Unleash Your Full Potential!

The Inspirational Journey of Crisha Sarah Bowen and Purpose Diaries

July 8, 2024

Meet Crisha Sarah Bowen, the visionary founder of Purpose Diaries. Crisha's journey from feeling unfulfilled in her corporate job to discovering her true purpose is both inspiring and transformative. By journaling daily and asking herself, "Who are you?" Crisha found clarity and direction, which led her to create Purpose Diaries. Her mission is to help others uncover their own purposes and turn them into profitable businesses. Through her faith, determination, and the support of her "purpose tribe," Crisha has built a thriving enterprise that empowers individuals to live authentically and achieve financial success. Her story is a testament to the power of purpose and the incredible impact it can have on one's life and career.

Can you share the story behind the creation of PURPOSE DIARIES?

I remember sitting in my office on my corporate job and wondering to myself. “Crisha, who are you?” Truthfully, I couldn’t answer the question at that time. My response would have been my job title. From that day I decided I would never be placed in a position where I couldn’t answer that question. Every single day, I wrote in my diary this same question and answered it over and over until clarity came. I journaled my way into clarity and purpose and from this my business Purpose Diaries was formed.

What inspired you to help people turn their purpose into a profitable business?

My journey of learning my purpose inspired me to help others who like me probably couldn’t answer that question. I then started my business helping people with purpose discovery and soon realized not only was I burnt out doing the session my clients started saying “ I know my purpose, but I’m broke.” My faith is a huge part of my life, my foundation and my world view and it is my belief that God has given each of us a gift and inside of that gift, is the ability not only to help others but to build and support your life. I began turning these principles into programs and began helping people through course creation. 

How has your own journey of finding and fulfilling your purpose shaped your business?

My business is a direct reflection of my life and my process. I went from purpose discovery to profit from purpose. Developed an idea and began leveraging my skills to increase profitability. 

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting PURPOSE DIARIES?

My biggest challenge would be not having huge capital but having a solid idea and core message. I started my business from zero with just an idea and a very old iphone 4s (lol) sharing my message which then led to building my movement. I call them the purpose tribe. 

How do you stay motivated and inspired during difficult times?

I cannot discount having a power circle. In this power circle you have family, coaches, mentors and friends. They help to remind you of your goal or even to show you things in yourself you haven't seen because you will not always feel internally motivated or inspired. 

Can you describe a moment when you felt particularly successful in your business?

My first client that paid me $10k USD to coach with me. 8 years ago I was charging $30USD for 30 minutes of coaching. To have built a business where people see your value and are willing to pay without question at this moment I felt particularly successful. 

What advice would you give to women who are struggling to find their purpose?

Start by journaling and asking yourself the question, “Who are you?” strip this down from using title and roles. Answer the question from the lens of you as a person. Next look at the areas of your lives that were defining moments. The times something major happened in your life, there are often clues in these moments. Ask 3 friends when they think of you what comes to mind and document this in your journal and finally take inventory of the questions you are always being asked or the problems you solve. 

How do you balance your personal life with running a business?

Boundaries are necessary to maintain harmony between life and business. I don’t believe in balance as we can never give everything equal time, energy, efforts and resources, but we can allocate those resources in order of priority. So I use a rhythm of prioritizing what is most important at any given time. 

What are some common misconceptions about turning a purpose into a business?

That purpose and business are not correlated. You are one person for every part of your life. It is my belief that we are designed to have that effortless flow and connection between the two. Another misconception is that you have to have a trauma story, to create a message for people to be able to relate to you. Purpose is not about trauma, it's about solutions. 

How has the feedback from your clients influenced your work?

It has been my main driving force to continue to grow, build and serve them. When I have taught them what I have processed it challenges me to keep growing to continue to influence them on their journey. 

What role has your Trinidadian background played in shaping your business approach?

My Trinidadian background allows me to relate to cultural ideals that you go to school, get a good education, get a good job, get married and have two children. For the job it should be a noble and expected position that others will view and respect you highly. I like to be a picture of possibilities that the noble path is the one connected to your purpose and it can be profitable. 

How do you leverage social media to reach and engage with your audience?

Social media has always been the main platform for my business. When I first started sharing my message, I went live on periscope every single Monday doing a series called Purpose Fille Monday. To this date I still have followers from then 8 years ago and I have used social media to create a community that now allows me to have the tribe effect for my business.

What are your future goals for PURPOSE DIARIES?

Purpose Diaries will have physical locations that cultivate purpose from ages 5 upwards. This facility will be purpose and profitability centers. 

What is the most important piece of advice you would give to aspiring female entrepreneurs?

Before building a business, create your (MV. You are the most valuable player (MVP) in your life define your M - Mission your what, V- Vision your where and P - Purpose your why. 

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