I am cascading through the stream. 

In my world of dreams, 

Of spring and happy things 

Let the blue birds sing.  

Surrounded by red roses.  

A butterfly rests on my nose. 

I can lay here for hours on end

Watching the colors of the sky blend. 

A sound from the west 

Disturbs my blissful rest.  

The horrors of reality 

Hits me with brutality.  

Tears stream down my face 

As my world begins to erase. 

I ache to remain by the stream 

Forever in my dreams.  

Are you looking for signs he's a fuck boy?

We’ve all been there. We meet a guy and we think he’s great. He’s charming, funny, and handsome. We feel like we are done playing games and finally found someone worth committing to.

But then, after a few weeks or months of dating, we realize that he’s nothing but a fuck boy. He doesn’t call when he says he will. He disappears for days at a time, and he always has an excuse for why he can’t see you.

The worst part is whenever you call him out on his behavior, he turns on the charm and sweet-talks his way out of it. You feel you can forgive him because he’s just so convincing.

It’s a never-ending cycle and you’re feeling frustrated and exhausted. It affects every aspect of your life and you know it’s time to put a stop to it.

If you’re sick of being played, this blog post is for you. Keep reading to learn the top 10 signs that he’s a fuck boy.

1. He’s Always Busy.

If he seems to be too busy to have time to see you, it’s probably because he’s busy seeing other people. Fuck boys are rarely single for long, so they’re always on the prowl. We all have busy lives, but it shouldn’t be a constant excuse for not being able to see you. If you have a full-time job, go to school, or have responsibilities that take up a lot of your time, but still make time for the person you’re dating, they should too.

There’s no excuse for it. If he wanted to, he would..

2. He Never Calls When He Says He Will.

girl reflecting on bench in nature

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If he constantly breaks his promises to call or text you back, it’s because he doesn’t care about you. 

Nowadays, it’s easy to send a quick text or make a phone call. If he doesn’t communicate with you, it’s a sign that he’s not invested in the relationship. You need someone who can make the bare minimum effort to keep in touch.

3. He’s Constantly Flirting with Other Girls.

Players love attention, so they will always be on the lookout for their next conquest. If he can’t seem to keep his eyes off of other women. You need someone who has only eyes for you.

4. He Disappears for Days or Weeks at a time with No Explanation.

mysterious guy looking like a fuck boy

If he suddenly stops responding to your texts or calls out of nowhere, it’s because he’s found someone else to keep him occupied. One of the major signs of a fuck boy is that he doesn’t know how to be by myself. If it’s not you, it will be someone else.

4. He Lies or has Inconsistent Stories.

A fuck boy will often make up excuses or lies to cover his tracks, so if you notice inconsistencies in his stories, it’s time to confront him.

5. His Social Media is Full of Other Girls.

guy being a fuck boy through social media

This is a big red flag and a major sign of a fuck boy. If his Instagram or Facebook are flooded with pictures of him with other girls, his following list is packed with attractive women, or he constantly likes other girls’ photos. It’s a clear sign that he’s not committed to you. He enjoys the attention he gets and gives online, and you wouldn’t want someone like that.

If you made him know that his having this was making you uncomfortable, and he doesn’t try to change his behavior or reassure you, it’s time to move on.

6. He Always has Excuses for his Behavior.

One sign of a fuck boy is that they are masters of manipulation and will always have an excuse for their actions. Don’t let him sweet talk his way out of responsibility for his actions.

Because if you tell him something upsets you once and he continues to do it, he doesn’t care about your feelings. You should never feel bad about expressing your feelings to someone you’re dating.

7. Your Friends and Family Don’t Like Him.

It’s important to listen to the people who know and care about you. If they express their concerns about his behavior or how he treats you, listen to them.
Let your pride down. Your friends and family know you better than anyone else. They want what’s best for you and can often see things more clearly from the outside.

8. He only Wants to See you Late at Night.

This is often the case with fuck boys because they want to keep their options open during the day and then come to you when it’s convenient for them. It’s because he wants to show off his options and attract more attention.

You never want a guy who only hangs out with you at night. You deserve someone who wants to spend quality time with you during the day, not just late-night booty calls.

9. He Never Introduces you to His Friends or Family.

A sign of a fuck boy will want to keep his options open and not tie himself down by introducing you to the important people in his life. If he always makes excuses for why you can’t meet them, it’s time to leave him behind.

The same idea applies if you know little about the people he hangs around the most. If he’s secretive about his friends and their lives, it could be a sign that they’re also fuck boys and not good for your well-being.

10. He Always has an Excuse for Why Things go Wrong Between you Two.

Does he always call you dramatic when you’re upset? Does he blame everything on you and never take responsibility for his actions? These are red flags that he doesn’t care about your feelings and is just trying to manipulate the situation in his favor. You deserve someone who can communicate with you on a healthy matter and take responsibility for your actions.

11. He Pressures you to do Things You’re Not Comfortable With.

A fuck boy will often try to pressure you into doing things that make you uncomfortable because they are only looking out for their desires. It’s important to always trust your gut and stick to your boundaries. Do not let anyone disrespect them.

12 . You Feel You’re Always Chasing Him.

girl being ghosted after serious relationship

A healthy relationship should involve two people who are equally invested in each other, but if it feels like you’re the only one putting in any effort, then it means that he isn’t interested in being with you..

13. He Makes you Feel Insecure.

A sign of a fuck boy is that he will often try to make you feel insecure about yourself in order to control and manipulate you. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than the amazing person you are. You deserve someone who builds you up, not tears you down.

You are an amazing person with a good heart with plenty of goals and dreams to achieve.DO NOT let this man get to you.

14. Your Gut tells You Something is Off.

Listen to it. Sometimes your body knows you better than your mind. It’s important to acknowledge it. You even looking up this information can be one of the major signs he's a fuck boy and you just wanted to verify it.

15. The Relationship is purely Sexual.

If the relationship seems to only revolve around physical intimacy, it’s likely that he’s just using you for that and not interested in having a real emotional connection. There’s more to a relationship than just sex and if he’s not providing you with that, it’s time to find someone who will truly value you.

So how do you break free from this fuck boy and move on with your life?

  1. Recognize that what he is doing is not okay. This may seem obvious, but often we try to rationalize and make excuses for his behavior because we care about him.
  1. Cut off all communication with him. It may be hard, but it’s the only way to truly move on and start healing from this toxic relationship.
  1. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who will love and lift you up during this difficult time. And finally, don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t treat you with the love and respect that you deserve.
  1. Work on yourself and your own happiness and the right person will come along when the time is right.

Bottom Line

You deserve someone who will be fully committed to you and only you. You got this, and you deserve happiness. Watch out for these signs he's a fuck boy. Move on and live your best life.

Dear Reader,

Welcome to my first Journal entry, if you don't know who I am, allow me to quickly introduce myself. My name is Nataly Feliciano, I am a 19 year old Latinx 2nd generation college student with more anxiety than a German Shepherd who was separated from their owner for more than two seconds.

It starts off with a panic, kind of like a tight feeling in my chest or a bad headache. Then most of the time the bad headache comes into play and transforms into overwhelmingness. I start to feel almost out of breath and like the whole world just feel on my shoulders; like I'm ask to cary a huge cross on my back. Then before you know it before I try to calm myself down, I start shaking or straight up crying and I can't control it. I'm a grown woman crying like a baby yet everyone around me tells me the same things: "Calm down" "Stop crying" "Nataly, stop."

Then I get frantic and I end up looking crazy and I feel like the burden. When in reality, I'm dealing with so many things at once that I feel like the walls are craving in from every side, every angle. With no space to breath. The worse part about this kind of anxiety I experience is that mine feels unvalued to the rest of the world; first, I'm either being too dramatic or best yet, too sensitive. I need to grow up or "acknowledge my blessings" that yes, I am always aware of but in the moment I'm always aware of the negatives too; and those same negatives are the ones that kill me.

They are the ones that I can ruin my mindset so quickly with overthinking thoughts that scare me but I can't express to anyone else without it being constantly gaslighted. But does that stop me from Veiling everyone else's? Of course not, and I never will. Every time someone I care for is in a crisis or something related, I listen, give them advice and I'm patient yet, not once do I gaslight or downplay how they feel. I jump to save many that have come to me for help and it's not having a victim mentality rather it's me venting my frustrations that when I experience these waves of negativity it is always looked over rather than taken cared of. I'm tired, I'm always overwhelmed and I just ask that someone see me and hear me out, hold my hand and tell me everything is gonna be okay.

Sometimes I have a strong suit, I feel inspired, I feel like I can push myself and conquer the world. Other days I don't want to get out of bed (maybe not because of the depression) but because I know how mean the world is going to be today. I know how many weights are going to be put on my shoulders without question. I know, how many overthinking thoughts I am going to have. But even if these negative expectations, I still have faith. Faith in myself, faith in the universe somehow. I'm sure of that, as I am a girl with anxiety, I'm just trying.

