Unleash Your Full Potential!

Meet Rebekka Wall - Sleep Wise Consulting

February 26, 2024

Can you briefly introduce yourself and share a bit about your journey and work?

My name is Rebekka Wall. I began my journey into adult sleep with a special interest in working with adult women, after "revenge bedtime" led to stress, shingles, and a Ramsey Hunt diagnosis. I had a paralyzed face for over 6 months, and now it is my passion to help women in making sleep (and all of the aspects that go along with supporting a rested lifestyle) a priority. I craved that "me time" as a mom with 3 boys 3 and under, and ultimately led to being over-caffeinated, addicted to sugar, and not sleeping.

I decided to help women take back their sleep and feel confident in their ability to sleep well and feel healthy, energized, mentally clear, and strong. 

Looking back, was your journey relatively smooth or did you face significant obstacles?

I have learned so much through this process. I am constantly evaluating my very full plate. What feels like a good yes - what feels like a bad yes, when I am doing too much. I remember clearly how maxed out I felt leading up to my Ramsey Hunt diagnosis, the need to control, do more in order to feel value, and saying yes to more and no to rest. 

Can you highlight a few key milestones in your career that you consider pivotal moments? How did they shape your trajectory?

Working with women for their sleep has been a dream. Every consultation and client I have worked with, podcast I have been on, or even conversation with my friends confirm I am doing the right thing. I think people are beginning  to take sleep seriously and realize the implications of poor sleep on their health. People want to feel good, they want to be healthy and sleep is one of the ways to get there. I hear over and over again people feel busy, overstimulated, and unable to rest. I want that to change.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?

I work one-on-one with clients to help create a custom sleep plan for them to become confident about their sleep. I focus on cognitive and behavior support, I do not do any sort of medical diagnosis. I evaluate my client's lifestyle and together we create a plan to get them better sleep. I feel passionate about simple, evidence based solutions. It isn't realistic for the many to remove all screens, sauna every night, sleep with only red light bulbs - so what can we do so you can still sleep well but feel like you aren't giving up your life.

Reflecting on your experiences, what important lessons have you learned along the way? How have they influenced your approach to your work?

One of the biggest things I have learned is rest is possible. But it takes intentionality, purposeful time management, and self-disciple. When you start sleeping well and you see how good you feel, you won't go back.

IG: @sleepwiseinseattle
Facebook: sleepwiseinseattle

Rebekka Wall is a certified adult sleep consultant with Sleep Wise Consulting and she is passionate about busy women prioritizing sleep. As a wife and a homeschooling mother to three boys, Rebekka knows that ability to live with more energy, less stress, balanced hormones, reduced mental fatigue, and achievable fitness goals are met through consistent, quality sleep. She has a special interest in how hormonal shifts throughout a woman's life - from puberty, to pregnancy, to menopause impacts sleep, and she is a huge advocate for providing realistic and sustainable tools for long-term success.

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