Dr. Dominique M. Carson is a powerful example of how passion and purpose can come together to create something truly meaningful. As a licensed massage therapist and advocate for wellness, Dominique’s journey has been deeply influenced by family, faith, and a strong belief in the healing power of touch. Her latest project, the T.R.I.B.E. coloring book, is a reflection of her commitment to promoting self-care, education, and respect for the massage therapy profession. Through her work, Dominique envisions not only impacting children and families but also inspiring others to embrace their inner creativity and well-being.
- What inspired you to create the T.R.I.B.E coloring book and solo book, and how do you envision it impacting children and families?
Yes, I love massage therapy because I am in a stress-relieving profession and it’s one of the oldest medical treatments since the beginning of time. Therefore, I believe the book can be an introductory statement for people to honor and respect the profession in the STEM & STEAM industry. (Science Tech, Engineering and Math, the A stands for Art).

- Can you share a personal story about how you developed an interest in massage techniques and respectful touch?
My parents took me to the spa, Serenity in my hometown, NYC because they wanted to do something different for their children as far as self-care. After receiving my massage, I was so in love with the session and my adrenaline was at an ultimate high. However, I also thought I was going to be the receiver, not the provider and it’s just going to be a part of my self-care regimen. But, my beloved maternal grandmother, the late Eloise Estelle Grant told me I was going to have a secondary career utilizing my hands and they’re going to help people. I didn’t quite understand the magnitude of my grandmother’s visualizing my upcoming careers, but I trusted her judgment and wisdom. She didn’t live to see my dreams come into fruition, but her words became the blueprint to make my dreams into a reality. Although my massage journey started when I was 17, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My mother, cousins Jacob and the late Hassan K.D Brown, and my beloved grandmother recognized the sturdiness and craftsmanship of my hands.
- What challenges did you face while developing your coloring book and solo book, and how did you overcome them?
I am still in the process of promoting the coloring book and taking pre orders until Halloween. It can be challenging at times because people may not always support your ideas and visions but there is always someone who will recognize your projects. Secondly, I realized your family and friends will not always be your audience.
- How do you balance your work on this project with your other professional and personal responsibilities?
Over the years, I would have to say I am able to balance my career but remind myself that I am one person; I am not an octopus. Once I became licensed as a massage therapist, I understood the profession can affect you in all realms so you must guard your heart, body, soul, and body. In my eyes, massage therapists are Wellness Athletes to the world so you must always deliver your best. Writing is the same way because I must be in a sharp and keen frame of my mind while I am writing. Lastly, music and comedy are my highs and it levels me especially when I am having a hard time writing or after a long day of massaging clients.
- What role has mental health played in your journey as a creator and professional?
Mental health has played a vast role in my journey especially as a massage therapist because in my opinion, LMT are Wellness Athletes and it’s imperative that we deliver our best to clients at all times. And it can be difficult if you’re self-harming, dehydrated, stressed, and sleep hygiene is deprived. Therefore, you must be in the right frame of mind in order to have effective results on the exterior.

- Can you describe a specific moment or experience that motivated you to pursue this creative project?
I was motivated to work on a coloring book because I believe as an adult, it’s my responsibility to keep my inner child alive and appreciate my imagination as an adult. And I said why not create a coloring book after being a speaker and an awardee at the 2023 Author All Star Awards. after speaking with graphic designer and Blu Impressions owner and founder, Lena Payton Webb about the coloring book. We were ecstatic because the coloring book can be a dope idea to generate additional income as a massage therapist and spread the message to families about the importance of respectful touch.
- How do you manage stress and maintain your well-being while working on your projects?
I strive to manage stress while working on my projects by taking deep breaths, listening to music or some kind of noise because I couldn’t work in silence from when I was a teenager, starting high school. Depending on my state of mind and mood, I may have a glass of wine while typing in my bedroom and great room, also known as the living room.