Sincerely, Nataly

Too late for you to look at me the way I looked at you, resentment dances with forgiving love I wish I knew.

Look back, beneath the overpass, of the sidewalk where I wept With unrequited romance that would kill me till I slept,

for in my dreams I’d get to feel your palm against my back— We’d sit on a museum bench near paintings to unpack.

So why do you just six years later— tell me that I’m pretty?
You know that I have someone else. I’m in a brand new city.

You try to send me to square one, to back where I still love you
I want to say I’m over it—new people are above you.

But pleading you to leave my heart will stay a futile chore;
I’ll never in my life know what it feels like to be yours.

Let us play chess, Blue often says
While gathering the clouds on skies,
One for each thought, the pawn, the knight
Are finding ways through rules of life.
Let us find moves for sake of love
Despite of thunderstorm’s array.

Let us draw strength from early dawns
With golden, glorious, true hues,
Shaping in seconds dreams’ icons,
One for each rook with splendid views,
With hazy bishops penning ways
Unique in style through baffling maze.

Let us play games of happy cheers
With kings and queens sharing their thrones
Through wisdoms lines, away from fears,
Sculpturing life in sacred stones.
Let us bring peace from cherubs’ songs,
Twisting to just the earthly wrongs.

Blessed are the ones who found their moves
Beneath the silk of kindness’ light,
The greater path from angels’ groves
‘Till to the heart, thoughtful and right.
For sake of love, dancing its blues,
The Blue stays loyal in time’s cruise.

Stone-cold faces keep me company

Yellow faces left me astray

I see my face on your face 

But it’s not the same

Taped eyes, buck teeth, and yellow skin

Just say you hate us

that We’re not like you

I understand

You mock us, laugh at us

Claim to love us

But when you don’t see a use for us anymore

You throw us away 

Like you do 

 Your cigarette butts 

We’re sorry that we don’t fit 

The narrow-minded standard 

Of who you think we should be

 Your eyes call me a foreigner 

While Mine call you a liar

My face is not a mask

Not a disguise

A guise 

For your selfish troubles

Being yellow 

In the red, white, and the blue

A whitewashed shade of yellow

No longer familiar with our own 

Hues and undertones

This is what you wanted 

But now 

We’re no longer “Asian enough” for you

What do you want from us?

Will we ever be enough for you?


Don’t put us on the backburner

You were just wearing our skin to play

You’ve got us all wrong

We couldn’t care 

Any less

about fitting in

We just want to be understood

We want to be celebrated 

Not caricatured 



Take all that

Isn’t meant to be given

Stolen identity

Stolen time

No more, no less 

Are you looking for Signs that you are her Backup Guy?

Have you ever been when you give a lot to one person and, in return, they give nothing back to you? This feeling of being taken advantage of can be overwhelming, especially when you have strong feelings for someone.

We’ve all been there before. You meet a girl; you hit it off; you start dating, and things seem to go great. But then she pulls away. She’s less available, she’s less responsive to your texts, and you felt like you’re being pushed into the background. If this sounds familiar, there’s a good chance you’re the backup guy.

You’re wondering if it’s worth it to continue pursuing her, or if it’s just a waste of time and energy.

What is a Backup Boyfriend?

couple listening to music and laughing together

He’s the guy she turns to when her first choice isn’t available. He’s always there for her, but he never has a chance of being her number one. She may string him along for emotional support or physical intimacy, but she’ll never fully commit to him.

Being the backup boyfriend can feel frustrating and heartbreaking, especially if you have strong feelings for her. You may try to rationalize it by thinking that at least she’s choosing you over other guys, but in reality, you’re just settling.

If you have a girl around that you feel strongly about, it’s important to look at the signs you are her backup guy.

Here are 15 ways you can tell:

1. She Only Sees You on Her Schedule

If she only ever wants to see you when it’s convenient for her—say, always on a weeknight at 10 PM—it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re not her first choice. A woman who’s interested in you will want to make time for you in her busy schedule, even if it means sacrificing some of her other commitments. 

2. She Keeps You Hidden

If she’s never introducing you to her friends or family, it’s likely because she doesn’t see a long-term future with you. On the other hand, if she proudly displays you as her significant other to those closest to her, it shows that she values your relationship and wants to include you in her life. Even if you guys are not officially dating and still getting to know each other, she should at least introduce you as a friend if you are important to her.

3. She’s Noncommittal About The Future

When asked about the future, does she hesitate or brush off the question? A woman who sees a future with you will happily make plans, whether it’s discussing where to go on vacation or even just making plans for next weekend. If she’s constantly avoiding the topic or making excuses, it’s because she doesn’t see a future with you.

4. She flakes… a lot

girl being flakey by sleeping in, signs that you are her backup plan

Flaking is defined as “the practice of canceling plans or not showing up at the last minute.” If she frequently flakes on plans with you—or worse, stands you up entirely—it’s a sign that she doesn’t value your time. And if she doesn’t value your time, it’s probably because you’re not her top priority. 

This isn’t only a sign you’re her backup plan, it’s also disrespectful and unfair to you. It’s important to communicate your feelings and set boundaries with her, because excessive flaking should never be tolerated in any relationship.

5. She’s Never Single for a Long

If she always seems to bounce from guy to guy, it’s a sign that she’s not ready or willing to commit to just one person—and unfortunately, you’re likely just another option in her rotation. Some girls just enjoy being single and it has nothing to do with whether you’re a good guy. It’s important to consider that she may not be ready for a relationship and it’s better to walk away than to wait around and waste your time.

6. She Takes Forever to Text Back… if she texts back at all

In today’s day and age, there’s no excuse for taking more than a few hours to reply to a text message—unless, of course, you’re not that interested in the person you’re texting. If she always seems to take forever to get back to you, it’s a sign that she has other people in her life who are more important to her than you are. 

7. She Keeps You at Arm’s Length… Emotionally speaking

If she always seems distant and guarded with you, it could be because she’s afraid of getting too attached. After all, if she gets too emotionally invested in you and things don’t work out, she’ll be heartbroken—and chances are, she doesn’t want that drama in her life right now. This could also mean she’s keeping her options open and doesn’t want to fully commit to just one person.  

 8. She’s Still Actively Dating Other People

girl going out and parting living the single life

If she’s still actively dating and pursuing other people, it’s a clear sign that you’re not her top choice. And if she’s hiding this fact from you, it shows that she doesn’t see the two of you as being in a committed relationship. It’s best to cut your losses and move on to someone who sees you as their number one.

Remember, it’s not worth investing your time and energy into someone who doesn’t see your worth and value you as their top choice. Don’t settle for being the backup guy—you deserve better.

However, if you haven’t been clear about where you stand in the relationship, have a conversation with her about your thoughts and feelings. She may not know how you feel and where you want the relationship to go.

Communication is key to any successful relationship. If she truly values and cares for you, she will take your concerns seriously and make an effort to be more committed to the relationship if that is where she sees you guys going. But if not, it's time to move on.

9. You Don’t Know What’s Going On

You feel confused and uncertain about where you stand with her, but it’s important to trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t let yourself get stuck in the friend zone or be used as the backup guy—move on and find someone who recognizes and appreciates your worth. You deserve to be treated like a priority, not an afterthought.

It’s important to be confident in yourself and your worth and to not settle for less than you deserve. Don’t let someone use and manipulate you—cut ties with the liar and find someone who values you as their number one.

Someone that values your time and attention will

10. She only Contacts you When she’s bored or has Nothing Better to Do.

If she only reaches out to you when she’s bored or has no one else to hang out with, it’s a sign that you’re not a priority in her life. She probably sees you as just an option and doesn’t value your time and attention. It’s important to have self-respect and not let someone treat you like a backup plan. Find someone who will prioritize and value you in your life.

11. She Still Talks About her Ex

A girl that still talks about her ex or constantly mentions other guys she’s interested in is not focused on you. This could also be a sign that she’s not over her ex and may still have feelings for them. It’s not fair for her to involve you in this and use you as a rebound or backup option.

If she’s going through her healing phase, it’s best to take a step back and give her space.

12. She seems Distracted or Disinterested When You’re Together.

girl and guy arguing

When you’re spending time with your significant other, do they seem distracted or uninterested?

This could be a sign that the relationship is only temporary and not meant to last. It’s important to feel valued and have someone give you their full attention and focus. Find someone that is excited to be with you and values your time together.  

13. Follow Your Gut Feeling

Listen to that little voice in your head.

It’s telling you something. You can’t always trust what people say and do because they might be wrong or lying, but sometimes their actions speak louder than words (or at least this has been proven). So just go with whatever intuition tells me right now- it’ll all work out, eventually! You know if this relationship is worth pursuing or not.

