dark skin like our Cuban father, and the next sister down the line - who took after my ‘white’ mother’s side – was treated like a queen by her father. If it had happened to us – in our own family, for Pete’s sake! – it could happen to anyone. And, of course, you don’t speak about it because a) you’ve been threatened, and b) no one would believe you. You’re a kid! And these men are pillars of their community!

In "Sleep Magic," you explore the concept of healing through sleep and dreams. How has your own experience with trauma influenced your understanding of the power of sleep in the healing process?

When I was working as a hands-on healer I had a dream that laid it all out for me. I was told, in the dream, that I had to share the information with all the people I was seeing… and I did.

As both a survivor and someone battling a challenging illness, what were some of the biggest obstacles you faced in your personal and professional life? How did you overcome them?

The only obstacle I can imagine was the fact that the disease left me with hands that are crazily crippled. My fingertips rest on the palms of my hands… permanently. LOL I type with the sides of my thumbnails!

Who or what has been your greatest source of inspiration during your writing journey? How have they influenced your work?

Horrible people. Really. I write for people who need the emotional support of knowing that they are enough just as they are because there are so many ways that handicapped and permanently ill people are dismissed by idiots who maybe just don’t know any better.

Can you share a particularly difficult moment in your writing process and how you managed to push through it?

I’ve lived with my own story for so long – I’m almost 78! – that I’m used to it. I’m good at getting used to things; always have been. I just surrender. My basic mindset is “content.”

What advice would you give to others who have faced trauma and are considering sharing their stories through writing or other creative outlets?

Don’t be afraid to say what needs to be said. If you are afraid, say so, and then tell the truth.

How has writing about your experiences impacted your healing journey? Have there been any unexpected discoveries or revelations along the way?

I might have become a tad more outspoken… but no unexpected discoveries or revelations.

Looking ahead, what do you hope to achieve with your writing in terms of raising awareness, fostering understanding, or advocating for change regarding the issues you've faced?

I don’t look ahead. I’m 78. I could die in my sleep tonight. What I hope is that my story can help someone, somewhere have hope too. I’d go on a talk show or do an interview but I am SO done with writing. Mostly painting these days. (It’s what I got my college degree in.)

You can find more info on Victoria's book here.

https://ozarkmt.com/product/sleep-magic-surrendering-to-success-ebook-by-victoria-pendragon/ https://ozarkmt.com/product/sleep-magic-surrendering-to-success-ebook-by-victoria-pendragon/

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