- What strategies or practices do you use to stay motivated and focused on your goals?
I stay focused on my goals because I know distractions can deter you, therefore, I am inspired by the end goal. When it comes to my goals, I am in a tunnel vision mode and constant prayer so I can remain hopeful when life can be chaotic at times. When I need to take a breather, I know how to step away from the computer and participate in any self-care activities that are beneficial while I am working. When I am motivated, I am protecting the sacredness of my mind and work environment so I can complete my assignments in a reasonable time frame.
- How has your personal journey influenced the themes and messages in your coloring book and solo book?
I’m still sorting out the themes in the book but we’re going to have simple explanations of massage techniques, customized portraits in the book, 11 body systems, breaking down the etymology of the word, massage, and so much more. However, the messages in the coloring book will be based on my love and fascination for the field and ongoing vigor for the profession on an everyday basis.
- What advice would you give to other women who are interested in starting their own creative projects or businesses?
Don’t beafraid to look weird and step out of the box, that I believed in my craftsmanship, write with accuracy, brevity, and clarity so you have a clean copy, and that it was imperative to take risks; you must be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Don’t be afraid to change your priorities to match your opportunities and when you begin to understand your purpose in life, opportunities will knock at your door unexpectedly.
- How do you handle setbacks or obstacles in your projects, and what keeps you going during challenging times?
I remembered actress/ television host Tamera Mowry acronym, for H.A.T.E.R.S. The exact phrase is Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success and she is right. As you climb to the top, there is envy; it’s just a part of my life but you must find the inner strength to push through or it will weigh you down in the long run. Mr. Anthony Lodico, former high school principal, explained to us the four A’s that are necessary as a student and outside of the classroom. At first, the speech was redundant because he would say these four A’s every school year; it was drilled in my brain. But, in the end it became a necessary tool for life. The 4 A’s are Accountability, Achievement, Attitude, and Attendance and you need these A’s to be a productive human being in your life. I’ve also learned how to use my anointed no like my mother hen, Crystal Mance would say because it means non-optional and you’re setting your boundaries and understanding that self-care is not selfish, it simply means me too, don’t count me out. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a requirement and everyone’s self-care is not the same, but it must be done to keep you sane. I would say other setbacks in my life were just peaks and valleys in my life, but I overcame them with the help of my Heavenly Father, family, friends, and trusting my inner strength that I will find the silver lining. I remind myself at times that God knows more than me and He has the final say over my life.
- Can you talk about a significant lesson you’ve learned through your creative process?
Through my creative process, I’ve learned to trust in my capabilities more and simply enjoy the process. I have to trust the process, believe in the advantages of the product, and understand that authorship is a business, so you’re embracing the word entrepreneurship, and more people are expressing themselves through coloring books since the pandemic.
- What impact do you hope your T.R.I.B.E project will have on children and families, and how do you measure that impact?
I hope the T.R.I.B.E project will inform children and families about the benefits of massage therapy and touch. I hope they will take heed to the simple explanations or tips about different massage techniques and how it affects the 11 body systems.
- How do you ensure that your work remains authentic and true to your values?
I ensure my work remains authentic by staying true to myself and reminding that dreams and blessings can be corrupted if your heart is malicious and egotistical, especially towards the people that’ve been there for you since the beginning. I believe real recognize real and the only way that people can keep it real is to be real 24/7, no exceptions. You may slip and fall at times due to human nature, but if the inner you is working on yourself consistently, then you will have less difficulties of being true with one self. I also remind myself that blessings can be taken with a size of a teaspoon with false pretenses and masks will be presented to the forefront at some point and notoriety doesn’t pay my bills.
- What are your future aspirations for your creative projects, and how do you plan to achieve them?
This summer, I was also featured in She Rises Studios Founder, Hannas Olivas’, Sassy, Classy, and Badassy Anthology. It was such an amazing opportunity because I was told from the time I was in middle school; I was a sassy nerd who wasn’t afraid to go after what she wants in life. I said to myself, “This is the book that describes my personality even in my 30’s.” I am excited about my upcoming speaking engagement at the 2nd Annual Black Massage Therapist Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina,as a virtual speaker in October. Although I am a virtual speaker, I am honored CEO/Founder of 4 Nineteen Education and host of the conference, Davonna Willis included me as a speaker so I will also be at. It is such a blessing because I wrote two years ago that I would be speaking at a massage therapy conference. Two years later, God answered my prayers. I am also releasing my first customized massage therapy coloring book, T.R.I.B.E (Trust Requires Integrity and Beauty Effortlessly) this fall. It’s going to be the introduction of my next solo book, and I am releasing another collaboration book, Voices of Change which will be promoted at the S.O.U.L retreat in Ghana this winter. I see my upcoming engagement and more down the line because I am spreading the message about wellness, massage therapy, being confident as a career professional, and just allowing God to continue to orchestrate the events in my life.
IG: @domcarson90
Twitter: twitter.com/domcarson
FB: facebook.com/dmc922
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dominiquemcarson