Don’t let someone manipulate or use you. Find someone who wants to be with you and only you. Trust yourself and your worth, because you deserve the best. ​​​​​

14. Physical Intimacy feels like a Chore

If your partner regularly rejects you, it may be a sign that they are not fully invested in the relationship. A healthy and happy relationship includes an enjoyable physical connection. If your partner no longer seems interested or makes excuses, it may be time to reassess the relationship and find someone who values and prioritizes intimacy with you if you feel like that’s an important component of your relationship.

15. She’s Dismissive of your Feelings or Concerns

Your partner constantly dismisses or belittles your feelings and concerns. It’s a sign that they are not willing to compromise or consider your wants and needs in the relationship. This is not healthy and can lead to resentment. Find someone who is willing to work through conflicts with you productively.

According to Research:

Over 50% of women have a backup option in relationships, so it’s important to pay attention to any red flags or warning signs.

Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t value you and your time. Trust yourself and know that you deserve better. cut ties with anyone who doesn’t treat you right and find someone who will love and appreciate you as their number one priority. ​​​​​

Although this magazine is focused on women’s empowerment, being part of a healthy relationship is a two-way street. Here at Harness, we teach women how to become their best selves and ultimately attract the right person for them. But that also comes with growth and self-reflection on the part of both partners in a relationship and learning how to respect your significant other.

It’s important to communicate, compromise, and prioritize each other to have a healthy and happy relationship. ​ ​​​​​​

Bottom Line

If any of these signs sound familiar, there’s a good chance you’re the backup guy in your relationship—and trust me when I say that being the backup guy is never fun.

If you’re tired of being treated like second best, it might be time to have a talk with your partner and figure out where things stand between the two of you.

If things can’t be resolved, it’s important to have self-respect and move on from the situation. You deserve someone who will choose you as their number one and treat you with the love and respect you deserve.

Don’t settle for being a backup option in someone else’s life—find someone who wants to make you their priority. ​​

Forcing love to someone that you feel off about can be difficult.

Imagine meeting someone and you feel like it’s going well. You see nothing but a kind, hardworking, family-oriented, and overall amazing person. You guys hang out a lot, and maybe even develop a strong bond of friendship. But deep inside, there’s something off. There’s no spark or connection. Something is missing and you’re not sure what it may be.

It makes you feel off. You wonder if there’s something wrong with you, and how is it possible that you don’t feel the same level of love towards this person as they do towards you.

But forcing yourself to love someone just because they check all the boxes or society tells us you should, is not healthy nor sustainable in a long-term relationship.

couple holding hands together, healthy relationship

Here are 15+ Signs That Show Whether You Are Forcing Love.

1) The Fact That You Searched This Up to Begin With.

The clearest of the signs. If you felt compelled to read this article, it may be a sign that you’re forcing love into your relationship. If you have to question it, chances are it may not be the right fit.

2) You Feel The Need to Justify Your Feelings to Others.

If you constantly defend and explaining your relationship to friends and family, it may be a red flag that things aren’t as perfect as they seem. True love should not require constant justification and explanation for those around you.

Imagine if none of those people would be around to care to listen about how you feel about your significant other. Would you still feel the same way about them?

3) Constantly Questioning Your Feelings and Doubting Yourself.

Always listen to your gut feeling. Gut feelings are a great indicator of what you want and need. They’re usually more reliable than thoughts, which can be clouded by emotional responses to events or people in our lives.

Gut instinct might tell us that something isn’t right, and it doesn’t always work out well for us when we ignore them. You can save yourself a lot of heartbreak and disappointment by trusting your gut and not forcing love.

4) You Feel Off When They Change Their Hair or Try Something New.

Physical attraction is important in a relationship, but forcing yourself to love a person’s physical appearance can only go so far. True love should be able to look past the physical and accept them for who they are. If a haircut bothers you or makes you feel a certain way, it may not be the right fit.

5) You Feel The Need to Change Yourself For Them

gilr being sad

A successful and healthy relationship should make you feel comfortable being your true self, not forcing you to change who you are for the other. Love shouldn’t require forcing yourself to be someone you’re not.

6) You Feel Relieved When They’re Not Around.

Love should bring happiness, not stress and aggravation; therefore, feeling relieved simply because they are not around signals that you might not be as devoted to them as you thought.

7) Feeling Like You Have to Stay in the Relationship Just Because It’s “Too Late” or You’ve Invested Too Much Time and Effort.

Time and effort do not equal love, and it’s okay to acknowledge that a relationship may not work out even if you have been together for a long time. It’s important to understand that you have a beautiful life to live, and staying in something that no longer serves you will only hold you back from finding true happiness and love.

8) Arguments Feel More Draining Than Usual.

In a healthy relationship, disagreements and arguments should not be constant or draining. It’s important to be open and communicate with each other, but forcing love may lead to a constant feeling of walking on eggshells and worrying about upsetting the other. If you feel you can’t communicate properly and it’s taking a toll on you, it is not the right relationship for you. We have a whole article on "How often do couples fight in a healthy relationship?"

9) The Little Things Don’t Make You Happy

girl being concerned over her relationship

The small, everyday moments should bring joy and happiness to a loving relationship. Things like cleaning, going grocery shopping, and even just hanging out at home should not feel like a chore or something that you have to do.

10) You Feel More Alone When They are With You.

Feeling alone or isolated in a relationship is not healthy. Love should bring companionship and support, not a constant feeling of loneliness, even when the other person is present.

11) You Want a Relationship More Than You Want The Person

Being single can be hard. Society puts a lot of pressure on being in a relationship, and it's easy to want the idea of a partner more than the actual person. It’s important to make sure that you are not forcing love just because society tells us we “need” someone in our lives.

Take some time for self-reflection and really think about how you can take this time being single to work on yourself and pursue your own happiness before forcing a relationship that may not be the best fit for you.

It’s important to be with someone because you genuinely love and care for them, rather than just wanting the title or validation of being in a relationship, because you see everyone around you in one as well. We have an entire article on "How to not feel lonely when single?"

12) You Always Feel You’re Compromising

A healthy relationship should involve compromise, but forcing love may lead to constantly feeling like you are sacrificing your wants and needs for the other person. It’s important to listen and understand each other, but compromising should not feel like a constant one-sided battle.

If you feel you give a lot of love and appreciation for your significant other and they do not reciprocate it, it is not the right relationship for you. We have an entire article on "One-Sided Relationships" that you can read here.

13) You Don’t see Them in the Long Run

Do you see a future with this person?

Partnerships are not just about the present moment; they are also about building a future together. And in order for a relationship to succeed in the long run, both partners have to be willing and able to support each other in their goals and dreams.

14) You Think About Other People

guy cheating looking for backup plan
Unfaithful man hugging his girlfriend while is looking another one in the street

Being constantly preoccupied with thoughts of other people is often a sign of insecurity or disappointment in one’s current relationship. These feelings can lead to grievances and conflicts, as the focus on other people takes away from the time that you should spend building your own bond with your partner. A constant preoccupation with other people can be a sign of dissatisfaction with one’s current situation, and may show that there are deeper issues at play that need to be resolved.

15) “He’s a great guy, but…”

At first glance, he may seem like the perfect guy–kind, generous, and thoughtful. But as you get to know him better, you can’t help but notice some red flags.

You think things like “He’s a great guy, but he seems a bit too controlling,” or “He’s great at making plans, but I wish he would be more spontaneous sometimes.”

These kinds of thoughts show that something is not quite right in your relationship. Maybe there are deeper issues that haven’t yet come to the surface–issues that are causing strain on your connection with your partner.

Before you give up on the relationship entirely, it is important to take some time to reflect and try to understand what might go on beneath the surface. Only then can you make a truly informed decision about whether this relationship is worth continuing. After all, nobody is perfect–we all have flaws and values that may not always align with our partner’s. 

But if it’s something that you feel truly bothers you and affects the core of your relationship, then it’s time to let it go.

16) You Do Not Feel He’s Bringing Out The Best Version Of You

goals in a relationship by the beach

Being in a relationship is all about bringing out the best version of ourselves. It’s about learning to love and appreciate our partner for all of their strengths and weaknesses, and accepting them just as they are. So if you’re in a relationship with someone who doesn’t seem to help you to become a better, more confident person, then they may not be the right person for you.

Maybe they hold you back instead of encouraging you to reach your full potential, or maybe they belittle your ideas instead of supporting them. It’s important that we make room in our lives for people who will help us grow, both as individuals and as partners, in a loving relationship.

So if your current partner isn’t bringing out the best version of yourself, then it may be time to move on and find someone who can. We have an entire article on "How to stop waiting for someone you love?" that you can read here.

17) You Don’t Trust Them

 It is the foundation upon which all other aspects of the relationship are built, and it is essential for fostering feelings of closeness and security between the two people. Unfortunately, building and maintaining trust can be difficult, especially when one or both parties have been hurt or betrayed in the past. 

Without trust, the relationship can quickly become toxic and damaging. If you find that you do not trust your partner–whether it’s because of their actions or simply a feeling in your gut–then it is important to address the issue head on and try to come to a resolution.

If the trust cannot be restored, then it may be time to move on and find a partner who you can trust fully and unconditionally.

Remember, trust is non-negotiable.

Bottom Line

Forcing yourself to love someone is not only unrealistic, it can also be harmful to both parties involved. True love should come naturally and without forcing or manipulation.

Trying to force love often leads to unhealthy relationships and even emotional abuse. It’s important to make sure that your feelings for someone are genuine before committing to a relationship with them. Listen to your gut instincts and trust yourself. Your happiness and well-being are worth more than forcing a relationship that may not be right for you.

If you force love, it’s important to take a step back and reassess the situation. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist about your feelings and consider if the relationship is truly serving you. Love should be a source of joy and comfort, not stress and force. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who loves and appreciates you for who you are.

Don’t settle for anything less than that.

Learning how to prioritize yourself in a relationship can be tough.

"Self-love isn't selfish."

We are aware of how important it is to put ourselves first in a relationship. However, do we ever put effort into that very notion? Do your actions synchronize with your thoughts, or do you remain the last priority in your own life?

It's pretty ironic— how humans would put everything and everyone on their list of priorities except themselves. It's ironic because I have done it all my life. Every second of my life was spent taking care of others and making others happy at the expense of myself. 

...Until… until I was left with nothing but tiredness in my eyes and numbness in my heart...

"Be enough 

for yourself first

The rest of the world can wait."

Remember, you can only aid others when you are happy from within. 

So, what does prioritizing ourselves mean in a relationship, and how can we manifest that without giving our partners the impression that they are any less important? In this article, we'll uncover the worth of your own existence and how it makes all your relationships healthier.

Why is it important to prioritize yourself in a relationship?

It's quite easy to get entangled in the routine of a relationship and forget yourself altogether. 

In the end, you get preoccupied with your house, career, spouse, relationship, and possibly children. However, being unable to take a little break for yourself can soon make every bit of life exhausting. 

It will drain you physically, mentally, and emotionally to an extent where every relationship or every effort would seem just not worth it. 

If you continue to give and give without recollecting anything for yourself— you will be left with an empty soul and nothing else. 

You can give your partner the best of you when you put yourself first. 

Prioritizing yourself will allow you the energy and happiness to yield it externally. 

You'll be able to be more present in the relationship when you have more energy or happiness within. 

However, how do you put yourself first in a relationship? Let's discuss "how" you can achieve that. 

How to prioritize yourself in a relationship?

It's quite frankly upsetting to even think that people consider 'prioritizing yourself' as a selfish act. You are not selfish for prioritizing yourself in a relationship; you are only human. 

older woman enjoying herself with her headphones on

You deserve your own love, care, respect, and time. Without self-care and self-love, you would never be able to prioritize anyone or anything at all. 

Of course, your partner needs your attention and the utmost care, too, but it shouldn't be given at the cost of staking yourself. 

Only keeping your partner's needs and ideologies as your first priority and compromising yours while doing so can lead to bitterness in your relationship. You don't want it, right? 

The following tips will help you maintain a balance between your me-time and the time for your partner. It will also help you balance equal love, care, and attention between the two of you. That's the only way you can exist and maintain a loving relationship.

Here are 12 tips to help you prioritize yourself in a relationship

Add "No" to your vocabulary.

Saying 'no' to the things that don't make you happy should be your first step into prioritizing yourself.

It is entirely okay to be a little insensitive for the sake of ourselves. Remember, you can only share happiness when you are happy from within. 

People who don't use "No" where needed will always compromise in the relationship. They would constantly be stressed about things they don't want to do but still do for their partners. 

You have the power to reject the things you don't find comfortable or convenient. Don't feel guilty for saying no— if they love you, they will understand. 

If they don't understand your decision, ensure that you explain your right to say 'no' in this relationship. Also, make your partner apprehend why you are against this decision/choice/action. 

If you don't learn "how to say no," you will forever suffer in the relationship. You will never be able to connect and communicate with your partner openly. 

Plan dates with your friends

Yes, the initial phase of your relationship will inevitably make you lose contact with reality whatsoever. The rainbows, frequent dopamine release, and the feeling of being loved will intoxicate you. Soon enough, you will lose touch with your friends and family. 

group of friends enjoying the beach

Various studies point out that we lose 2-3 friends on average when entering a new relationship. Those friends are an intrinsic part of your life— friends you cannot live without, friends you swore to spend a lifetime with. 

Amid your relationship and your partner, don't forget your friends. They are just as equally important as your partner. 

Reconnect with them! 

Nurture this friendship that you once left behind for your partner. Plan a get-together or a date with your boys or girls! Go to a pub or their house to relive the old days and days that made you the happiest.

Your friends will knowingly or unknowingly connect you to your most authentic self— so don't lose friends.  

Detach from your relationships for a while and connect with yourself. 

Sounds Greek, right? 

You have several roles to play, including those of a husband or wife, parent, responsible child, worker, and friend. You are no longer alone because you are spread across many ties and relationships.

You give your all in everything, yet you lose focus when it comes to taking care of yourself. I advise you to cut yourself free from all ties and spend some time alone.

Spend at least half an hour with yourself. You do you and let your partner be them. Relationships don't always sail peacefully in the deep, gorgeous ocean; sometimes, there are storms. 

Your me-time can also aid in improving your current relationship with your partner and the one you share with yourself. 

You never know the power of me-time until you manifest it. It builds understanding and makes your bond stronger.

Remember, you don't have to spend every minute of your life with your partner to sustain the relationship. 

Know that your happiness is not your partner's job— It's your job.

We lose the true meaning of love and relationships because we are so engrossed in made-up fairy tales and some Netflix series! Ever wonder why so many relationships end in divorce? Don't use Google to search! I'll let you know!

Humans tend to depend on others for everything, whether it's happiness, comfort, or strength.   

We constantly try to find things we need in others, especially our partners. That's how you lose touch with yourself. Everything you expect from the world (and your partner) is already within you. 

girl that is contemplating her life

You are solely responsible for your happiness; you cannot and shouldn't expect it from your partner! We want our partner to uplift us when we are down every single time— as if it's their duty. No bruh! 

Your life will have no independence if you constantly expect from your partner. To prioritize yourself, find and expect from yourself first. 

When you realize this, you will explore yourself a little more and move towards self-love and self-care. 

Your partner's happiness is not your job.

Of course, it's normal to expect from each other when in a relationship. However, it should come out naturally and not as a chore. Are you constantly dedicating your precious hours to uplift your partner's mood, happiness, and mental health? 

It's good when there's a limit to it. However, it becomes suffocating when maintaining their mood becomes your life-long chore/responsibility. 

There's a difference between supporting your partner when they are down and making it a personal responsibility to put them back up single-handedly. 

You will drain yourself in the attempt to make your partner happy. No, they should be happy on their own, and the same applies to you. 

Build barriers and boundaries

Restrictions with your partner? Yes! According to experts, healthy relationships hold several boundaries that encourage people to care for themselves. 

What makes you uncomfortable in the relationship? Have you ever talked about it with your partner? If not, it's time that you maintain some boundaries with your partner. 

You can only succeed in a relationship when you maintain physical, emotional, sexual, and financial boundaries with your partner. You will lose your existence and individuality if the relationship has no limits. 

For instance, 

If PDA makes you uncomfortable, create boundaries and ensure your partner knows about it. 

Your emotions will drain when you constantly aid their depression. Ensure that you maintain a boundary for your own sake. 

Take a brief break from your everyday activities and talk to your partner about the boundaries you want to adhere to. It is a significant first step toward putting yourself first in a relationship.

You and your partner will experience an improvement in self-esteem and emotional stability after setting some boundaries.

Don't shy away from being assertive.

Being assertive means speaking up for your rights and taking a stand for your perspective while maintaining a respectful attitude toward others, their opinions, and their beliefs. 

Being assertive in a relationship conveys that you value each other's viewpoints. Many issues that may later cause major arguments can be clarified with assertiveness.

girl sitting at the cafe living her best life

You are not demanding for putting your opinion and judgment in the communication, but rather a person with a strong personality. 

Assertiveness eradicates confusion and miscommunication in the relationship— it helps you to surf towards the shore without losing your own identity. 

Remember, your partner's opinion isn't the end game and that your own opinion matters while making decisions.

To prioritize yourself, you and your partner must communicate your values, visions, and disagreements openly.

Ensure compromises are from both ways.

"Two flawed individuals who never give up make up a healthy relationship."

Compromises are also crucial, I am aware of that, but it's a red flag if you're the only one making sacrifices!

If all your needs are thrown into the backseat consistently, and your partner's requirements call shotgun each time, it will create resentment— your stressbuster will become a big headache in no time.

You don't always need to compromise. Set your needs and priorities first, then speak out for them. You can push the issue to identify yourself as an individual in your relationship.

Know your worth 

Date yourself before you date others.” Respect, cherish, and worship yourself before you allow others the right to do so! 

You need to understand your value in the relationship and otherwise. Without valuing and respecting yourself, you'd never be able to prioritize yourself. 

 You are equal in every inch of your partner.

You should acknowledge that and should be treated with respect and love. It's not just your partner who should treat you well; you should treat yourself like you are the most precious diamond of your life. 

If you don't idolize your worth, no one will! When you prioritize yourself, you will become healthier emotionally. Eventually, this self-worth, self-love, and self-care will drive you towards a healthier relationship.

Communicate with your partner

So, we have already covered why it is crucial to be assertive in a relationship and have briefly touched on the need for transparency. 

Assertiveness is just the tip of the iceberg—being assertive is a form of communication.

Speaking openly about your needs, goals, and thoughts with your partner will also allow you the space to explore your own individuality in the relationship.

Being honest and maintaining clarity in your relationship builds a behavior of trust. Thus it works as a booster for prioritizing our ideas and things. 

Communicating about boundaries, issues, or other vital aspects you want in (or out of) a relationship will foster a bond. 

You can't read your partner's mind and vice versa. That is why discussing everything and anything will effectively help you focus on your priorities, the relationship you share with your partner, and yourself separately.

invest in yourself while you're in a relationship

Invest in your passion

Many people start dressing, talking, and even acting differently when they get into a relationship. Losing yourself is the greatest loss one can ever encounter— so find yourself back in this relationship!

I know you wanted to go on a trip with your lover and try weird and exciting activities together. However, is it the only thing you are doing in your life? 

Where do you stand in your life? Is there something you do for yourself away from your partner? Do you allow yourself time to follow your passion, or do your goals miserably revolve around your partner's goals?

Doing everything together with your partner is a sign of unhealthy behavior.

It will only give you momentary happiness, so you must invest time in your passion. Doing the things ALONE that can make YOU happy is a way of prioritizing yourself in a relationship. 

Driving back to follow your hobbies will help you heal from that burden, and you will also find the missing puzzle pieces of your life in the process. 

Don't overuse "we" when you can use "I."

Your relationship status has changed to "Committed." You share cute stories on Instagram, and your snaps are now about gardens, movies, foods, or holding hands. 

"We" has been promoted publically, and it's cute, I know. However, if that "we" doesn't allow any space for "I,"— it will soon become toxic. 

Too much of anything is never healthy or beneficial— overusing "we" will soon tire you down. 

It may seem like a "couple goal" initially, but it will soon rid you of whatsoever individuality.

brains thinking together

Cut the codependency & start working on yourself.

If you think your relationship is dealing with extreme codependency— be on high alert.

In a relationship, codependency is a significant warning sign. It indicates that you don't view yourself as a whole and don't fully embrace or love yourself. You require someone to adore you, pay attention, or inspire you.

I understand you grow immensely as a couple, but what about individualism? Work on those aspects of yourself that you believe need improvement. It's time that you start journaling your elements and looking for the things you want to try. 

Take on new challenges for yourself. Imagine yourself and your partner as two pillars; if one breaks, would the other still be able to support the bond's ceiling? Plus, it will only make you less of a priority. 

Similarly, don't allow your partner to depend entirely on you. 

Quotes About Self-love and why it's not selfish to prioritize yourself.

To give you a little kickstart, here are some quotes that you should read that will inspire you to prioritize yourself in a relationship.

  1. “It's not selfish, but selfless to be first, to be as good as possible to you, to take care of you, to keep you whole and healthy, that doesn't mean that you disregard everything and everyone, but you gotta keep your cup full." —​Iyanla Vanzant.
  1. "One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself." — Shannon L. Alder.
  1. "A man cannot be comfortable without his approval." — Mark Twain.
  1. "You have to be self-interested to be selfless. You have to put yourself first if you want to be of use to other people." —​ Rachel Bartholomew.
  1. "To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." — Robert Morley.
  1. "If you want to have enough to give to others, you will need to take care of yourself first. A tree that refuses water and sunlight for itself can't bear fruit for others." —​ Emily Martian.
  1. "When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are." —​ Oprah Winfrey.
  1. "We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves the way we treated our best friend, can you imagine how much better off we would be?" — Meghan Markle.
  1. "Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel." —​Eleanor Brown.

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” —Rupi Kaur.

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world but also the most exhausting one (if not taken proper care of). One of the hardest things in a relationship is when you have both decided to part ways and need to move forward with a failed relationship. 

failed relationship

A failed relationship doesn't end one's life, but it can cause a tremendous amount of pain to deal with. Undoubtedly, the journey of emotional healing is going to be difficult. Still, the pain is necessary to move ahead in life and be in a better place. 

Here's a quick reminder that "Relationships are supposed to make you feel good. Relationships are not supposed to make you feel bad." – Laura Bowers.

If a relationship or a person is unwilling to make you feel unconditionally loved, the right thing to do is end it. 

What is a failed relationship?

Relationships can be soothing initially, but they may slowly turn toxic if you don't practice healthy communication or fail to convey your needs and wants. 

When there is an increase in arguments and a decrease in love, when there is a lack of trust, respect, and differences in priorities, and when partners are no longer willing to have clear communication with each other, that's when the butterflies start to fade. 

Relationships don't fail when people start making mistakes with their imperfections. Instead, they fail when people stop forgiving each other and find it difficult to accept one's indifferences. 

Remember, nothing is going to be perfect in this world. Every relationship has its unique qualities and flaws, and the day people start accepting their partner the way they are, that's when their relationship wins. 

Failed relationship quotes 

Are you looking for sad quotes that relate to your failed relationship? We have rounded up 150+ failed relationship quotes, captions, status messages, sayings, and texts that you might relate to if you are going through a failed relationship with your romantic partner! 

  1. "Sometimes you don't need to hear excuses or what they have to say for themselves because their actions already spoke the truth." 
  2. "All failed relationships hurt, but losing someone who doesn't appreciate, love, and respect you is actually a gain, not a loss. Know your worth!" 
  3. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself by putting it back together." 
  4. "The more chances you give someone, the less respect they'll start to have for you. They'll begin to ignore the standards that you've set because they'll know another chance will be given. They're not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what, you won't walk away. They get comfortable with depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you." 
  5. "If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, you are with the wrong one." 
  6. "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." 
  7. "Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted make-up." 
  8. "Lies do not end a relationship; usually, the truth does." 
  9. "Breakup may sound like a failure, but staying together, cursing the darkness of a damned relationship is even more crippling." 
  10. "The hardest part is waking up in the morning, remembering what you were trying to forget last night." 
  11. "I'd rather be happy and alone than with you and miserable." 
  12. "One of the sweetest and bravest things that you can say after a failed relationship is I TRIED and move on."
  13. "Most relationships end because couples fight with pride more than they work with love."
  14. "Relationships fail because of trust issues, commitment issues, and communication issues." 
  15. "Relationships can be easy with proper care and love; instead, people choose regular ego. " 
  16. "When disrespect and insecurities grow, relationships fail." 
  17. "It's okay to get hurt once than let them hurt you continuously." 
  18. "Sometimes the best revenge is no revenge but to move on in your life and get to a better place." 
  19. "It's okay to cry; take your time but know when it's time to move on." 
  20. "It's your time to turn the page and start a brand new chapter." 
  21. "Learn to accept the past and move on with your present." 
  22. "Changes don't happen overnight; you have to get up and make one." 
  23. "Believe that everything happens for a reason." 
  24. "There's bravery in ending a relationship where you don't get the same love from the other person." 
  25. "It's okay to lose people until you're willing to lose yourself." 
couple fighting

Failing relationship quotes 

There's nothing sadder than a failing relationship, and it's even worse when you can't save it anymore. If you're going through a relationship downfall, here are some failing relationship quotes you might relate to: 

  1. "One of the hardest parts of life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder!" 
  2. "Sometimes you just have to be done. Not mad or upset, just done." 
  3. "The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained." 
  4. "Today, I saw something that reminded me of you. But don't worry, I flushed, and everything went back to normal." 
  5. "Just because the relationship ended doesn't mean the feelings did." 
  6. "Time heals nothing unless you move along with it." 
  7. "Happily ever after" is not a fairy tale. It's a choice. You have to put in the understanding, effort, and commitment if you want a relationship to last long!" 
  8. Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought would never hurt you." 
  9. "I failed in relationships because I don't know the ART OF LYING.
  10. "Not every relationship will end in a blissful marriage. It's better to have a failed and disappointing courtship than to have a failed and toxic marriage." 
  11. "Sometimes in a relationship, we fail to put two and two together because we want so much to keep one and one together." — Robert Brault 
  12. "Everybody is cheating, but nobody wants to be cheated on." – Rod Wave. 
  13. "It's okay to let go of things and know your worth." 
  14. "Many relationships fail because people don't know how to fix them exactly." 
  15. "Remember, if you truly loved each other, breaking up is not the answer."
  16. "Life goes on; if one door closes, another one opens." 
  17. "Every relationship has its own purpose."
  18. "It's okay if a relationship fails; don't let your self-respect fail, ever." 
  19. "Cry. forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness." — Steve Maraboli.
  20. "Girls, you've gotta know when it's time to turn the page." — Tori Amos. 
  21. "We teach people how to treat us." — Dr. Phil. 
  22. "Sooner or later, we've all got to let go of our past." — Dan Brown. 
  23. "Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for." — Mandy Hale. 
  24. "Every person that finally figured out their worth has picked up their suitcase of pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which landed in the valley of change." — Shannon L. Alder. 
  25. "Even seasonal situations can bring with them lessons that last a lifetime. If the love doesn't last, it prepares you for the one that will." — Mandy Hale. 

Relationship Fail Quotes

Relationship fail quotes give you a sense of closure within yourself when your partner has failed to do so. If you have recently ended a relationship, these relationships fail quotes may provide you with some relief: 

couple having a broken heart
  1. "Most relationships fail not because of the absence of love. Love is always present. It's just that one loves too much, and the other loves too little." 
  2. "I can't believe the person who made me laugh so much is the same person who is making me cry so much." 
  3. "People always think the most painful thing is to lose the one you love. But the most painful thing is to lose yourself and not even realize it until it's too late." 
  4. "Relationships fail because people take their own insecurities and twist them into their partner's flaws." — Baylor Barbee.
  5. "Sometimes we put up walls, not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to knock them down." 
  6. "Forgetting you, I tried, but I failed. Somehow, your scent and face are forever engraved in my heart." 
  7. "I tried—the sweetest thing you could ever say for a failed relationship." 
  8. "Sometimes I think that after so many failed relationships, I've turned stone cold and just can't trust again." 
  9. "When growing apart becomes better than growing together, the love still remains after a failed relationship." 
  10. "I consider myself an expert at failed relationships." 
  11. "Acceptance is power. If you have accepted things the way they are, you have already won." 
  12. "Failure doesn't mean the end of your life; instead, a wonderful start to another." 
  13. "Failure means you're progressing, so even when your relationship has failed, that actually means you deserve more than this." 
  14. "Relationships end, but they don't end your life. Still, people often spend more time finding out about failed relationships than finding successful ones." — Steve Martin. 
  15. "She realized when relationships failed to last; it was not because love was no longer present, but because people had stopped believing in themselves and in their partners." — Christina Westover. 
  16. "People should not judge failed love affairs as failed experiences but as part of the growth process. Something does not have to end well for it to have one of the most valuable experiences of a lifetime." — Ethel Person. 
  17. "In terms of relationships, I've had two failures though I don't like to call them failures; they are self-learning, and I cannot say I regret any of my relationships. I've always said, "I am a much-loved woman." — Kate del Castillo. 
  18. "Life has taught me that you can't control someone's loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, it doesn't mean they'll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, it doesn't mean they'll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most turn out to be the people you can trust the least." — Trent Shelton. 
  19. "If we knew how broken we would be after a failed relationship, we wouldn't have put in so much love." 
  20. "What hurts most is—everything was so beautiful in the start, and all we could do was enhance its beauty to perfection. But we moved forward without knowing each togetherness has its own coupled purpose. Know the purpose of every relationship." — Jeffery Kwakye 
  21. "You don't have to let that failed relationship be the thing that defines you."—   Jojo Moyes. 
  22. "The most difficult aspect of moving on is accepting that the other person already did." — Faraaz Kazi. 
  23. "Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got." — Robert Brault. 
  24. "A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want, but it won't go anywhere."
  25. "It is important that we forgive ourselves for past mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on." — Steve Maraboli. 

Inspirational Quotes about failed relationships 

It can be heartbreaking to go through a breakup when all you imagined was a long-lasting, fruitful relationship. But you must know "change is a necessity," and to go from one place to another, you need to move forward. 

picture of girls with hands making a size of a heart

Here are some inspirational quotes about failed relationships that will soothe your sad feelings and inspire you to move ahead! 

  1. "Someone who truly loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, and how hard you can be to handle but still wants you." 
  2. "When you're in a serious relationship, you'll have ups and downs. But talking things over is a better solution than throwing it all over." 
  3. "To couples—You're not gonna promise to each other that you will not disappoint one other because at some point you will. What is more important is that you don't go away, you don't escape, you don't leave one another just because you were disappointed. That's the meaning of fidelity." 
  4. "Closure happens right after you accept that letting go and moving on is more important than projecting a fantasy of how the relationship could have been." — Sylvester McNutt.
  5. "You end up in a failed relationship when you let others force their opinions on your connection. A relationship is between you and the person you're with. Stop letting outsiders plant their opinions on something they're not involved in. Focus on the person you're with, not the people who are trying to tear you apart." — Trent Shelton. 
  6. "Yes, love is all about sacrifice and compromise, but it's also important to establish a limit. You shouldn't have to throw your whole life away to make a relationship work. If you have to lose yourself to please your partner, you're with the wrong person." — Beau Taplin.
  7. "Vulnerability after a failed relationship is terrifying. The courage it takes to reveal your heart is one of the most daunting yet rewarding experiences in life. It will set you free." 
  8. "Most relationships fail because couples fight with pride more than they work with love." 
  9. "Successful relationships—high efforts and low expectations. Failed relationships—low efforts and high expectations." 
  10. "The majority of failed relationships are due to poor choices, ignoring signs, insecurities, and attitude." 
  11. "Don't be discouraged; every relationship you'll have is a failure until you find the right one. — Gillian Flynn
  12. "No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn't give you what you want, it taught you what you don't want."  
  13. "Sometimes a failed relationship is not always a loss; it can be a gain too." 
  14. "Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny." — Steve Maraboli. 
  15. "There's nothing worse than walking around and talking about your failed relationship, all day, every day, for months on end." — Max Greenfield. 
  16. "At the end of the day, what matters is how you see yourself."
  17. "The success or failure of any relationship depends not just on how we feel about each other but on how we make each other feel about ourselves. — Tonya Hurley
  18. "Let go of things because if you hold them tight, you're going to hurt in the end." 
  19. "Life is too short to worry about who stays and who doesn't belong in your life. Just keep living your life the way you want, and preserve the ones who stay!" 
  20. "You got yourself, and that's more than enough. In the end, the only person that truly stays is you, yourself." 
  21. "It's better not to be present when there's an absence of love."
  22. "It's finally time to let go and evolve. Let go of the failed relationship, past memories, unrealistic expectations, and evolve into the best version of yourself." 
  23. "If the other person doesn't make you happy, it's better to be alone and make yourself happy." 
  24. "Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life, you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow." — DLQ. 
  25. "Poisonous relationships can alter our perception. You can spend many years thinking you're worthless. But you're not worthless. You're just underappreciated." — Steve Maraboli. 

Best Quotes on Failed Relationships 

When a relationship is gradually failing, there are usually signs like an increase in disputes, blaming each other, spending time apart, name-calling, and many bad behaviors. If these problems are not addressed on time, a relationship will always fail. 

couple holding hands together

No matter who you decide to be with, if you do not know how to maintain a healthy relationship, you'll always get down to a failed relationship in the end. Here are some of the best quotes on failed relationships for you: 

  1. "It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on." — Nicholas Sparks. 
  2. "You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won't happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, 'I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am, I'm not going to let this get the best of me.' I'm moving on with my life." — Joel Osteen 
  3. "Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore; it's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself." — Deborah Reber. 
  4. "You'll find that it is necessary to let things go, simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. Quit tying weights to your ankles; it'll only make it difficult to move forward." — C.JoyBell C. 
  5. "Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?" — Mary Manin Morrissey 
  6. "Grudges are for those who insist that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on." — Criss Jami. 
  7. "If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind." — Shannon L. Alder
  8. "I mean, if the relationship can't survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term." — Nicholas Sparks. 
  9. "What's broken is broken, and I'd rather remember it as it was than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived." — Margaret Mitchell. 
  10. "Do yourself a favor and move on; the people that hurt you already have." — Fairy Forum
  11. "Love cannot live where there is no trust." — Edith Hamilton. 
  12. "A bad relationship can do that; it can make you doubt everything good you ever felt about yourself." — Dionne Warwick. 
  13. "The wrong person will give you less than what you're worth, but that doesn't mean that you have to accept it." — Sonya Parker. 
  14. "Problems in relationships occur because each person is concentrating on what is missing in the other person." — Wayne Dyer. 
  15. "Relationships never die a natural death. They are murdered by ego, attitude, and ignorance." 
  16. "Don't break up. Fix the problem. Start the romance again. Go on dates again. Work on winning each other over again. This is why there are so many failed relationships. If you love each other and are best friends, then breaking up is not the answer."
  17. "I learned something from a string of failed relationships. You don't see a pattern quickly. You see it over time. I learned to stop jumping in at the first sign of attraction. As soon as you're attracted to someone, you go for it – whether or not it's a good idea. Basically, just going out and getting laid." – James McAvoy.
  18. "Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over." 
  19. "Behind every successful relationship, there are selfless people. And behind every failed relationship, there are selfish people." 
  20. "Naive people always try to blame others for their constant heartbreak and failed relationships instead of looking in the mirror and re-evaluating themselves. It's YOU that needs to change!" 
  21. "I believe in the immeasurable power of love, that true love can endure any circumstances and reach across any distance." 
  22. "Relationships fail not because they are destined to fail. They fail because one of the two or both made a choice to give up." 
  23. "We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, and persistence." 
  24. "At the end of a failed relationship, you can either focus on what is tearing you apart or what's keeping you together." 
  25. "If you keep ending up with failed relationships, know that lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned."

Quotes for Failing Relationships

Going through another failed relationship when you have been trying your best can surely come off with lots of disappointment. If you're wondering why all my relationships have failed, you must realize that everything happens for a reason! 

couple cryinh

If you're ending up with a failed relationship every time you date someone, it simply means the right person for you is yet to enter your life. Here are some great quotes for failing relationships: 

  1. "Relationships end, but they don't end your life. You still have so much more to experience, and you'll surely come across the person who is meant to be with you." 
  2. "It's better to be healthy alone than being sick with someone." — Dr. Phil.
  3. "The season of relationship failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success; start making your life a beautiful garden by planting new habits." 
  4. "Always remember not to hurt your future partner because of the pain given from the past one; let time heal you."
  5. "Don't ask God to remove people from your life when he has given you the opportunity to say goodbye." 
  6. "Some people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together forever." 
  7. "There are no failed relationships. Every person and relationship in our lives has a life lesson to teach us." 
  8. "You could hurt me more than I deserved because I loved you more than what you deserved." 
  9. "When you realize you've gotten into a bad relationship, the best thing you can do is get out of it as soon as you can." 
  10. "Remember that every failed relationship brings an opportunity for self-growth and learning. Be grateful and move on." 
  11. "When you get taken for granted, don't change who you are. Just change who has access to who you are now." 
  12. "Remember, there's a purpose to every failed relationship. The purpose isn't to encourage you to lower your expectations, but to raise your standards." — Robert Tew
  13. "Learn to let go of things for your better self, for your better future." 
  14. "Sometimes we must undergo hardships, breakups, and narcissistic wounds, which shatter the flattering image that we had of ourselves, in order to discover two truths: that we are not who we thought we were and that the loss of a cherished pleasure is not necessarily the loss of true happiness and well-being." — Jeans-Yves Leloup. 
  15. "There is nothing more self-sabotaging than walking around and talking about your failed relationship, all day, every day, for months on end. Accept your reality and move on—it's the only way to be happy again." 
  16. "The moment you lower your expectations marks the beginning of the end of your relationship." 
  17. "My feelings for you were genuine and indestructible. But somehow, they couldn't reach your cold heart." 
  18. "Now that we've said goodbyes, you still own my lonely mind, and I dream about you all the time." 
  19. "If you take the hard facts of a failed relationship, it's pretty grim. But if you make an album out of it, and if the violins represent all the tears, you create something magical out of something very normal." 
  20. "If you behave in a manner that poisons your relationship, don't be surprised when it dies." — Steve Maraboli.
  21. "When you end up happily married, you'll understand even the failed relationships have worked beautifully to get you there." — Jula Roberts. 
  22. "You would not believe this, but someday you will realize that ending it was for the better of us." 
  23. "Staying alone and healthy is better than staying in the wrong relationship." 
  24. "Don't cling to a failing relationship just because you spent a lot of time making it." 
  25. "Sometimes I think that after so many failed relationships, I have turned stone cold and just can't trust again." 

Bottom Line 

Failed relationships are not the end of your life because every affinity is placed in your journey to teach you something. If you're going through a failed relationship, you must know that it is meant to be that way. 

Yet, if you're thinking, 'can a failed relationship work again?' the answer is yes. The only way to make a relationship work is by having enough knowledge (which you'll find here in Harness Magazine). You need to learn the ins and outs, dos and donts of a healthy relationship to get better at dating. 

A person with no knowledge about how to be a better partner will always end up with a failed relationship. Anyway, these were the best-failed relationship quotes that you can surely relate to. We hope you learn something new today! 

If you're looking for more quotes on failed relationships, comment below!


This is all temporary 

At least it’s what I like to believe 

I can’t seem to feel 

How did I become this bitter, negative person

That wasn’t who I was 

Can they tell… Can they tell how bitter I’ve become?

This is making me self conscious

Distancing myself even more from the person I was

AND the people around me


The thing is I was bitter before we all fell into temporary

Temporary for me is a survival mode

Technically the only way of living I know

It’s sad to say, but over the last decade, I have been living in several temporaries

They all have an average cycle of two to three years 

When this one will end I don’t know 

And if this one is the last one, probably not


Survival mode 

It’s a constant nudge telling me to be at guard 


All of the worries

Then you can ad all we are supposed to do, nonetheless all we are supposed to be

Now it gets tricky 

Juggling a ball of the uncontrollable, on top of the things that will lead to the end of the temporary


Man I’m tired

I want to feel the joy of buying a pumpkin and carve it out

I want to give gifts to everyone I meet

send postcards

take stupid photos of food at restaurants

and videos of the fire works on new years eve knowing I will probably never look at them ever

it is just not a priority

and THAT makes me bitter. 


I don’t cry

I do 

But I don’t

When you say you cried the whole time

I ask myself what’s wrong with me? 

Should I be worried? 


In all these cycles of temporaries I learn something new

And I've learned that I am me


I lied

I do feel

and I’m scared

scared for when temporary becomes permanent

Because when that day comes

will my bitterness leave with it?

I don’t know how to go home now. Not because it is not a home—because it is—only it does not tie my stomach into knots. It doesn’t detonate me with every creak in the floor. I don't shower in this place as if drowning in a creek, which runs south into the woods. There are less “woulds” here; they take longer to find here since they are camouflaged before the “like.” Licking butter off my white bread at the dining table  does not sizzle with blasphemy the way the trash bin used to treasure uneaten meals.

This garden—I mean this container of fresh fruit—does not swallow me before I chew it. I choose more fruit in this place. I chose the décor in this place. No one crosses my boundaries in my home. The air in winter is sometimes cold, though, so I turn heat on and don't sit across from Guilt. But there is Warm here; I don’t hear any dry heaving at night here. Hardly make anyone cries Sadness here. I learned to cry when I needed to. I learned how to feel anything other than Numb, am Happy in this place and it feels Good. Good, not "good enough, i guess"—just good.

That is scary to admit. that’s okay. New places—especially houses—are scary. so, I might not know how to go without fear. However, I know how to go home where I finally met Safe and Gentle.

Nearing the last breath of fall, the heat let us play pretend while surrounding trees decided when to sew their foliage into the ground’s seasonal blanket. I could tell they hadn’t made up their minds yet since most of the leaves clung to branches and teetered in the air, but slowly some of them were turning cinnamon brown, coating the grassy floor and crisping under our toes.

The landscape had submitted itself to ecstasy, each colour its most chromatic, the world so big and so small I could hold it in the palm of my hand. My greatest worries were that I couldn’t drink the sunset, and that while standing in a pumpkin patch, I thought that my friend, costumed in a bright orange cardigan, had turned into a pumpkin. Untethered from man-made instruments, light moved gently across the sky and over the garden to suggest that time still existed. When the sun finished smudging the horizon into melted crayons, we retreated into the safety of the cabin, cocooned by wooden walls, trying to make sense of their detachment from the trees outside.

All three of us knew something had shifted as we swam through the day with mycelium goggles, deducing meaning from each illusory frame of animation that had been created before our eyes. We sat triangulated on corners of the living room carpet to tell each other what we had seen outside, opening and closing portals of past lives to explain the magnitude of what had happened, both burdened and set free by each fleeting emotion.

I had read before how psychedelics activate neural pathways most agile in infancy, cleansing the world of impurities to project an untarnished reality through newborn eyes – something I once read Jia Tolentino describe as Edenic innocence. I hadn’t ever felt it until that night, but as I stared at my best friends and the full moon and my bowl of spaghetti with a childlike wonder, I was confounded by how it could all be so perfect.

When we started to return to our bodies, I felt a familiar stiffness. I had anticipated feeling a degree of claustrophobia while I relearnt the constraints of myself, but was unprepared for such a saturating discomfort. It seemed implausible that I had grown accustomed to existing in this body before: it ached everywhere, floated in a fugue state severed from my mind, resurfaced its scars, as if they were returning from a trip of their own.


I get asked about the scar sometimes – how it felt, what the pain was like – but my memory from the night of the surgery is lost in a cocktail of physiological shock and bubblegum-flavoured morphine. What I know to be true is less a result of anamnesis, and more from hearing the story enough times to have adopted its facts into my own consciousness.

At ten years old, I was aware of my physical limitations in an abstract sense, but the prospect of being confined by my body never occurred to me. Growing up as a dancer, I learned to process pain as a positive feat. Sore muscles and bruised skin were proof of the discomfort I could withstand, and this discomfort always held a purpose, a competition or recital requiring me to be strong and healthy. The pain that these expectations necessitated felt like such a small price to pay in order to dance, and so I spent years bartering my body for the greater outcome of feeling talented and useful, in turn assuming that it would always be there to protect me.

The morning after three bones snapped out of my skin, I woke up in the hospital. My memory had cut out in the ambulance, and I was told that surgeons had reconstructed my arm with a titanium rod and small metal pins in the middle of the night. Days passed full of flowers, visitors, and IV tubes, while I nursed the betrayal that my body, for the first time in my young life, had failed me. Until that night, my identity had been unequivocally defined in relation to dancing, my future built on promises broken in split seconds on a studio floor. To lose my ability to dance, my most resolute and defining truth, was to become a stranger to my body altogether.

I spent the next several years making peace with the corporal constraints from my acrobatic past life, learning how to go through the world with a new understanding of what I could and could not do, what I should and should not fear. I recovered almost completely, but the composure I once felt in my own skeleton had vanished into a world punctured with what ifs, nagging me with the cautionary tale of my titanium reality.


As synesthesia set in, mosaics of memories appeared before me, distant visions shapeshifting into senses and colours and sounds. Erykah Badu’s voice softened into clay and the wind looked like music notes and we coalesced into its milky symphony, an orchestral heart beating through different planetary dimensions, expanding across the velvet sky and swallowing us into its hallucinated harmony.

While we lay on the carpet telling each other stories, I recalled other times my body felt this weightless and uncontaminated, like picking raspberries with my dad at the side of a river in the summer when I was three, or the first time I thought I knew what love felt like in the middle of a snowstorm. As nostalgia painted these apparitions of the past, I wondered why that naive freedom felt so withdrawn now, why I felt constantly homesick for my body. Slowly, one memory I’d tried to expunge from my extraterrestrial trip seeped into the night’s hazy subconscious, and a fragmented revelation became clear.


Like almost every girl I know, I’d had bad experiences before, ones that oscillated between established consent and lack thereof, causal of anxieties disproportionate to any satisfaction they obtained. My role as a dancer and as a young woman, I thought, required that submissive tolerance, an unwavering ability to subject myself to pain for some purpose more significant than me. In the time since my injury, I had become more concerned with how my body performed than how it felt, dressing it in movement that didn’t belong to me to evade the cementing separation between being a kid who unapologetically carved out space to move through life, and a girl whose fear of failing to meet expectations depleted her barometer to understand when discomfort was no longer self-serving.

Years later, high from dancing adrenaline and recreational antidotes, my body began to move back in sync with me, pulled into the kind of transient salvation Tolentino told me about in her book. It all suggested that I had graduated from the limitations created by my fractured form, into anatomy I had some divine new control over – and I didn’t know how wrong I could be proven.

Despite the particulars escaping me when I woke up, the realization of what had happened was the most excruciating pain I’d felt, the gravity of everything and nothing superseding me at once. I was engulfed by trying to make sense of it: my lingering childhood determination to find fruitfulness from pain worked against my better instincts to accept how little meaning could be extracted from what he had done to me relative to how profoundly it hurt.

Unlike past experiences where I assumed that some external outcome would negate any personal turmoil, I knew then that my own slippery threshold had been forcefully, virulently crossed. This time there was no pay off to justify the pain, no upcoming performance to make it worthwhile. Without stage lights or ballet shoes, it was just me, left alone to suffer the consequences of actions that were not my own, with no way out of my body.


These two events, disparate in almost every way, have kindred timelines to me, stripping formative periods in my life with sobering reminders of my body's innate fragility. In their immediate aftermaths, I dipped in and out of consciousness for days, waited in hospitals for physical exams, worked tirelessly to piece together details of what happened on either night that I haven’t been able to extricate from memory. Later, I spent a lot of time in stillness and silence, reassessing my relationship to the outside world, questioning the authority I had over what happened to my body, knowing, intuitively, that the worst parts of recovering were yet to come.

Some primal contradiction between my bodily autonomy and lack thereof was realized in the extremities of each circumstance. I felt both uncompromising in my smallness and uncertain of my culpability. Had I been powerless over a cosmic chance of falling while practicing backflips, hopelessly sacrificial to the hungry ego of an insatiable man, or was there a predictable and self-inflicted pain – of being an athlete, of being a girl – at their cores?


Before our highs subsided, we walked back out under the stars to see the world in vain once more. I cried about the colour of the sky and the impending worry of coming back to myself, of existing concretely among linear space and time. After morphing back from pumpkin to person, my friend sat down on the porch, looked up at me with glassy-eyed conviction, and whispered “being a young woman in the world is just figuring out how to be in your body”.

In that moment I understood my fear as not knowing how to protect the vessel that carries me through life, as discerning what it hates or needs or is receptive to, as making peace with its capabilities and its constraints. I realized I’d been culturally primed to assume agency in my experience and my articulation of pain: to think I was at fault for not spot-checking my gymnastics mat, or for ingesting substances that I knew could put me in a vulnerable position. It ultimately felt natural to blame myself for things my body had been through, and was decidedly harder to accept them as symptoms of a reality over which I had little control.

Eventually, I started to understand these experiences as distinctly separate in shaping my life. Injuries are sometimes inevitable while assault never should be, and collating a childhood accident with a deliberately violent intrusion of personal boundaries sometimes feels trivial at best, irresponsible at worst. But comparing the two has never been about the severity of what happened, rather about the ways they forced me outside of my body when I thought I could rely on it the most, how they violated the trust I placed in my environment and why, by extension, I thought my own weaknesses were to blame.


Shortly after that day, the mid-autumn heat wave turned into a cold November, and the rest of the cinnamon leaves decided to bury themselves under wet snow for the foreseeable months. We adjusted to a slower life in those following weeks, mirroring seasonal changes as the city’s streets became quiet and desolate, creating routines as biblical rites for winter survival.

I reread Tolentino’s essay about drugs and religion, asking if she knew how to convert the plasticity of my mycelium mind into tangible, sober guidance; wondering if there was any distinctive difference between either kind of noetic or spiritual deliverance. I highlighted a part which read that we don’t need to re-experience our psychedelic revelations to believe in them, to be sure that something inside of them is real.


A part of me changed on that day in the fall. That I had been depriving myself from acknowledging the pain I was in didn’t register until I experienced a world free of afflictions, in awe of how vibrant colours and feelings and sounds became when they were no longer muted by reality. Surrendering pieces of myself that were taken on those nights had once seemed like the only way to cope, until it essentially dawned on me after eating mushrooms in a field that I had the sovereignty to reclaim them.

Despite this mycological panacea, dancing has never been as liberating as it was before; candidly, neither has sex. My wrist bones still shift and crack during certain exercises, and I flinch when I see men on the street who look at all like him. I’m learning I can’t eject the pain held in my body, that I have to accept its cautions as terms and scars as conditions.

Mostly, I know now that psilocybin-induced euphoria could never have offered me an eternal comfort. Hallucinated exultations can’t change the biological truth that my body is not invincible, nor the social fabrics which have shaped how I experience the world in it. But it did show me visceral proof that moments of salvation, however fragile and fleeting, are possible. That trip captured a microcosm of a world I’d been missing, one effervescent with fluorescent sunsets, brimming with an innocent promise of healing. One in which I didn’t have to barter my body into pain in order to see or feel or touch something beautiful.

I don’t have to re-experience that to understand how real it was.